Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

84 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-20 16:03 ID:0j1EvC6f

Don't worry too much, you're probably a cool person... the types that had no friends and were always alone in highschool more often that not are really unique people with interesting minds.
You'll probably develop interests in things other than manga/anime as time goes by.
Why don't you take things one step at a time... make yourself go have coffee at a cafe once a fortnight, or something to start out.
I've met a few women in my time who I thought belonged in some manga or anime... not many, but there out there.


I find those questions interesting. Whether or not to turn away from the plight of the world in order to live a happy life... I don't think it's wrong to do that either, but I do think it's a bad idea if you're strong enough not to. After doing something like that, i'm sure my pride and sense of self worth would be forever horribly damaged. And the world needs people who are trying to change it for the better, or even just caring, sooo badly.

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