>>2 was voted Most Likely To Die of a Terminal Spaz Attack in high school.
Ironically enough, >>8 fucked Old Ike Thomas up the ass.
Sadly for >>9, Old Ike Thomas wanted to return the "favor"
Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down, and I liked to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you how >>10 became the queen of a board called DQN.
Sixty years ago, >>10 worked in what was once his grandfather's greenhouses. Gramps had died a year earlier and Grandma, now in her seventies had been forced to sell to the competition. >>10 got a job with the new owners and mostly worked the range by himself. That summer, they hired a man to help >>10 get the benches ready for the fall planting.
Ike always looked like he was three days from a shave and his whiskers were dirty white, shaded by the brim of his battered felt fedora.
He did not chew tobacco but the corners of his mouth turned down in a way that, at any moment, >>10 expected a trickle of thin, brown juice to creep down his chin. His bushy, brown eyebrows shaded pale, gray eyes.
The old-timer extended his hand, lifted his leg like a dog about to mark a bush and let go the loudest fart >>10 ever heard. The old fellow then winked at >>10, "Ike Thomas is the name and playing pecker's my game."
>>10 thought he said, "Checkers." >>10 was nineteen, green as grass. >>10 said, "I was never much good at that game."
"Now me," said Ike, "I just love jumping men ..."
"I'll bet you do."
"... and grabbing on to their peckers," said Ike.
"I thought we were talking about ..."
"You like jumping old men's peckers?"
>>10 shook his head.
"I reckon we'll have to remedy that." Ike lifted his right leg and let go another tremendous fart. "He said, "We best be getting to work."
That summer of 1941 was a more innocent time. >>10 learned most of the sex he knew from those little eight pager cartoon booklets of comic-page characters going at it. Young men read them in the privacy of an outside john, played with themselves, by themselves and didn't brag about it. Sometimes, we got off with a trusted friend and helped each other out.
Under the greenhouse glass, the temperature some times climbed over the hundred degree mark. >>10 had worked stripped to the waist since April and was as brown as a berry. On only his second day on the job and in the middle of August, Ike wore old fashioned overalls. Those and socks in his high-top work shoes was every stitch he wore. When he bent forward, the bib front billowed out and >>10 could see the white curly hairs on his
chest and belly.
"Me? I just love to eat pussy!" Ike licked his lips from corner to corner then sticking his tongue out far enough that the tip could touch the end of his nose. He said, A man's not a man till he knows first hand, the flavor of a lady's pussy."
"People do that?"
He winked. "Of course the taste of a hard cock ain't to be sneezed at neither. Now you answer me, yes or no. Does a man's cock taste salty or not?"
"I never ..."
"Well, old Ike's willing to let you find out."
"No way."
"Just teasing," said Ike. "But don't give me no sass or I'll show you my ass." He winked. "Might show it to you anyway, if you was to ask."
"Why would I do that?"
"Curiosity, maybe. I'm guessing you never had a good piece of man ass."
"I'm no queer."
"Now don't be getting judgmental. Enjoying what's at hand ain't being queer. It's taking pleasure where you find it with anybody willing." Ike slipped a hand into the side slit of his overalls and I could tell he was fondling and straightening out his cock. "Now I admit I got me a hole that satisfied a few guys."
>>10 swallowed, hard.
Ike winked. "Care to be asshole buddies?"
>>22 spams stickies on /a/ to seem "hip" and "cool"
>>25 goes to 7chan, because it's supposedly so much less retarded than 4chan
>>26 goes to 4-ch, because it's supposedly so much more metal than 7chan
>>30 is the only person on myspace who is not tom's friend.
>>39 is the man without fear, mostly due to the lobotomy he received at the state mental institution.
>>1-44 are morons.
>>46 can't tell if the object is plural or singular.
>>48 has graduated from being a mere tattle-tale into a full time snitch
>>49 missed a small, but not completely insignificant, GET
>>52 is a woman, but pretends she isn't by acting macho
>>54 is willing this thread to fall off the front page of /dqn/.
>>55 knows about 20 different mangas with a sakura chan as the main character.
>>62 is insulting us from the burn unit, after he tried it.
>>65 engages in regular earsex
>>67 posted ads in his paper trying to find someone to have earsex with, but got no responses.
>>68 knew the right paper to advertise in, and got several
>>77 has a fetish for the word "mittens" but, sadly has a morbid fear of the actual thing.
