Because Part VI had the shittiest end ever, I present to you:
>>0 was not all that insulting.
lacking the ability to give offense, >>13 is only able to observe and lamely comment.
>>14 ironically also merely observed and lamely commented.
>>15 is trying to start a loophole, but that's retarded, so I won't allow it.
>>21 wanted it, but was refused. Even after he attempted to bribe them.
>>24 is a creationist and believes in an Intelligent Designer who perfectly created banananananananas for human grip and consumption.
>>25 cannot stop spelling bananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananana.
Nor can >>30, so he sticks to what he knows best: pointing out the obvious.
>>31 Has as much originality as a new TV talk show, and hangs out with people that would be on such a talk show.
>>40 couldn't be a firestarter even if his life depended on it.
>>46 genuinely believes that ending any sentence with " the butt" makes them 100% funnier ... in the butt.
>>48 took it up the butt from a mutt in a hut (he is also a slut)
>>63 is the angry hobo who chases the short bus every day, shaking his fist and throwing his shoes at it.
>>70,72,73 are just jealous because they don't have sex with Nevada.
>>75 thinks he has had sex, but doesn't realise your own hand doesn't count
>>87 is a Panda for those who are gay for those who are tsundere for Pandas.
>>91 made sure his own attempt would succeed, and proceeded to piss against a high voltage power line.
>>98 here. I'm now going to insult myself to get 100GET.
>>101 Sucks so hard, he once inhaled a horse through a straw.
>>105 ran the top site for horse-inhaling fetish pixx and made millions.
>>106 owned half of all the accounts; keeps forgetting his password. It was "horsesnort".
Actually knows what the password was, because he defined it.
When people defined the term dickhead, >>108 was their sole source of inspiration.
>>109 was actually the only person to define the term dickhead in this way.
>>111 is a foreskin golem sculpted by a crafty kabbalist
>>112 is a foreskin collector and a fearsome fetishist.
>>116 would know, because bodily fluids are a topic of special interest for him.
>>117 has 5 Terabytes of porn. He stores all this on diskette.
>>118 has 5 Terabytes of gay magic. He has uploaded all this to DQN.
>>123 enjoys the warm feeling on his ass when sitting on a photocopy machine
>>125 enjoys the warm feeling on his face when the photocopy machine sits on him
>>126 enjoys the warm feeling in his huge guts when a psycho Doom marine rips and tears them out.
>>129 does nothing but fail at videogames badly and then swear the games are cheating and conspiring against him.
>>131 uses his EyeToy to take pictures of his balls. He has a Myspace page for each one.
>>133 wonders why everyone defriended his anus last week after his first photoshoot.
>>138 Once critically wounded himself by masturbating too much.
>>143 imagines more elaborate plots behind the scenes of the Elitist Superstructure than Alex Jones suspects to exist behind the WTC attack.
>>146 thinks he's grasping something obiviously amazing
>>152 can't even write a proper insult and just strings together insult-sounding sentences with the word panda in them somewhere.
>>154 had to look up "outclassed" to make sure it was a word.
>>155 had to look up "outclassed" to check if it wasn't a word.
>>156 had to look up "look up" to make sure it was what he was doing.
>>158 lives his life by the words "Life is like a mop".
I get the impression that >>159's got a touch of the lavender in him.
Whereas >>160 is sporting a screaming pink thong, a silly grin and a pair of handcuffs.
>>163 states that π is equal to 3, even though he knows otherwise
>>168 doesn't wash at all, reasoning that a protective crust is the best defense against germs.
>>176 is a britfag who doezn't believe in uzing the letter z.
In a fair world, >>179 should be detained at Her Majesty's pleasure.
In a fair world, >>183 would have included himself in that statement.
In a fair world, >>184 would still be the same panda he is in this world.
if >>187 lived in Washington and moved to Los Angeles, the average IQ of both the east coast and the west coast would improve.
If >>188 lived in Beijing and moved to Tokyo, he would still be a big fat panda.
If >>189 moved to Tokyo, he would ejaculate instantly.
If >>190 moved to Tokyo, he would instantly run out of money and join the large homeless population.
>>197 is trying to sell airconditers to people living in cardboard boxes.
