( ´ω`) Grandpa (v2.0) (1018)

271 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4441 16:48 [no]

( ´ω`) Kiddo, I've been meaning to tell you - I'm actually Darkpa II.

(`ハ´)Do you remember post >>741 on the first Grandpa thread?

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 /   ( /_/  |( ´ω`)     \   ミ     ・,‘ r⌒>  _/ /
     ヽ ミ  .|ヽ,-  ⌒ヽ. ,_   ミ   ,i      ’| y'⌒   ⌒i
       ̄| ミ   ノ|ヽ Y|三)  ヽ  .|       |  /  ノ |
       |  |   / \_ノ    |ミ  ij       , ー'  /´ヾ_ノ
       ヽ ヽ  |         |  |i       / ,  ノ
        "ー、  |        |   ノ     / / /
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            ヽ ヽ    // /   /   /|  |
            /   )    / /    !、_/ /   〉
           / /    /           |__/
          |  |

(`ハ´)Your foolish Grandpa may have thought to have defeated me then, but I was reincarnated as Darkpa II by the powers of DQN! Then, I spiked his tea in >>894 of the same thread:

  ( ´ω`) Silly n00b
  ( つ旦O

  ( ´◎`)
  ( ゙ノ ヾ
   _, ._
  ( ´ω`) Wait, what...
  ( つ旦O
   _, ._
  ( ´ω`)
  ( つ O. __
  と_)_) (__()、;.o:。
      _ _  ξ
    (´   `ヽ、     __
  ⊂,_と(    )⊃  (__()、;.o:。HAX

(`ハ´)Your precious "Grandpa" has long been dead since then! It was then I pretended to be your Grandpa. Slowly but surely, I was becoming less and less funny and thus more people lost interest in this thread. It is already too late! There's no more hope for your "Grandpa" or much less YOU, Junior!

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