Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

382 Name: Haiiro : 2007-04-05 23:47 ID:mfneN+m/

We need more people in the world like you. Forgiven.

17 here. Not a single girlfriend in my life, although I've had my crushes and whatnot -_- . I feel alienated too when being around girls. Not that they are weird (what is normal anyway?), but I feel embarrassed or vulnerable to them. I'd like to have a girlfriend, I'd really like to :)
But being stuck in a school in whose society (friggin' Mexico!) is alert and cautious as of relationships and pairing is a real drag. I don't feel free enough to have a girlfriend if I am in that school. The "qué dirán" (what will they say) fear is really a big problem in everybody, although very few accept it. I have that fear too, but I am trying, slowly, to get rid of it. Being in Mexico's slow and sad society is a real problem for a person like me who has other projects in life :(

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