>>87 is a VIPSTAR
>>90 wishes he was 'bold' and 'extreme' instead of 'mild' and 'eccentric'
>>92 wishes 'he' had a penis so he could stick it into every salsa jar in the mexican restaurant 'he' frequents.
>>93 is a smelly, dumb, beaner scum working illegally in a Mexican restaurant
>>100 directed his insult to the wrong person, and was an exceptionally shitty 100GET to boot.
>>105 has the dream of one day become a man (but he'll never achieve that feat)
>>107 is the scumsucking lawyer aiding the case against 2channel.
love is as unreachable for >>108 as the fifth dimension.
and hello, guitar otoko
and daily sage
>>112 likes to sage because it makes the pain go away.
Posts at regular timed intervals ITT, but shares a name with others, to appear as somebody with an erattic internet connection.
>>115's tragic affliction with Tourette's syndrome causes him to hit his enter key at inappropriate moments.
>>117 is still looking for the "eleven" button on the telephone
The poster above us is retarded.
>>126 doesn't know that quarter of the way GETs don't count
>>128 is hardly one to be criticising the olfactory abilities of others
>>135's grasp of the idea behind this thread is as shaky as his grammar.
>>144 puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again
>>147 thinks he's James Bond for ordering milk stirred, not shaken.
>>148 thinks he's a James Bond villian because everyone calls him Stinkfinger
>>164 dresses according to amish rules, is still hated by them. You got the part about 'all the way to the ankles' part right with your dress. However, amish measure this from the waist down.
>>166 thinks that peoples' ankles suddenly change position when you measure them from the waist.
If >>171's mother was a collection class, her insert method would be public. 0h sn4p! Yeah I stole it from bash? So what? STFUN
>>172 lacks the mental capacity to make up his own insults.
I have a question.
What does "ITT" mean?
ITT means "In This Thread", >>174. Christ, you're thick.
>>175 Intelligent Topics Topic. Thats what ITT is all about, numbskull.
>>187 bans smells - a 'smell dictator ' who rules the realm of smells with an iron fist and no mercy. A smell-tator if you will.
>>194 Vagisiled his purchase at Wal-mart (and was asked to leave).
>>195 Walmartified his vagisilesque purchase, which was half of a dead lemur.
>>199 is a retard or something, I'm the fucking batman.
>>203 fucks himself 5 times a day (futa! futa! fap fap fap!)
>>204 "mistakenly" ends up in /d/ when he goes to visit /b/.
Would happily produce the content for such a production
>>208 wouldn't watch it, because it would all be reruns to him.
>>209 wouldn't watch it either, since she starred in every episode.
>>211 wouldn't watch /d/tv either, as it would only serve to remind him of how he doesn't measure up.
>>215 is not thoughtlessly cruel; for he is incapable of thinking at all.
>>219 uses DQN for thinly veiled political commentary.
>>220 skips the politics and simply comments on everything else.
>222 is a political pundit and Fox "News" Correspondent
>>225 practices sounding like Yoda for hours on end, every day.
>>228 skips the yodeling and just wears the Lederhosen
>>232 is an African child who wishes he could get some of that nutritious cream.
Is an American adult, who still wishes for said cream.
>>238 accomplishes his motto by fucking prepubescent children.
daily sage
>>243 is
>>246 is just trying to push the wonderful movie off of the board. What a bastard.
>>248,249,250 are all grammarians.
>>252 used a telegram to tell his grandma about his grammar
>>259 feels this is important to inform everyone of, due to an obsessive disorder
>>260 is a perverted old doctor who has a hard-on for psychology
>>261 learned everything he knows about psychology from evangelion
>262 watched evangelion and liked it
>>274 is too dumb to make money off of his future-seeing abilities.
>>276 is so fat that when God made him, he broke the mold.
>>278 sucks dick like the rest of those "travel back in time to retrieve a peice of ancient 1970's technology" time travelers
no u
>>281 owns an IBM 5100
>>287 is just another redundant cheesy christmas decoration on sale at deep discount.
uh, how do I link to another thread
>>296 doesn't know how to link to another thread.
and Lor d_T hinktank doesnt either
Uso da! You lie! Well then, press the emergency mittens button again. That won't get rid of them but will at least halt them in mid air. If that still bugs the hell out of you, install that extension which allows you to choose to remove any object that you right click on.
