Right, Squeeks is going (222)

76 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-27 21:22 ID:Heaven

As for mods: They will proabbly have to consist of known "tripfags."


Because, who would elect someone that they knew nothing about as a mod? You know the "tripfags" and what to think/expect of them, and they have a reputation to protect. Wherein anonymous people are just... anonymous. Ya see what I'm sayin?

The only way anonymous could really help out is by reporting stuff... or perhaps by voting on issues, and if it gets a certain number of votes it will be pulled out... but there's no way that anonymous could do the actual moderation (although known people being anonymous can!) without adding additional software features, like adding the ability for a thread to be automatically deleted after so many posts, or adding the ability to revert thread to a previous state (a la wikipedia) so that there could be actual anonymous moderators.

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