Right, Squeeks is going (222)

33 Name: Jay 2006-01-26 04:35 ID:/cRA3eiE

Before I comment on people individually, I think a good suggestion is to have a meeting on IRC.

>>15 Wikipedia does this sort of idea. Group of people + majority influence from community decide what goes on, and the techs who look after it all are entrusted with access, root password etc.

>>19 Actually when I said less than 40%, I really mean quite less. Less than 50Gb/month. I was too asleep writing that to be bothered to get accurate figures, sorry.

>>30 Maybe it isnt to you, but remember this is not shared hosting like dreamhost offers. This is an allocated server, root access, etc. This is one of the cheapest plans out there for a dedicated server.

4-ch moderators : I know you lot don't really like anouncing your identities to the internet, but you do realise that everyone is going to find out sooner or later?

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