Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

169 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-18 03:33 ID:zNz+T4L+

quick re-cap of the Thunder-chan story:

1) Thunder-chan feels insecure about sexuality and about present crush
2) Comes to 4ch for help, and gets "resourceful" advice
3) Posts images of herself that made guys want to have her
4) Went out with guy for the first time
5) Hung out a couple of times with the guy, occasionally holding hands
6) Boy leaves for wherever place that was, making Thunder-chna sad
7) She questions boy's intention with the dating situation...
8) Posters congrats her like New Year's Day
9) Hears good and bad advice from friends and 4ch posters
10) Thunder-chan get to go to lunch with boy
11) To be continued...

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