[Part 3] ( ´ω`) Grandpa [Legendary] (1000)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4517 09:29 [no]

( ´ω`) hello kids!

151 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4531 22:04 [no]

(・∀・) What?! No, Grandpa, what is it?

152 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4531 22:05 [no]

( ´ω`) Sockpuppet W. Gangare, Junior!

153 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4532 10:50 [no]

( ・ー・) My last name is Igewal, though.

( ´ω`) ...

( ・ー・) ...I'll be going now.

154 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4532 18:12 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, I want to become a professional Go player. I want to play a game against you in the hopes your fighting spirit will inspire me!

155 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4532 21:46 [no]

( ´ω`) No. Grow a REAL man's nose and play mahjong.

156 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 04:55 [no]

 ( __ )
 (・∀・) I smell!

157 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 05:00 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, do you work for the Siberian Railway?

158 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 05:28 [no]

( ´ω`) Why do you waste my time asking such stupid questions? I don't have much longer to live!

159 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 06:05 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, can I have your moustache when you die?

160 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 06:10 [no]

( ´ω`) I'm donating my mustache to the Children's Aid Society when I die. However, you can have my pubes, if you'd like!

161 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 06:14 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, why do you look at other women when you have me?

162 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 07:06 [no]

( ´ω`) You're not a woman, you just have vagina envy.

163 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 15:08 [no]


164 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 15:09 [no]


165 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 15:25 [no]

                              ( ´ω`)

166 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 15:25 [no]

                    ( ´ω`)

167 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 15:26 [no]

          ( ´ω`)

168 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 15:26 [no]

!! ( ´ω`) I've been replaced! Call me..Grandpa.

169 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 16:36 [no]

(・∀・) Uh, okay.

170 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 17:12 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? It's something I ask of all my prey. I just like the sound of it.

171 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 17:17 [no]

( ´ω`) No, but I did meet the devil at the crossroads. He wanted to know I wanted to buy a chocolate bar for charity. I told him to fuck off.

172 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 17:47 [no]

              / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    |~ ̄ ̄|     < Bless you and live well, Grandpa.
    |____†__| .♀    \_______________
    (_・∀・ ).∥    
    / ~〉†〈/つ      
   ノ  ノ|  |...∥    

173 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 18:34 [no]

( ´ω`) Hell-a loo yah.

174 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 19:32 [no]

(・∀・) Granpa, where do missing socks go?

175 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 19:40 [no]

( ´ω`)
The Bureau of Missing Socks is seeking young, attractive, potential stars for a series of Internet videos and a possible part in director Joel M. Reed's next feature film. Fame, fortune and a new career are possibilities - International exposure a reality. There will be pay and no fees of any kind are involved. Please email your picture to admin@funbureau.com. If you're under 18 submission must be accompanied by a note from parent or guardian. All entries will be published.

176 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 20:37 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, can I sign up?

177 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 21:04 [no]

>attractive, potential stars

( ´ω`)

178 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4533 23:36 [no]

(・∀・) Yes?

179 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 08:12 [no]

>under 18 submission must be accompanied by a note from parent or guardian

( ´ω`)

180 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 08:20 [no]

(・∀・) Are you saying you won't give permission?!

181 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 16:06 [no]

( ´ω`)

182 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 16:48 [no]

(・∀・) Please...?

183 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 17:00 [no]

( ´ω`) No. Now go and play your cat-guitar.

184 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 23:05 [no]


185 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 23:06 [no]

(・∀・) Please...?

186 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4535 04:57 [no]

( ´ω`) No, no, and I said no, so no. Do this anymore and I'm going to have to teach you a painful lesson.

187 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4535 05:19 [no]

( ・ω・) I'll sponsor you, Junior.

188 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4535 12:50 [no]

(・∀・) But, you aren't my legal guardian. You aren't even a human.

189 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4535 13:57 [no]

( ´ω`) But junior, you are not even legal.

190 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4535 16:00 [no]


191 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4535 17:40 [no]

( ´ω`) Go back to your own damn thread, Emojunior.

