Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

200 Name: Thunder!RQhIqRxs5I!!QiI33I8Q : 2008-05-27 15:17 ID:RfW06bGZ

Hey guys. You are all really wonderful...I know I keep saying that, but damn, you all know how to make a girl smile, even when I was feeling so _| ̄|○

Anyway, I know everybody was pressing for a phone call, but I was wondering if his phone was messed up, and so I sent him a facebook message about the aquarium. He responded a couple of hours later, saying that his phone was being 'sketchy.' I was like, "What does that mean? Like it's broken? XD" I'm going to go ahead and believe him, of course, (even though the paranoid part of me wonders if it's an excuse) and he said that his research project has started, and he's working 50hrs/week, but he'll see if he can try and get some free time this weekend. I messaged him back about what his schedule is like this summer (and about the phone) and he hasn't responded yet. That was...a couple of days ago?

Anyway, I've been thinking, and I can see now that this is a case of I like him> he likes me. Which isn't a bad thing, but like -- clearly I'm not a priority in his life, even though I have such a huge crush on him in mine. So really...I need to just chill the fuck out. He doesn't care about me, so I shouldn't care so much, right? It's just hard, haha..._| ̄|

All my girl friends are saying I should give up on him, but I thought that over too, since it's a case of my pride vs. my heart, FIGHT. They say things like, "you're too good for him," "no guy should ever treat you that way" - but if I go that route, I just end up self-righteous and alone. I appreciate this support, but it's not like I will settle down with just anybody. I really thought that he was everything I was looking for (looks, smarts, sense of humour) and even though I see that he's flawed, he's still worth pursuing, in my eyes.

The way I see it, (dorky talk ahead) relationships are kind of like playing a game, right? And now I've just entered hard mode. I know I have a chance, and the right stats, i just have to beat down his HP until he likes me the same...XD; If I throw down my controller, it's not even GAME OVER. It's just quitting. You can't beat a game that way.

Did that make sense?

I know you guys hate it when girls "play games," so I don't want to do anything manipulative, and I really do like him...But I really wonder how he sees me, from his guy's POV.

Thunder OUT, keep on rawking, you guyz!

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