So I've discovered I hate women (58)

1 Name: AnonyGod : 2008-11-03 22:49 ID:UHSN1uti

I've always been a shy person and never really went into the dating game. At 22, still a virgin, never had a first kiss. Sometimes women would stare at me or make signals, but I hated it. I didn't know whether it was sexual interest, concern, or just a need to try and make friends. Oft we would never speak and that's that. I always loathed when that happened, since I thought to myself, if you really want to know me, why not say something? Honestly, the whole staring thing really unnerved me sometimes and I didn't want to respond period.

But other times, I would always notice women were very much into superficial things. For example, they always fake smile or put an emphasis into quirky traits of personality instead of cultivating a genuine personality: Style over substance you might say. Their need of always making goofy faces and genuinely acting like buffoons in photos and videos, it's like they're trying hard to impress someone. They always wear ridiculously form fitting outfits and are insistent on showing as much skin as possible, like they're trying to devalue themselves. The same goes for their need to wear pretty jewelry and make sure their hair looks long and pretty.

Then I came upon a revelation: Women are like pets. You rarely ever see them with any genuine personality of their own, instead they oft prefer to talk in silly voices or get ludicrously excited over nothing. Men do the same thing but certainly not to the degree that women do. And the insistence of women on playing games, especially when it comes to seduction, feels so cheap because you're essentially reducing the aspect of trying to get to know someone to half-hearted gestures and deceits, like someone is a prize to be won and not someone to be known for their merits.

This talk of courtship as a game I've realized, reinforces my theory that women are like pets only further, because oftentimes women will look at you the wrong way or something if you make the slightest wrong flirtation or say the wrong thing, and push you away. They're reducing themselves to things to be won and the whole game of courtship is not unlike the way someone needs to approach an animal correctly lest they are growled at or attacked. The way women go around superficially collecting things, the whole game of courtship, it recalls to mind that I reading Chaucer today and one particularly amorous character says, "What women want is to dominate their men." Seeing women play these games and their juvenile attraction to bad boys and whatnot, the way they devalue themselves does make it seem like they want to devalue men to prove something to themselves.

This sounds a polemic readily answerable by saying, "You shallow twit, stop obsessing with the hot girls only!" Well it's not really about that. Even unattractive girls have ridiculous amounts of forced enthusiasm and pride themselves on fashion as well as making superficial social gestures to try and look cute, like pets, which overrides their genuine humanity.

Needless to say, all this leaves me feeling very angry as well as nihilistic for well, half the human race. I never was very social or optimistic for mankind but to know that half are inferior based on their genes alone is such an existential crisis. That's why this isn't really fitted for Love and Romance. True, my romantic failures play a part but that's quibbling compared to what this is really about.

So refute me 4ch. I want to be proven wrong. Help me.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 01:17 ID:ju15VJxR

Dude it sounds like you are only saying this stuff because you are hurting. If girls are actually paying attention to you then you are better off than a lot of us, myself included. The fact is that ALL people are fake to varying degrees. Women in this day and age are especially pressed to fit into a roll that is extremely narrow. In addition it is easy to attract the vast majority of people if you act in a way that you think they will like. If they like who you are they will slowly show their real sides to you it’s the same with any relationship with a human being. Find the girl that seams the least fake and see what happens. Even better, go somewhere where you are likely to find intellectual people, in such a setting there is no need for all of that fakeness and you could find someone really interesting.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 03:36 ID:Heaven

OP is absolutely correct. Hit the nail on the head.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 09:48 ID:EgH8YP0G

>Women are like pets[...]to know that half are inferior based on their genes alone is such an existential crisis.

Well, I'm not surprised you're having difficulties,... For the record, I'm male, but I'm surrounded by very deep and intelligent women in my environment. Actually, a good deal of the most intelligent and serious people I've met in my life were women. There is no need to refute any of your assertions, you just have to go out in the world, and interact with real-life women.

I suspect you only deal with women when you are trying to flirt with them, which is a very special and non representative situation. If you work and collaborate with women outside of romantic and sexual interests, you'll notice that they are basically humans. I'm sure that if you were born a woman, you would now be thrashing men, basically because what you are complaining is about the behavior of "the other sex" during romantic and sexual courtship.

Besides, what you describe as "to talk in silly voices or get ludicrously excited over nothing" are simply instinctive flirt methods used by females. Males have their own quirks (take space, display upmanship), and it's just part of the game. You may not like it, but you do not need to develop a fixation on it, because in the end a relationship is much deeper than that. It's a bit like saying that you don't want to live anymore because in order to live you have to defecate regularly, and you can't stand it. Why not, but you would be missing the big picture about what's to be alive ^^

As a side question, do you have trouble having male friends?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 10:18 ID:YhxP5h+r

>>4 makes some great points.

