( ´ω`) Grandpa (v2.0) (1018)

410 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4452 05:42 [no]

(`ハ´)Foolish Grandpa, ignorant Junior, and absent-minded Clonepa! I'm Darkpa III, self-claimed master of disguise! I'll always come back bigger and stronger and--

(`ハ´)<(・∀・ ) prod

( `ハ´)(・∀・) Darkpa, though all that ass-kicking that went on recently between you and Grandpa was cool and stuff, we don't need another couple dozen scenes of action sequences. Not yet, anyway. Return in like, >>600+ or so, or start asking Grandpa questions.

(`ハ´)... Questions, huh. Okay, I got one.

(`ハ´)Grandpa, how do I get laid without crossdressing?

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