Right, Squeeks is going (222)

23 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-26 01:58 ID:/I92uHhp


> The only moderation I've really noticed is spam deletion and spamlist updates.

That's probably about right; I don't remember where exactly but I read somewhere that mods are like janitors, just cleaning up where necessary, but not really making any judgment calls. Of course some judgment is required to even do that... I check the site frequently, so I too would be willing to step up as a janitor if more are needed.

There are the rules, of course, but some of them are obviously guidelines and aren't really usually enforced (since there isn't much need to). http://4-ch.net/rules.html

I'm a little worried about the whole "team" idea, and would be apprehensive about the wakachan style of different people hosting different boards. I don't know, I could be paranoid, but I'm worried that it will end up creating a new community, of the people who run the site, and that these people will consider the actual users secondary. My ideal would be for some other quiet, clear-headed person to take over, and keep everything about the same as it is now (maybe rearrange the categories in the board list, though). Actually I totally agree with >>8, really.

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