Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

76 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-20 09:31 ID:Heaven


>Those companies, with their employees, what would they do if the suicide-rate would drop to zero?

Right, they would be wihtout a job then!

That is absurd, you assume the number of job positions remain the same forever? Companies grow and create job opportunities, new businesses equal more jobs. Suicide does not solve unemployment, there are more graduates than there are suicides.

>Even if wars for example are somthing the majority detests, without them, whole industries would be gone and many many people without any jobs.

Without war, there would be no rebuilding, nothing just way to more and more of a stagnation.

You are clearly delusional. Without wars there will still be a military, no jobs are being lost. War does not always equal rebuilding, it's people's effort that equals progress.

The only good thing to come out of suicide is less depressed and unproductive people, so yes, it isn't so selfish if that's the case, but as long as the action of suicide hurts or deprives someone else personally of emotional or any other consequences, it amounts to selfishness. If you really have to do it, just don't leave a mess for someone to clean it up, do it privately.

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