192 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4535 19:10 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, who's the deaf, dumb, and blind kid that plays a mean pinball?

193 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4536 03:51 [no]

( ´ω`) Your mom.

∩( ´ω`)∩ Oh! What's up now, bitch?!

194 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4536 04:09 [no]

( ・ω・) When did this become Jerry Springer?

195 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4536 06:19 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, I tried to fix the Wikipedia page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga, but they blocked my IP range due to some other asshole. Are you a big fan of 'Buttsecks?'

196 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4536 06:24 [no]

( ´ω(。・_・) I'll fix it in a bit, Junior. I'm busy right now.

197 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4536 12:29 [no]

(・∀・) I'll just sit here and watch until you can fix it.

198 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4536 19:25 [no]

(。・_・) ......

199 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4536 21:44 [no]

( ´ω`) Ok what was that again?

200 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 02:24 [no]

(・∀・) Oh, nevermind.

(・∀・) Grandpa, what was the internet like before MySpace was invented?

201 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 04:50 [no]

\( ´~`)/ hey!

202 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 06:54 [no]


203 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 15:29 [no]

( ´ω`) What's MySpace? Is it like goatse.cx?

204 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 17:20 [no]

(・∀・) Grandp∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴

205 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 19:23 [no]

( ´ω`) Finally.

206 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 20:31 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, aren't you glad that the House of York won the War of the Roses? Those Lancaster punks didn't stand a chance!

207 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 20:37 [no]

( ´ω`) SHUT THE FUCK UP WAS ANY... oh. sorry...

208 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 21:10 [no]

(・∀・;) Geez, Grandpa. Eats some prunes and maybe you won't be so cranky!

209 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 21:43 [no]

( ´ω∴∵

210 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4537 22:11 [no]

( ´ω`) The divine judgement from the Lord Tanasinn has blessed our thread, Junior. Stop being so disrespectful and accept it!

211 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4538 23:07 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, may I ask for whom the bell tolls?

212 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4539 00:09 [no]

∴∵∴( ´ω∴∵

213 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4539 00:36 [no]

∴∵∴( ・∀∴∵∵∵∵∵∵
 ∴*But I don't wann*-∴∵∵

214 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4539 01:24 [no]

 ∴∴∵∵∵∵∵∵∵∵∵       (・ω・ ) Meh.
∴∵∴∵∴´ω∵∵∵∵∵∵∵ ∵∵
  ∵∵∵∵∵∵∵∵∵∵∵ ∵
∵∵∵∵∵∵∵∵ ∵

215 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4539 01:38 [no]

( ´ω`) hello kids!∵

216 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4540 05:39 [no]

(・∀・) Well, this is it. Ground zero. Anything you'd like to say?

217 Name: Anonymous 1993-09-4540 06:08 [no]

Grandpa, I would like to apologize to you. I know I have wronged you in the past (as I see you've told Junior), After our parting, I was forced into slavery to obtain the strawberry rice cakes I so desire. It was then that I learned what a horrible place this world truly is. I'm glad that I was able to do this befo∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴

218 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4540 18:20 [no]

(`ハ´) Hmph. I don't believe in Tanasin.

(`ハ´) ...

(`ハ´) ∴

(`ハ´) Wha!?

219 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4540 23:09 [no]

              (( ( ´ω`) )) Shut the fuck up, bitch.
              (( // 、) 、)∩)) ♥
            ((~((≡γ'⌒ヽ∧∧ )) ♥ ♥  
               し'`Jし'ゝつ;´ヮ゚)っ )) ♥ Grandpa, it's amazing!! ♥

220 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4540 23:31 [no]

              (( ( ´ω`) ))
              (( // 、) 、)∩))
            ((~((≡γ'⌒ヽ∧∧ ))
               し'`Jし'ゝつ;`ハ´)っ ))

221 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 02:54 [no]

(・∀・) A part of me has just died.

(・∀・) Well, anyway. What kind of music do you listen to, Grandpa? Or have listened to in the past?

