ITT we say something nice about the poster above us (302)

1 Name: !YsP554yc3s 1993-09-4559 18:51 [no]


2 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 19:05 [no]

>>1 smells good :)

3 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 19:05 [no]

Was my first friend.

4 Name: !YsP554yc3s 1993-09-4559 19:05 [no]

>>2 is the result of a broken condom.

5 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 19:06 [no]

oh man totally RUINED

6 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 19:06 [no]


7 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 19:46 [no]

This thread was doomed to be a failure right from the start.

>>6 swears nicely.

8 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 20:40 [no]

>>7 has it right.

9 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 20:48 [no]

>>8 knows how to pick up the pieces and get a thread back on track. That's a rare and beautiful talent.

10 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 20:49 [no]

>>9 is not really fat and stupid, he just seems that way sometimes.

11 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:01 [no]

>>10 is quite good at masking his insults in the guise of praise.

12 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:11 [no]

Seems to be a very analytical and straightforward who acts on gentle and true intentions.

13 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 1993-09-4559 21:16 [no]

>>12 is on my good side, for now.

14 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:34 [no]

>>13 fought most valiantly against the vippers.

15 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:37 [no]

>>14 is very good at sucking

16 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:42 [no]

>>15 's cheeky irreverence delights my troubled mind

17 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:45 [no]

I would be proud to be >>16 's parent.

18 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:54 [no]

>>17 Can marry my daughter any day of the week

19 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 21:59 [no]

>>18 is a nice old lady, just don't mind her talking to all of her cats

20 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 22:00 [no]

>>18 is a wonderful parent for supporting lesbian marriage.

21 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 22:00 [no]

>>19-20 are daft but fun.

22 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 22:03 [no]

>>21 made me blush like a schoolgirl.

23 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 22:10 [no]

>>22 is really hot when blushing like a schoolgirl

24 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 22:14 [no]

>>23 Genuinely was just looking for change in his pocket when he was caught outside that girls' school

25 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 22:45 [no]

>>24 wasn't, but we still love him.

26 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4559 22:58 [no]

>>25 is so cute when he puts his tongue in his cheek.

27 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 01:22 [no]

>>26 posted the original KAWAII DESU NE

28 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 01:33 [no]

>>27, have you lost weight?

29 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 02:11 [no]

>>28 really knows how to make people feel good

30 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 03:33 [no]

>>29 Lookin' gooooooood...

31 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 06:46 [no]

>>30 good job posting at 3:33 ( ^-^)b

32 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 07:08 [no]

>>31 good job not posting at 6:66! That would've been bad.

33 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 07:10 [no]

>>32 good job posting at 07:08! You didn't hit snooze on your alarmclock!

34 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 08:08 [no]

>>33's post convinced me go to bed and get a good night's sleep

35 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 12:42 [no]

>>34 sleeps well!

36 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 16:00 [no]

Sometimes, i just like to sit there and watch >>35 sleep

37 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 16:32 [no]

I'm not a doctor, but I think >>36 is spreading a fatal disease called love.

38 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 16:34 [no]

>>37 makes such excellent diagnoses!

39 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 19:39 [no]

>>38 is not a lawyer

40 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 19:52 [no]

>>39 nearly always turns his cellphone off at the opera

41 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 19:55 [no]

>>40 always leaves the seat down

42 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 19:57 [no]

>>41 is always willing to lend a girl in need a tampon.

43 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 20:08 [no]

>>42 is quite the decent dude

44 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4560 20:42 [no]

>>43 would become hard gay to please his girlfriend.

45 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 00:14 [no]

>>44 is adored by women worldwide

46 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 05:03 [no]

>>45 is adored by men worldwide

47 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 06:00 [no]

People throw roses wherever >>46 walks

48 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 07:10 [no]

People remember to cut off the thorns first for >>47

49 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 09:49 [no]

>>48 is witty

50 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 10:35 [no]

>>49 is a bishie

51 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 10:36 [no]

>>50 is glompable

52 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4561 11:32 [no]

>>51 is my first love

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