Female Otaku (443)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-06-14 12:39 ID:NIvfFMds

So guys... do you guys know many femal Otaku?
Do you even date one??
I got a otaku-girlfriend, she also draws doujinshi.
Shes more like a doujin-otaku.
I'm an Anime, Manga & Game Otaku.
What Otaku-types match the most?? i really wonder...

your turn.

432 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2009-07-06 12:48 ID:P4xH8fKV


You're so right.

433 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2009-07-17 02:03 ID:JN6lkKhT

Konata Izumi!

435 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2009-08-27 11:48 ID:OfHiQAZS

I am a male eroge otaku. I seriously doubt that the 3D world will be able to meet my expectations.

436 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2009-08-28 00:10 ID:ku0hFcu7

Most of my female friends are otaku, and most of them are the cute kind who glomp people a lot.

437 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2009-08-30 00:40 ID:Q+ZOJ2yV


  1. Waifu = wife. Unless you're a lesbian, it'd be a bit fucked up.
  2. Otaku girls are usually fat or ugly. There was a nice bunch of them at my old HS. 2 of them were fucking hot with nice juicy tits and great asses, but the rest of them were textbook uggos. I mean really fucking ugly. If you get a hot one, good for you, but i wouldn't limit my options to just otaku girls.

438 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2009-08-31 13:16 ID:AFnOMdqw

My first post-high school girlfriend was an otaku, I actually met her through the campus anime club. Bad decision, dumb as a brick. Nice boobies, though. :D

439 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2010-01-11 19:44 ID:xtsGLXEh

laled at 438 replies

440 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2010-01-18 06:55 ID:fg9rB7b5

What, and the male otaku aren't usually fat and ugly as well? Most interactions I see among anime fans online convince me that geeks are bitter dicks who hate women. If I ever see signs that a dude likes anime, I'm running for the hills. Shared hobbies are nice and all, but I'd rather have a man who wasn't silently comparing me to some 2-D corporate designed bitch all the time.

441 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2010-01-18 11:36 ID:EFGXMiPl

Goddamnit, could you please not bump the thread?

442 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2010-01-18 11:37 ID:Heaven

And this is the second time that I forgot to use sage while complaining about people not using sage.
I hate myself.

443 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2011-08-25 17:51 ID:kclxQuwd

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