ITT we insult the poster above us -- reloaded (1002)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4505 14:02 [no]


2 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4505 18:50 [no]

>>1 took long enough to make the thread

3 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4505 19:02 [no]

>>2 was too scared to do it himself.

4 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4505 19:48 [no]

>>1-3 are all idiots for thinking a new thread had to be made. The original is still perfectly adequate.

5 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4505 20:39 [no]

>>4 doesn't believe in legends.

6 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4505 20:57 [no]

>>5 was raped by santa

7 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4506 00:40 [no]


was fucked doggy style by santa anally

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