>>199 is a pathetic sack of goat crap who probably thought I was going to call him a panda or something lame like that.
The first days after watching Ranma1/2 for the first time, >>201 threw could water at random guys to see if they turned into hot girls. All he got was angry pandas.
>>202 wishes he had an angry panda as a Kempo sparring partner.
>>203 wishes he had an angry panda as a figure skating partner
>>204 wishes he had an angry panda as a buttseckz partner.
>>205 has an angry panda as a buttseckz partner, but wishes he would be more gentle
>>205 was molested by a panda, and secretly enjoyed it.
>>207 was tested by a panda, and failed. It was an easy test, too.
>>208 was bested by a panda, in a personal hygiene contest.
>>209 enjoys the intoxicating pungency of panda crotch.
>210 IS a panda crotch.
>>211 thoroughly ruins his own arguments by quoting incorrectly.
>>212 is a dried up lump of panda shit floating in a bowl of panda vomit gravy.
The reason for global warming is the friction from >>220's incessant humping of everything that can't run away fast enough.
>>is way too soft on scatfetishists
>>231 didn't even bother to quote properly. The scoundrel.
>>233, on the other hand, has no appreciation for the finer points of the English language. The scoundrel.
>>234 enjoys the finer points of pandas, the scoundrel.
>>235 has already made acquaintance with the extremely fine points of a panda's claws. He did not enjoy it.
>>236 made swift acquaintance with the back of a panda's paw. The claws were too good for him.
>>237 is no longer allowed within 30 feet of a panda at any time
>>244 makes a living manicuring panda claws into fine points.
>>246 moves at a constant speed of 3 furlongs per metric hour.
But only because >>249 used a Segway, the cheating scoundrel.
>>253 thinks motoroil will do fine in an erotic oiling session.
>>254 is oiled up 24/7, hoping it will attract females despite no success for the last 40 years.
>>258 Relied on inherently funny words and situations for his insult.
what in the fuck
>>262 I ask myself that every time I see this stupid thread.
>>263-265 should try being creative in a thread that has reached part VII.
>>268 is unsure of whether or not he is in the "Praise" or "Insult" thread.
>>269 didn't exactly clarify the situation with that limpwristed post.
>>270 prides himself on his wrists of steel, capable of sustaining five consecutive fapping sessions in the panda section of the local zoological library.
>>271 can snap a reed of bamboo in half with his bare hands!
>>272 can snap his bare hands in half with a reed of bamboo.
>>274's mind snaps when he looks at pictures of Bridget.
>>276 is too busy trying to look like Bridget to look at pictures, wearing his cosplay outfit as daily attire.
>>278 is such an airforce otaku, that he has a F16 button on his keyboard
>>279 is such a Trekkie, he had plastic borg implant replicas surgically attached all over his body.
>>280 is only an elitist because his are custom-made out of titanium
>>282 Tried to get DQN tattooed to his forehead but misspelled it.
Forgot to bring his big-boy pants to celebrate the occasion of a successful insult.
>>284 Forgot his Depends before reading this thread, and paid a high price for it.
>>285 can't watch independce day without checking outside every 10 minutes to see if "they" aren't really trying to sneek up on him right now.
>>286 is unaware that "they" are watching him, right now.
"They" got bored of watching >>287 long ago, and, frankly, I can't blame "them".
>>288 was more interesting to watch since he was masturbating to gay porn.
>>291 is the one who stalked the gay panda, stealing and sniffing his clothes.
When >>294 had to go to the hospital to have his penis freed from the mouth of the vacuumcleanertube, which he tried to use on him for pleasure, it was extra embarrasing that the tube was only one cm wide.
>>295 likes to make up triplecompoundwords and uses them during onlineforumdiscussions to sound like an extrasmartguy.
The sites are so specialized that >>299 is the only regular customer.
>>306's friends call him "Large mouth"
And he sucks their dicks too.
>>306 is a shitty substitute for anyone. Bring back Biff the Understudy!
>>309 couldn't come up with an original insult to save his life.
>>315 will never know what it's like to lie with a warm naked indian in a cold naked forest.
only an arboreophile like >>316 would come up with nutty ideas about naked forests.
