Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

20 Name: Loser : 2007-08-14 20:52 ID:G+giFjFc

Thank you guys, for you posts :)


I mean then i can go buy some drugs myself to help me go into another mood or beginn with Alcohol?^^
Yeah i have been always this way since i was a child, that is just me.
But i am not too stupid too know the facts about myself :(

Well that is true about Misaki, i know this. But still, i want to see someonelike her..... :)
It is quite pathethic that someone's hunger keep one alive :(

Btw: My whole life is a waist :(

I mean my motto has always been : "Mess with the Best or DIE like the REST!"

I am not able to do it, i am just a failure of human.
I mean, i do not bother the fact, that i am a social idiot or whatever you like to call it.

But the fact thath i have low intelligence (compared to others), no skills, no strenght and will is just unforgivable.
I hate myself for this reason.

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