>Their need of always making goofy faces and genuinely acting like buffoons in photos and videos, it's like they're trying hard to impress someone. They always wear ridiculously form fitting outfits and are insistent on showing as much skin as possible, like they're trying to devalue themselves. The same goes for their need to wear pretty jewelry and make sure their hair looks long and pretty.

I do those things because it's what most guys like. My boyfriend loves long hair, so I keep it long because it feels great to be complimented on things like that. I'm sure you would be in a terrible position if you never received positive attention throughout your life. My thought is that you notice it more with women because (assuming you're not gay) you're attracted to them. (I mean, how often do you pay attention to what your guy friends are wearing? While I'm sure you noticed that hot brunette's mini skirt, ooh wow~) ... (Hmm well more like what's under it amirite? hehe)

I think you have more of a problem with human nature in general, not just women. We're all out to get something for ourselves, in the end..

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 19:42 ID:Heaven

Why is so hard for some people to believe that Women are inherently flawed in the way OP describes? Women are superior social climbers, their ill-will manifests as the desire to manipulate and they spring back from loss much easier.

Men are constantly stereotyped (accurately) as being excessively violent, territorial, stupid and anti-social. We accept this, and some of might understand the hormonal and social differences that make Men so flawed.

These things take only the first few years of life to figure out , what people often flip out about is whether or not Women are inferior, which is an entirely different and stupid question.

Human beings are disgusting, live it up OP.

7 Name: AnonyGod : 2008-11-06 02:20 ID:UHSN1uti

OP here.


>If girls are actually paying attention to you then you are better off than a lot of us, myself included.

In truth, the attention I described really isn't much. Haven’t had an actual relationship except for a few coulda-been’s in high school and most of my female friends are the unorthodox types and with these being the extreme minority, but still sometimes having the other problems I associate with women, it really distresses me. But women sometimes look at me out of the blue. With how taciturn I am, sometimes I think I get signals, but other times, not so much. It's really frustrating because I'm quite awkward socially, so it follows that I'm terrible at flirting. Naturally women can be quite picky with who they sleep with based on flirting alone, and they can be quite harsh even with those who are simply awkward. Even then I don’t necessarily want romance. Sometimes just a friendship would be nice, but I wish they’d actually make this known instead of signals. There are times I’m horrified and tremble whenever a woman is in my presence, especially when they show these signals, as I worry whether they’re genuinely interested, out to bait me, or sometimes I’ve been looked at and they look repulsed and I worry that those who have been indifferent to me or befriended me will suddenly walk away repulsed, and my want for friendship or romance that I believe may likely be dashed because of females’ ease to be offended or their selectiveness when it comes to male friends or mates only strengthens this tension.

8 Name: AnonyGod : 2008-11-06 02:21 ID:UHSN1uti


>I suspect you only deal with women when you are trying to flirt with them, which is a very special and non representative situation. If you work and collaborate with women outside of romantic and sexual interests, you'll notice that they are basically humans...Besides, what you describe as "to talk in silly voices or get ludicrously excited over nothing" are simply instinctive flirt methods used by females.

Heh, I have no experience whatsoever when it comes to flirting. I don’t even try primarily because I’d likely just look stupid.

But even then when just conversing with women normally, I've noticed they're very insistent on making fake smiles or just acting unusually perky in general. We all hide something in social situations, that much is a given, but I've noticed women are far more perky than usual. It reminds me a little bit about Azumanga and Lucky Star, who's female cast is fun to watch, but they're pretty much noted for their quirks alone. Watching that and seeing reality, sometimes I wonder, do women have much more than their quirks?

I can understand establishing a social identity for yourself but when women place the whole foundation of a relationship alone on signals, friend or romance, it really is not only frustrating for the other party I imagine (in which I feel terrible for my social inadequacies), but also because of the woman's acceptance of the possibility at my lack of perception of these signals. I feel like an utter prick hurting these people yet at the same time I don't want to be hurt in turn. These days I’m indifferent to romance: It’s something that would be nice to have but it’s something I can live without too. I wouldn’t mind a friendship either and so I wonder whether they want me for romance or friendship.

The truth is I find the idea of talking to someone out of the blue horrifying, as I am very taciturn. There is also the fear of outright being arrested for saying the wrong thing and given a woman’s need to look pretty and their reliance on signals, the guy making the first move, it’s almost like they view courting and social interaction as some kind of game and given their reliance on signals and the guy making the first move, it seems so very arrogant in placing oneself as a prize. I can understand pride or confidence but sometimes when I think I see women giving me their signals, I feel something like contempt in that someone so arrogant to expect me to play along with their games, as well as someone completely dependent upon these games, deserves to get burned. It’s terribly sadistic and unpleasant, and sometimes I wonder what I’m becoming entertaining these thoughts.

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