Right, Squeeks is going (222)

20 Name: !iLove5X52g 2006-01-25 23:52 ID:Heaven

I'd be willing to do whatever I can, I guess as a mod or something. Is that much moderation really needed? Spam and highly illegal/dangerous information are the only things I can think of worthy of deletion.

I don't know anything about programing, outside of basic HTML or whatever, but I check out the site each day so I'd be willing to moderate or something like that as long as I can keep a very low profile.

21 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-26 01:15 ID:gDn5i5FJ

>Karaha doesn't use SQL, corrent?


For hosting, would the wabachan distributed model be feasible or desirable?

The only moderation I've really noticed is spam deletion and spamlist updates. If more mods are needed I'd be willing to step up. I thought the admins were more inclined to picking out people than take applicants.

I can also do housekeeping like upgrading to new versions of kareha.

23 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-26 01:58 ID:/I92uHhp


> The only moderation I've really noticed is spam deletion and spamlist updates.

That's probably about right; I don't remember where exactly but I read somewhere that mods are like janitors, just cleaning up where necessary, but not really making any judgment calls. Of course some judgment is required to even do that... I check the site frequently, so I too would be willing to step up as a janitor if more are needed.

There are the rules, of course, but some of them are obviously guidelines and aren't really usually enforced (since there isn't much need to). http://4-ch.net/rules.html

I'm a little worried about the whole "team" idea, and would be apprehensive about the wakachan style of different people hosting different boards. I don't know, I could be paranoid, but I'm worried that it will end up creating a new community, of the people who run the site, and that these people will consider the actual users secondary. My ideal would be for some other quiet, clear-headed person to take over, and keep everything about the same as it is now (maybe rearrange the categories in the board list, though). Actually I totally agree with >>8, really.

28 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-26 02:32 ID:U1RD3Xdh

Hmm... well, I wouldn't mind at least helping out with moderation, this being one of the few sites I still visit daily, multiple times, even.

As for the cost, if we could find at least 4 people willing to pay at least $20 a month, it wouldn't really be anything. Heck, I was paying about $85 for a server by myself a few months ago, so I wouldn't mind donating at least $20 a month.

34 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-26 05:05 ID:fxx1eqet

I think the team thing is a good idea, but if anyone has to be the "moot"/leader/guy that puts his name on the hosting bill I'd rather it be Shii or WAHa if they were up for it, mostly because they seem to do a good job of just working on things and staying mostly in the background as is.

Since the anonymous boards are pretty much the only places I contribute and I like this one best, I'm offering up my help. I'll more than likely have a steady income and extra money by June so you can put me down for that 20, or moderation or whatever else needs done.

Oh, and I -like- the link field, but I think I'm the only one.

38 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-26 05:21 ID:fxx1eqet


Hey look Squeeks made a post while I was fiddling with my spelling.

I think there's a little difference between people knowing who you are in the Wikipedia and 4-ch sense, and everyone knowing who you are in the 4chan and every other forum on the internet sense. I'm kind of hoping that if I do end up a moderator I'll stick on the first side, and I don't really think it'll be that hard as long as I don't post with "34!TRIPCODELOLMODERATOR" all the time.

44 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2006-01-26 08:56 ID:Heaven

Hello I am a 4-ch moderator

I've been slacking lately

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