>>303 is just a standard anime fan who just watches only the "popular" stuff.
washi wa inuyashi daiski desss, ne? ne? >>304?
washi wa inuyasha daiski desss, ne? ne? >>304?
>>305-306 should really quit taking those tablets he found behind the toilet.
>>307 should stop looking in the toilet's behind,or people's behinds or (while we are at it ) , dog's behind for that matter.
>>309 thought good hygiene would make his ugly visage look attractive.
>>310 is an ugly girl with poor hygiene
>>314 is such a nice man that he can't even get girls but because he's an atheist he ends up in the 6th level of hell regardless.
>>317 actually believes this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68WBSM0-_HE
>>317 actually believes this: http://4-ch.net/dqn/
>>318 actually believes this: http://4-ch.net/dqn/
obviously recorded the whole incident and faps to it bi-monthly
In 1945, a >>332 named ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ came over to America in a grey boat from Africa. A mysterious insulter killed >>332 by cutting the word "SAGE" into her back. now that you have read this measge >>332 will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you follow these directions:
as a devout christian, >>333 needs to keep referring to voodoo to justify his faith.
as a devout voodoo, >>334 needs to keep referring to christian to justify his faith
as a voodoo faith, >>335 needs to keep justifying to devout to refer his christian
>>337 does an obscure style of voodoo that about six people have heard about, because he's a prick
>>338 does a little dance, makes a little love, gets down tonight.
... with HILARIOUS results.
>>339 was the result of two minutes of not-so-hot voodoo love.
>>340 replies to tripfags
>>342 defies the supremacy of this thread. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!
>>352 has a laugh that sounds like a cross between a hyena and a machine gun.
>>354 is same person, a panda, and individualistic because oppai doesn't work, didn't 354get, etc.
>>359's starsign is 'A-poo-rius', or possible, 'Taurus the Poo'
>>360 insists on having an identity on this BBS, because he thinks it makes him so much cooler, and pretty soon will be demanding an avatar.
>>362 will unfortunately stink up the place for a while yet.
Any similarity between >>369 and a human is purely coincidental!
Anyone who told >>370 to be herself couldn't have given you worse advice.
Are >>370's parents siblings?
As an outsider, what does >>370 think of the human race?
Better at sex than anyone; now all >>370 needs is a partner.
Calling >>370 stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
Did >>370's parents ever ask >>370 to run away from home?
Does >>370 ever wonder what life would be like if >>370'd had enough oxygen at birth?
Does >>370 want people to accept >>370 as >>370 is or does >>370 want them to like you?
Doesn't >>370 have a terribly empty feeling - in >>370's skull?
Does >>370 still love nature, despite what it did to >>370?
Doesn't >>371 need a license to be that ugly?
Every girl has the right to be ugly, but >>371 abused the privilege!
Go ahead, tell them everything >>371 knows. It'll only take 10 seconds.
Has >>371 considered suing >>371's brains for non-support?
>>371 has a mind like a steel trap - always closed!
>>371 is living proof that man can live without a brain!
>>371 is the kind of a man that you would use as a blueprint to build an idiot.
>>371's not stupid; >>371's possessed by a retarded ghost.
Here's 25 cents. Call all >>371's friends and bring back some change!
Hi! I'm a human being! What is >>371?
How did >>371 get here? Did someone leave >>371's cage open?
I'd like to see things from >>371's point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
>>373 wouldn't recognize copypasta if it bit him on the arse
>>374 is woefully ignorant of 4ch terminology. Kopipe motherfucker, ever heard of it?
>>376 likes to say ですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですですです but forgot that Souseiseki always ends sentences with desu and doesn't start them off with desu.
>>383 needs to decide whether he wants to be right, or whether he wants to be happy.
>>388 will be smote by our lord savior Jesus Christ, cast down in hell by our Father who art in Heaven and impregnated by the Holy Ghost.
daily sage
>>396 shall be smitten for making this thread more shitty than it already was!
>>399 can't find his ass with both hands operating an electronic ass-finding machine.
>>400 is the inventor of the electronic ass-finding machine.
>>401 would have a use for an electronic ass-finding machine, if you know what I mean.
>>402 has to make uncomplicated things sound complicated.
Is jealous because he can never find any donkeys.
>>406 plugs the donkey, when he should be spanking the monkey.
>>407 needs to plug his donkey to the wall before it'll work
>>411 came up with a crappy game called Donkey Pong. Nintendo laughed all the way to the bank when they relased Donkey Kong.
