Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

219 Name: Thunder!RQhIqRxs5I!!QiI33I8Q : 2008-05-30 20:54 ID:kAfa7MoL

>if you know where this guy lives, why do you go to him Thunder-chan?

because that's called stalking...? XD

Your story is very sweet, soccerfuu, but it sounds like you guys had a relationship before that event. I can't even get that far... ( -_-;)

I know I do have to see him face to face, since every time face to face he's been like a dream, but I don't want to be throwing myself at him, either. I admit, the dating girls part might not have been smart, but I was a little bit upset and I wanted to imply that me chasing him down all the time was treating him like a girl, especially if he's supposed to be a "dominant Alpha male" type.

But you're right, only time will tell from this point on...I also really wonder if it was ever a friendship in the first place, or if we were dating from the start. Blarghh. So many questions, no answers.

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