Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

141 Name: Thunder!rHSj9FAROc!!A7wL4071 : 2008-05-10 00:56 ID:Q23XBwtf

Hey guys. I'm feeling kinda down. It's Friday and it's almost 9 o'clock.

Boy said his finals ended today, and for me to call him. He made me promise to call him (it's kinda weird, isn't it? Isn't the boy supposed to make the calls? Oh, well...) and he said we'd do something. I called a couple of hours ago, and he didn't pick up. I left a message: "Hey, just wanted to see if you were free tonight and maybe wanted to do something. If you've already got plans, that's cool."

He hasn't called me back, and I'm probably worrying for no reason. We didn't say that we'd do something on Friday, but he's leaving for a trip on Sunday, and it'd be nice if he called to make plans for tomorrow...I don't even care if he has plans, it'd just be nice to know what's going on.

I don't want to call again, because I don't want to be too clingy/scare him away.

Even though I have work to do, I was looking forward to going out tonight. I dressed up for him and everything...

Oh, well. Time to do my work, I guess.

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