>>317 has the biggest collection of dentures this side of the Mississippi.
>>319 prefers chewing on aluminium siding, goddamn Limey that he is.
>>323 reminds me of the baby sister I never had. The bitch.
325>> Smells of elderberries.
>>329 bathes in monosodium glutamate to enhance his flavour.
>>330 boils instant ramen in the bathwater afterwards. He claims it to be the tastiest food on Earth.
>>332 is too closed-buttocked to try prostate massagers.
>>333 pretends to be half-evil while prancing about with prostate massagers up his butt.
>>337 is unaware that said thumb inexplicably tastes of sweet sweet strawberry pie!
>>339 has the IQ of a cup of flour, one of the ingredients used to make strawberry pie.
>>343 is the /a/sshole that is destroying the internet.
>>344 is the /x/enophobe that is coming up with all these 4chan denizen descriptor nouns.
>>349 apparently thinks one who is unable to pee is able to help themselves do so, a sure sign of mental deficiency.
Not mentally retarded, >>350 is still a boring examply of yet another of thos losers unable to tap even a drop of creativity. So he gets lost in stating the plain obvious.
>>352 not only doesn't have any gay magic, but also doesn't have any magic of any kind.
>>354 is going to camp in front of the bookstore a week in advance of the issuing of Harry Potter 7. And yet he's gonna fail to get a copy.
>>356 Was going to leak HP7 info on the internet, but couldn't figure out how to use WinRAR,Winzip, or something like that
>>357 Was quite relieved to here this, and wrote many a SnapexHarry fanfic to celebrate.
>>361 eats his boogers with fava beans and a nice chianti.
>>367 is the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.
>>375 was caught masturbating at his best friend's 16th birthday party and never lived it down.
>>383 engages in an exercise in futility, calling out 4channers as 4channers call out Gaia
>>386 would know, from some of the bytes and from seeing quite a few douches in his time
>>389 shops for his pinku bento boxes at Army surplus stores.
>>392 Persists in posting the "etou" meme despite the fact that no one cares about it anymore.
>>401 is such a loser that he cares about things like numbergets.
im depressed. sometimes i feel so feminine. all of the other boys play in the yard while i type upon the computer. my body feels awkward in my clothes. everyone assumes i play world of warcraft all day. i don't think i even relate to men anymore, or women, or children, or grandpa's and grandma's for that matter. i'm like a fragile little wisp of magic.
>>407 thought that this was the "ITT we insult ourselves" thread.
>>408 thought that this was the "ITT we insult the reader's intelligence" thread.
>>409 isn't nearly as good as Windex for cleaning windows.
>>410's tongue isn't nearly as good as a toilet brush covered in concentrated bleach for removing dried and crusty feces stains.
Role plays other role players who role play Harry Potter on neopets
>>436 carries out his Gawd-given duty to spread his AIDS.
>>440 is incapable of distinguishing between his arse and his elbow.
>>446 is ten years old.
>>449 is a six year old... Panda.
>>451 rolled his eyes at me and I grabbed them and kept them, so there.
>>452 has an eyeball-touching fetish, which is scorned even by diaper fetishists.
>>455 just resorts to accusing people of being aroused by unusual acts.
>>456 is aroused by accusations of other peoples' arousal due to unusual acts.
>>459 can't fucking read timestamps
>>463 can't tell the difference between "ote" and "orta".
>>467 thinks overtone singing is the only music worth listening to.
>>468 takes pride in his complete collection of Kenny G albums.
>>469 takes pride in his collection of sailor moon dolls, which is limited to figures of sailor Uranus, though.
>>472 believes himself to be a vampire. Likes to dress entirely in black, except his mother makes sure he wears clean white underwear.
>>474 believes himself to be an asswipe. Likes to dress entirely in brown, and his mother gave up on making sure he wears clean white underwear.
>>475 has a clean white underwear fetish. Gets totally excited in a clothesstore
>>476 has a dirty stained underwear fetish. Gets totally exited in a laundromat.
>>477 has a thing for gay guys washing their underwear. Gets totally entered in a laundromat.
>>479 owns and operates a laundry-themed gay bar.