( ´ω`) excuse me, where was my thread again?
>>419 fell for this.
Attn: Sir/ Madam,
May I crave your indulgence to open this business discussion by a formal letter of this sort. It is pertinent that a business of this magnitude should have commenced properly with a formal meeting of you and us to enable us know ourselves, have a fore knowledge of the nature of the business, discuss and acquaint ourselves with the responsibilities and functions of parties concerned, and appropriate sharesaccordingly. However, for time factor, confidentiality and personality of people involved here in Nigeria, we choose this approach for the remittance of this Ten Million, Five Hundred Thousand, U.S. Dollars (US$10.5M). Please bear with us for making the initial contact through e-mail. But my partners are insisting for a meeting in order not to fall into a wrong hand again.
I am Mr. Oloongo Baruarodo, we are members of the special committee for Budget and Planning of the Ministry of Petroleum. This committee is principally concerned with contract appraisal and the approval of the contracts in order of priorities as regards capital projects of the past military government of Nigeria.With our positions, we have successfully secured for ourselves this sum of Ten Million, Five Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars (US$10.5M).
This amount was accumulated through undeclared windfall sales of crude oil during the gulf war. Hence together with two of our top officials at the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), we plan to transfer this amount of money into a secure verseasaccount by awarding a sort of contract from the NNPC.To this effect I have been given the mandate by my colleagues to contact you and ask foryour assistance.What we need from you is to provide a nice account inwhich the funds will be transferred.
My colleagues and I have agreed to compensate you or the owner of the account used for this transaction with 25% of thetotal amount remitted. We shall have 70% and the remaining 5% reserved for taxes and other miscellaneous expenses in your country. It may interest you to know that last two years a similar transaction was carried out with one Mr.RogerWilliams, the President of Craine International Trading Corporation at number 135 East 57th Street, 28th Floor, New York, NY 10022 with telephone number (212)308-7xxx and telex number 6731xxx.
After the agreement between both partners in which he was to take 20% of the money while the remaining 80% for us. With all the required documents signed, the money was duly transferred into this account only to be disappointed on our arrival in New York, and we wereeliably informed that Mr. Patrice Miller was no longer on that address while his telephone and telex numbers have been reallocated to somebody else. That was how we lost US$9 Million to Mr. Roger Williams. This time around we need a more reliable and trustworthy person or a reputable company to do business with hence this letter to you.
So if you can prove yourself to be trusted and interested in this deal then we are prepared to do business with you. What we want from you is the assurance that you will let us have our share if this amount (US$10.5M) is transferred into your account. If this proposal is okay by you, then reply through my email urgently so that we can set the ball rolling and negotiate the modalities involved. Kindly, treat as very important and strictly confidential, I honestly assure you that this transaction is 100% risk-free.
I look forward to your response and expected co-operation and God bless you.
Mr. Oloongo Baruarodo
>>425 craves for my indulgence
>>428 is so cocky he doesn't think he's fat.
>>432 has a fat cock in his henhouse, if you know what I mean
>>450's night ain't complete without some meat in the seat.
>>453 spreads around compliments like a brown nosed yes-man.
>>455 sherrifs shootings. Seriously, he's like a gun safety nazi.
>>457 shot the sheriff but failed to shoot the deputy.
>>458 claimed it was in self-defense, but no one believes that.
Sheriff John Brown always hated >>459, as did everyone else who met him.
with ! !hi!
with @ @hi@
with # #hi#
with $ $hi$
with % %hi%
with ^ ^hi^
with * hi
>>470 suffered a tragic mitten accident that resulted in his mittens being melted to his hands, and he has had to try to type like that ever since. Coping has been difficult, and his online friends rarely understand him anymore. Writing is slightly less difficult, and so he has become pen pals with some of them. He still returns to his computer to try using his favorite sites like the Channel4 BBS, and stays optimistic, despite the lack of apparent progress.
>>472 hasn't heard of fingerless mittens, the ignoramus
>>483 would like to have intercourse with an extraterrestrial
>>484 would like to have outercourse with an interterrestrial
>>487 wears a tent as it's the only thing that fits him
which is being enclosed by >>494's gripping tight asshole after a thorough rimming
>>500 hit sixty in the real world and still hasn't made a cent in RMT
>>501 didn't realize that the life level cap got raised to 70.
