Right, Squeeks is going (222)

137 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-30 18:20 ID:U1RD3Xdh


I don't think any conclusions were really made, but there was progress and some clarifications. Let's see, what I got from it was:

1: The current system is pretty good.

2: In the future, the users will be able to be more involved, being able to report threads they think are bad and give their input on other issues. Some ideas on how to let the users be more involved may be borrowed from 2ch and the users themselves.

3: One of Squeeks's friends might continue hosting 4-ch (for free?), or with us paying for (some?) of it and him doing server-side stuff, or blackmage might be able to, or it might be ran on donations and ads. Possible AD options and donation methods are being thought of. All of this is still in consideration.

4: Possible future moderators are Sakurina, iLove5X52g, BlackMage, Shii. Anonymous/unknowns never had a chance. :p
Possible is stressed since current staff and perhaps the users will have a part in this choice.

Also, who the mods are shouldn't really matter, as hopefully they will be as stealth as a ninja. All that matters is that they do a good job helping to make 4-ch more like the users want it. If Moot himself was nominated it wouldn't really matter, as long as he did a good job.

5: Coders are wanted to help enhance and add more features to Kareha, as well as help do other things, such as maybe develop our own wiki.

(Cruise control)

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