Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

240 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-13 22:55 ID:Bj76plEn

Thunder, he doesn't like you and never did. I'm sorry that I have to be so blunt but we all need it at times, my advice is to move on and get back in the game, next time you're in this situation I'll guarantee that you can handle it much better.

Also, as a rule of thumb, if someone says they'll call you, if they haven't called within 2/3 days get in touch, if not then just leave it, nothing is less attractive than clingy people. For example, to win my girlfriend over I ignored her at times and was intentionally vague other times, this let me know if she really wanted me, she showered me with affection but played a similar game. We've been together 8 months on and off.

Good luck hun.

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