>>481 is a hikki and will protect the value of that term if he comes accross anyone who will misuse it.
>>485 digs up ancient insults that weren't even particularly good when they were new.
>>489 fetishises Asia Carrera, but wouldn't stick it in her pooper.
>>492 has 8 children, and named them all Asia Carrera, despite the fact that all 8 are boys.
>>494 faps to the aforementioned boys named Asia Carrera.
>>494 insulted himself. It's probably because of gay magic. Or Asia Carrera. But definitely one of those two.
>>495 thinks it would be odd to fap to Asia Carrera, the hottest of hot. What a gaywad.
>>496 thinks "gaylord" is an insult appropriate to offspring of the landed gentry
Squeeks sucks this is not new news.
>>499 is a nice little poster from a 4chan board. He is a newbie too.
>>500 is VIP QUALITY
>>501 is disgusted by the frequency of Asia Carrera in the threads but secretly dedicates all his fap to her
>>502 is disgusted by the frequency of Pandas in the threads but secretly dedicates all his fap to them
>>503 wasted two months trying to get Asia Carrera to mate with a panda.
It wasn't her fault. >>504 was said panda, but was simply too afraid of such a assertive sexy woman. after two months, Carrera gave up trying
>>505 was tasked with the job of 'milking' the Panda for it's 'fluids'. Did it for free.
>>506 was the panda fluffer, and paid for the privilege.
>>513's quality is lower than whale shit, which as we all know is at the bottom of the ocean.
And here we have the repugnant >>514, a scavenging fish for the most part, subsisting on whale feces and the occasional dead mollusk.
>>516 doesn't care about Asia Carrera. Because he's a Panda.
>>517 doesn't care about pandas, even though he is one.
Likes "pink socks", and not the ones that turn up in the washing machine (usually).
>>532 actually considered that an insult, the gaylord.
>>533 ranks above gaylord, being the Dowager Duchess of gay
>>535 thinks that trading all your Asia Carrera movies for the position of second in command is an extreme fetish favor
>>539 is just jealous that he's not part of this orgy, that's all.
>>542 stuffs his nose and his mouth with other people's boogers, occasionally stealing boogers from people's pets when he can't catch the owners unawares.
>>543 stuffs his ears with other people's boogers, and his mouth with other people's earwax.
>>544 stuffs his ears with tongues, and his mouth with penis.
>>546 is on the receiving end of increasing auto-pretentiousness
>>547 is on the increasing end of pretentious auto-receiving
>>551 watched the transformers movie five times already
>>551 failed to insult the previous poster and insulted himself instead.
>>552 thinks "Master of the Obvious" is a great distinction.
>>554 can't come up with a decent insult, and resorts to copying old insults.
>>557 is a master of the obvious. Hurrah for him, I guess.
>>560 ran out of way to accuse people of homosexuality
>>565 is a worthless unimaginative fuckmitten.
Panda? Seriously? What's the point of posting that over and over in these threads? It was never funny, and it never will be.
>>572 is confused about the intellectual capabilities of dung piles.
>>573 mistakenly believes that dung piles have such great intellectual capabilities that they would never be as low as to have a vore fetish.
>>574 is an expert on dung piles because they are a topic of special interest for him.
>>576 is just the sort of weirdo who would have a shit-eating beast for a pet. I'm not the least bit surprised.
>>578 mother was a donkey and his father was a donkey raping shiteater.
>>581 is dickless
>>583 can't get dickless enough.
>>1-584 couldn't write a decent insult to save their sorry asses.
>>585 would know, because he's the sort of person who gets insulted a lot.
>>586 is a Panda because a whole page has gone by without someone being called a Panda
Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda
Panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda, bamboo bamboo!!
>>590 is too brain-damaged to construct a proper insult.
Every time >>591 takes a dump, his IQ is reduced by half
>>594 is just jealous.
>>597 prides himself on his nickname 'jetplane exhaust'
another thread that is no different from other emo threads.
>>606 thinks riding a skateboard and playing a guitar at the same time is "cool" but in all honesty he only thinks it's cool because his aunt thinks it's cool.
>>611 has nipples which end in penises, which instead of secreting milk, somehow secrete a brown malodorous paste.