>>502 doesn't realize that nobody cares about MMORPG jokes.
>>507 is the cigarette butt that I crush beneath my right foot.
>>522 is the caterpillar which will never become a butterfly
is the caterpillar which will never become a moth.
moth ewww
>>531, like a Möbius strip, is completely one-sided.
like a m'o umlaut'bius strip? hah! retard.
>>532 once cut a moebius strip once and still doesn't get why he ended up with four sides and two locked rings. fool!
>>533 failed to realize that you can't spell "moebius" without M-O-E.
>>567 is found by the Elitist Superstructure to be distasteful.
>>568 couldn't find his Elitist Superstructure with both hands
>>569 has only one hand, but the other hand is actually a foot that has hands for toes not just fingers, but actually hands needless to say it's pretty strange.
>>575 was banned from the GDR for being an imperialist agitator.
>>577 was banned from FDR for causing polio.
>>594 gave head to passing hobos behind the headboard factory when bored
>>595 now sells headboard factory postcards at the headboard factory souvenirs store because he could never remember his text when he used to give tours of the headboard factory.
>>597 has a stretched joke after trying to expand the practice of 'bottling'
>>598 is Stretch Marx, the basketball-playing Marx Brother. And he doesn't even know that he's in the wrong thread.
600GOT, and failed to make a fuss about it like a good DQN
>>610 is unworthy of consideration in the first place.
>>617 is so fat, he takes up most of the rest of the map. In fact, the map key bases it's distance measurements relative to >>617 's diameter.
>>617 is so fat, he takes up most of the rest of the map. In fact, the map key bases it's distance measurements relative to >>617 's diameter.
>>617 is so fat, he takes up most of the rest of the map. In fact, the map key bases it's distance measurements relative to >>617 's diameter.
>>617 is so fat, he takes up most of the rest of the map. In fact, the map key bases it's distance measurements relative to >>617 's diameter.>>617 is so fat, he takes up most of the rest of the map. In fact, the map key bases it's distance measurements relative to >>617 's diameter.
>>617 is so fat-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t--t-t-
>>628 attempted to plant a pot plant in a plant pot, but got confused halfway through
>>640 is a panda who turns into a man when he's wet with hot water.
>>643 wouldn't know a good anime if it bit him on the ass.
>>644 wouldn't know a good set of teeth if they bit him in the ass.
I'm putting >>645 on ignore (as soon as I can find the ignore user function here).
>>646 is a troll. Please don't reply to his posts, as it encourages him.
>>647 is MODD!5JrU4QOlH6. Please don't reply to his posts, as it encourages him.
>>648 has no self-confidence. Please don't reply to his posts, as he might get some.
>>651 should have considered how that sketch ends before he made those innuendos.
>>656 is confident that christian magic will never defeat gay magic
>>657 is worried that his gay magic will someday run out.
>>658 has 500 ounces of gay magic liquid in his recutum
>>662 is a maid advertisement. Maido no adubaatu desu
>>666 was the number of the Beast, and it's fitting--or it might be, if he had remembered to 666GET.
>>678 thinks "D-rrrrrrrrrr" and variations thereof are funny.
Ha, I stole your penis.
>>700 prefers pilfering penises to more popular pastimes.
>>715 thinks he's fast because when he posts to /b/, bypasses the wordfilter altogether and actually types "faget".
>>721 isn't funny on a western board because we are too individualistic.
You mean >>722 won;t copy pasta the same thing a thousand times? Who cares!
>>723 wishes this board had avatars and screen-bursting signatures.
>>724 is screaming "COME BACK, WINTER" in the darkest pit of his diseased soul.
>>730 is eagerly awaiting his next shipment of herbal cialis.
>>731 is a transvestite dickgirl with a lack of double genitalia.
>>732 posts 4chan memes because, even though they've been on the internet for years already, he still thinks they're funny.
>>748 was flying to Helsinki, but disappeared into finn air.
>>753 would not be picked up by the paramedics, even if he called.
>>754 would be demanded that he pay the paramedics first
>>756 was the anonymous hairy butt in sexy night paramedics IV
>>765 added "Pathetic!" because otherwise he would worry all night that people wouldn't recognize the insult.
worried all night that someone might notice that he spelled 'pathetic' wrong
>>768 still has this nagging feeling he might have missed the joke.
>>770 Is trying to convince himself more than anyone else.
>>775 is the organizer of the "2007 international world gaymes."
