Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

234 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 04:17 ID:0XKbLzKp

Just for the record, physical beauty =/= good/hot/cool person. I dated a fucking gorgeous female for awhile, who was a total bitch and more than a bit mentally unstable.

As for OP, I think he's feeling overwhelmed by a number of things right now and is avoiding talking to you because he's worried about that adding more pressure and about being in a bad mood and saying or doing something stupid.

I think your best bet for right now is to ask if you can bring him some take-out when he's doing his homework or something. That helps with his financial burden, his time issues, him needing a mental break from what he's doing, and gets you a moment to connect with him. When you talk to him, mention that you understand that he's busy and apologize for being selfish, then mention that you just got a bit upset when he didn't call you on the 20th like he said he would. Leave it at that.

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