>>612 somehow thinks shitting dicknipples are not only an undesirable trait but an insult, failing to realize their true versatility.
>>613 swallowed rope to make a coax using his intestines.
_ ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Oppai! Oppai!
>>632 cannot spell penis, nor did he remember to include an indefinite article.
After his trip to France, >>635 now attests to anyone that the "Eau Potable" is a very bland wine.
>>636, on the other hand, has never been to France at all.
is// / / / // / / / / / / / / / / / // / . and stuff.
>>646 also tried to get a patent for his invention, called the 'wheel'
>>651 was the jackass who left an iPod on Mitchell's grave.
>>654 doesn't wait for them to answer, so he can pretend they're reluctant
>>655 is so repugnant that even the dead really ARE reluctant.
>>658 cut off his genitals to spite his ex girlfriend. Oddly enough, his cunning plan failed.
>>660's dental hygiene has been found lacking by six out of eight dentists.
>>664 can only fit one word at a time into his pre-cambrian brain.
daily sage
and you never heard of that,
>>666 is deluded enough to think people are affected in any way by his precious daily sage posts.
Also, he's the debbil.
>>671 is a cannibal
>>672 is a follower of Hannibal, and pissed off that Carthage fell to the Romans.
>>673 is a fan of the stupid 1980s TV series "Manimal" and is still upset that NBC cancelled it.
Actually watched "The Animal".
>>677 also thinks that Animal Planet is a big leftist plot of environmental hippy scum to destroy Western values, according to the schemes set out by the Frankfurt school.
>>678 thinks plaque is a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes.
>>679 is a disinformation agent of the New World Order, affiliated with the Tavistock Institute.
>>680's home is in a doorway at Tavistock Square, London.
>>684 is a limp-wristed bisexual whose lukewarm insults do not carry adequate intent
>>687 shouldn't think of anything better to say, if he's any judge. Unfortunately, he isn't any judge.
>>692's existence will eventually bring about Third Impact.
>>695 regards the phrase "Deep Impact" as a clever euphemism.
>>697 Found such deeply impacted fecal matter because he fists other guys with his narrow arm. Some people don't even notice that they were fisted, until they see a fist imprint on their crap.
Turds are so huge and hard, the American Standard Champion toilet can't handle them.
>>700 is eating a special diet to attempt to break the world's record for longest turd, currently set at 12 feet, 2 inches.
>>701 Is just angry because he developed the world's biggest prolapse after setting that record.
>>702 is just jealous because he can't manage the fine sphincter control necessary (due to excessive bummings).
>>703 completely misunderstood the phrase "bum a fag".
>>704 understood it correctly, and got excited anyway.
>>712 is the hobo found frozen to death in the wheel well of an Airbus A380.
>>720 is rejected by communists, nazis, muslims, and liberals
>>725 found his bottom with the help of the national guard
Even the national guard wouldn't help >>726 look for his bottom!
>>729 watched and wished he could find his dick and fap too.
>>737 does not understand sub-atomic particle physics.
>>741 has unconsensual sex with 8 year old japanese schoolgirls.
>>742 would know, as they are an 8 year old Japanese schoolgirl.
>>746 giggles like a schoolboy whenever he hears the term "black hole."
>>747 giggles whenever he sticks it in the black hole of a schoolboy.
>>753 is portrayed in
>>754 expects True Elitists not to first visit, ruining the surprise. Also, >>754 is portrayed in
>>755 is portrayed in So hah.
>>756 is accurately represented here: is >>757 and a friend (>>757 on left)
so does >>759, since nobody gives a fuck about shady links around here.
>>763's kinks made even Asia Carrera vomit uncontrollably.
>>768 shoved a fire fighter up goatse guy's ass.
>>774 pretends to be black to try to intimidate people over the internet.
>>776 Is a gay bear that wears a panda costume to anthrocon.
>>782 wishes someone would acknowledge his existence by the act of fursecution.
>>783 is portrayed in the lower right corner of
>>784 thinks that somebody cares enough to visit some link that's invariably going to be full of fail-aids.