>>777 has a secret code when they said "777 GET" it meant they wanted to be raped up the ass by a robotic sex droid
>>779 could not come up with an interesting insult, and simply fell back on an old, worn out, cliched one, which actually represents his personality very well.
>>779 could not come up with an interesting insult, and simply fell back on an old, worn out, cliched one, which actually represents his personality very well.
>>779 could not come up with an interesting insult, and simply fell back on an old, worn out, cliched one, which actually represents his personality very well.
>>798 was kicked out of VIP for not being VIP QUALITY enough.
>>810 doesnt realize some poeple post without refreshing page.
>>815 runs his meth lab really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really well.
( ゚ m゚) >>819 isn't really into the whole "insulting" thing. But neither am I.
( )
>>821 is so special that he really really needs to use .alot. of special spelings cuz he's sooooo random!
>>823 enjoyed the kiddy porn that was spammed in http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1139434615/
>>824 was watching the whole time, and enjoying it immensely
>>826 thinks that changing the font is a dream come true
>>827 isn't smart enough to know how to change the font
>>833 isn't a panda, but is so fat that he has to be carried around in a truck.
>>834 SMSed YO MAMMA to 537-YO-MAMMA for the the latest YO MAMMA jokes. be the best trash talker.
>>836 's Internet is always 1 min late. for examples, he pees himself then goes to washroom a min later.
>>838 did not make any sense at all, and should just quit the Internet and life.
lost his job at the sense factory.
no u
If we harnessed the power of >>858's stupidity, we would never have to worry about using up all the fossil fuels again. Ever.
only >>862 would feel that people's black holes have a great gravitational pull.
>>864 is so insignificant he collapses into nothingness.
>>865 is so insignificant he already collapsed into nothingness and no-one noticed, not even him.
>>866 is hardly in a position to judge whether others are significant.
>>870 has obvious problems with anger and self-control.
>>871 has obvious problems with pointing out obvious problems.
>>873 is stupid because he said I was stupid for pointing out the obvious.
>>874's mom is so slow, IT TOOK HER FUCKING 100 MINUTES TO WATCH "60 Minutes".
>>877 Is so ignorant that thinks "yo mamma" is a demonstration of culture.
>>878 reaches for his revolver whenever he hears the word "culture"
>>881 activated the Bat Signal when McDonald's forgot to put pickles on his burger.
>>884 can't enjoy The Onion because he lacks a sense of humor.
Snorts pixy stix powder, and pretends to be high so people would call him cool.
>>894 is a math nerd that couldn't solve a differential equation.
>>897 doesn't proofread his posts, and thinks 'faggot' is a clever and edgy insult.
>>898 couldn't come up with anything better than that.
>>901 is just angry because he didn't get to ruin 900GET
>>902 is also angry, but because he has a small penis.
>>906 shouldn't join any club that would accept him as a member.
>>915's ignorance of the proper format is sculpting me out of chunky vomit
>>919 opposes kopipe and copypasta entirely, and thus is an Internet heretic.
>>918 u r dum
>>922 uses some pretty weird posting name, with those commas and stuff. That's weird dude. Boon looks weird.
>>923 always diligently writes down ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ in this thread as his name to ensure his anonimity
Inspired the posting of "OMAE MONA" and caused the internet to rapidly populate with ACSII Cats.
Had a tiny penis until that one day at the gold smelting plant.
>>931 doesn't think it's funny because it was his pool.
>>932 was trying to get AIDS from the pool but ended up with crabs.
>>934 wishes he was just 1/1000 as cool as Carl Barks.
>>942 should know, after picking one up as a prostitute
>>944 is very knowledgeable when it comes to prostitution, as it's a topic of special interest for him.
>>945 is a moralist that ruins the fun for everybody else.
>>946 is an amoralist who has to take someone else's word for it
>>947 is a moral relativist who is too dumb to have any opinion about the subjetc.
>>950 got the contractions yesterday, gave birth to an evolutionary throwback today.
>>953 High on crack that belongs to the ass of a whale.
>>956 saved me the trouble of insulting him by insulting himself.
>>960 has ADD
>>962 knows because he got in the pool even after it was closed.
>>975 uses italics because he thinks it makes gratuitous big words picked up from wikipedia even more intelligent
>>988 believes that the Internet is a series of tubes.
>>995 is the sole reason for the "Asians eat dogs and cats" Stereotype.