Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

164 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-14 16:29 ID:eDkC3G3h

Well what you're currently doing is called dating... You'll start feeding him any minute. Now the thing with him not paying is weird. I am a guy and I pay even if a girl is rich (I am far from rich unfortunately). I know that sometimes that may make girls uncomfortable, but seriously most of the time guys should pay, unless we date money-sucking bitches whom I wouldn't in the first place.

Now the other thing... Too many calls, messages, voice-mails on Saturday. And he comes out of the blue and texts you like nothing happened. Some sort of play if you ask me. For some reason he seems to like keeping you desperate... It's really irresponsible of him to act that way, but hey it works with most girls...

Good luck and keep us updated.

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