Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

145 Name: Thunder!rHSj9FAROc!!A7wL4071 : 2008-05-10 20:23 ID:kAfa7MoL

Hey guys. I love you too, heh.

He texted me last night and said he was sleeping and so he missed my call, but when I texted him back asking if he wanted to do something, I didn't get a reply. I texted him once more and called him with no response, so I figured he went back to sleep and so I left a message that just said, "Call me, okay?"

He didn't call me as of yet today, it's 4 in the afternoon, he's going away tomorrow. Even though I know the ball's in his court, I really wanna see him, so I just called him. He didn't pick up. I didn't leave a message this time.

I am trying very very hard not to call him again, because I remember he said he hates clingy girls. I might have to delete his number from my phone or something to remove the temptation :[

...I guess it's back to the old drawing board, huh...

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