>>795 is the Hamburglar (actually not a burger thief but a convicted Fry-Kid Molester)
>>801 is a quantum superposition of being and/or not being Hitler.
>>804's willy is so small that it can't be observed directly and is therefore subject to phenomena on the quantum level.
>>806 Is gay and not a panda. However, much like a panda, he isn't a bear.
>>809 purges himself regularly for fetishists' pleasure
>>810 purges all of us of pleasure merely by existing.
>>812 Has a larger penis due to a bee sting in the right place.
>>815 could use a bit more study time, as he writes gibberish
>>816 is a classic overeducated underachieving lives with his mom waste of flesh.
>>817 attempted a similar lifestyle, but was far too incompetent to make it through college.
>>818 Made it through college by sucking the dicks of guys in the records keeping department. Though he still can't tell what day Shakespeare died, the records keeping department states that >>818 recited all of the works of Shakespeare from memory in record breaking speed, and without a single error.
>>820's application was rejected by an online diploma-mill.
>>822 never even went to Kindergarten; His parents needed him to pull the plow.
>>823 though Kindergarten was German language for kinkymidgetnipples
>>828 thinks stupid overused catchphrases are cruise control for funny.
>>829 thinks cruise control is cruise control for cruise control.
>>836 Will live about as long as a BK whopper that is withing reach of a fatass.
>>838 Dresses like the Ham-Burgler when his mother is out shopping.
Enjoys threesomes with his dad and the latest disease infested hooker he comes home with that night.
Knows all kindergarten insults because he developed a secret hiding place inside the school building.
>>855 is more verbose than a gerbil
>>856 knows a lot more about gerbils than most people do.
>>857 Humps a larger number of gerbils than most people do.
>>863 is so gay he only sticks male gerbils up his ass.
>>864 is so gay the male gerbils he's got stuck up his ass have male girbils up their asses.
>>865's degree of gay requires that a new taxonomy of animals to shove up his rectum be defined
>>869 tells everyone he sees that "swimming really is the best form of exercise", even though he knows that's not really true.
>>870 would like to tell something to everyone he sees, but hasn't seen anyone in over five years
>>872 has a rare mental disorder that causes him to only talk about pubes.
>>876 demands that certain images become memes by obsessively posting over and over in the same thread.
>>877 Saves all of those images and faps to them later.
>>878 can't find porn, and has to be satisfied by typing ( . )( . ) and fapping to that.
>>879 can't type (.)(.), so he faps to nothing at all.
>>880 can't sustain an erection, and so just weeps quietly in the dark.
>>882 brags about about his Otherkin soul being a panda.
>>884 Is human, but had a panda's lung transplanted in when a terrible disease happened.
>>886 Set up a vouyer camera in a public toilet stall, and forgot to take the dust cover off the lens.
>>888 is hung like a horsefly
>>896 uses tampons for his earwax.
And then sucks them dry.
>>901 loves anything ex-lax flavored because he secretly has a scat fetish.
>>904 bought a japanese-made masturbating machine and was disappointed by the lack of friction.
>>905 bought a Japanese-made masturbating machine just to watch it sit there and masturbate.
Just like the retards above him doesn't realize that wii motes make great butt plugs.
>>914 Is responsible for the divide by zero error on the old library computer.
>>931 Does things "Because it is winter" no matter what the season is.
>>934 thinks using words like 'whereof' makes grade school insults clever again.
>>944 has a shiny spot on his wiener, due to an accident involving a belt sander.
>>945 is the reason the panda thread is becoming more popular than the insult thread. Also, he is a Panda.
>>946 you make it sound like a bad thing, you little panda you.
>>956 Is capable of nothing except bumping threads and talking like George Bush.
>>963 is the reason why this thread progresses so slowly even though we're nearly at the end. Its all your fault, you toadwash breathing fuck!
>>965 is one of those commenters where you wonder if they are secretly raping their keyboards when typing responses
>>974's black hole is so scary, not even light dares shine on it.
>>975 shines his black hole using special care products
>>976 lubes his black hole so stuff will slip in easier.
>>977's accretion disc is composed of his peducurist's ejecta
>>988 watches people masturbate because his penis got cut off in a bizarre accident while he was participating in creating a gay porno.