222 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 04:21 [no]

              (( ( ´ω`) )) Shut the fuck up, junior.
              (( // 、) 、)∩)) ♥
            ((~((≡γ'⌒ヽ∧∧ )) ♥ ♥  
               し'`Jし'ゝつ;・∀・)っ )) ♥ Grandpa, it's amazing!! ♥

223 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 06:17 [no]

              (( ( ´ω`) )) I like doing it with Shii more
              (( // 、) 、)∩)) ♥
            ((~((≡γ'⌒ヽ∧∧ )) ♥ ♥  
               し'`Jし'ゝつ;´ヮ゚)っ )) ♥ it's because I'm cute, miaow

224 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 10:45 [no]

(・∀・) Okay Grandpa, it's my turn now

225 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 12:16 [no]

( ´ω`) No.

226 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 16:32 [no]

            ((   ∧∧
        (( (( ( (●)トェェェイ(●)) )) )) DDDUUUUURRR~~~!!!!!
           ((  (( // 、) 、)∩)) ))
         (( ((~(((≡γ'⌒ヽ∧∧ )) )) OH SHI-!!
               し'Jし'ゝつ;´ω)っ )) )) I'm too old for this! You sick bastard!

227 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 17:47 [no]

(・∀・) Get a room, you two!

228 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 19:28 [no]

           / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           | The doctor said that his rectum may
           | never recover...
           | Such a tragedy...
              \   ______________/
                | ./                       _
                |/         γ------------ヽ l┴l|
                       ∧∧ |   ∧_∧_,  .|.|[__]| ____ peepーーー……
.            。 ∧_∧ (*iдi)|--(  ´ω`)(ン--|.|[__]|||田田|:| ̄|
            ゚  ゚(・Д・; )γ  、つγ´⌒`ヽ"~--/ l》| |||田田|゚.|_|、  
             ∩ ∧_∧| ヽつ" /    ,,, ノ .  /  |ノ|〔二二二〔  |
              ゞ(   ・д)/   (   、,,ノ"   /  ノ」 .| ||___||/
              (__( ∩_∩ ーーーーーーー〈  / ∧◎∧  lヽ田∧7
                | (   ´)            〉| / ( ;・∀・) (‘д‘ )
               (_(   `つ_______ノ (_」⊃/二/⊂「::∩ノ
                  |  l  L||         ||    |_::__|  /__ン
             (_(__)                (__)_) (_(_)

229 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 23:55 [no]

     Junior: Grandpa, I'm here for you!
     Grandpa: Junior...my stash...is located in C:ヽ Windowsヽ PCHEALTHヽ DQNヽ (・∀・) ...password is 'Mitsuki-chan'...Please, make the collection bigger for me..
     Junior: Of course, Grandpa!!
                         γ------------ヽ l┴l|
                       ∧∧ |   ∧_∧_,  .|.|[__]| ____ peepーーー……
.                     (*・Д・)|--(´ω`  )(ン--|.|[__]|||田田|:| ̄|
                     γ  、つγ´⌒`ヽ"~--/ l》| |||田田|゚.|_|、  
                      /    ,,, ノ .  /  |ノ|〔二二二〔  |
                     /   (   、,,ノ"   /  ノ」 .| ||___||/
                       ーーーーーーー〈  /              
                                   〉| /                

230 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 00:03 [no]

     Junior: Gra∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴

                   ∵∴∧∧ |   ∧_∵∴  .|.|[__]| ____ pe∵∴
.                     ∵∴Д・)|--(´ω∵∴(ン--|.|[_∵∴田|:| ̄|
                     γ  、つγ´⌒∵∴~--/ l》| |||∵∴田|゚.|_|、  
                      /  ∵∴ノ .  /  |ノ|〔二∵∴  |
                     /  ∵∴ 、,,ノ"   ∵∴ .| ||_∵∴||/
                       ーーーーーーー〈  /              
                            ∵∴   〉∵∴             

231 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 01:39 [no]

some time later

( ´ω`) And so I told the guy "Dagnabbit, git the hell off mah property!"

(・∀・) Ahaha! You're so cool, Grandpa!

232 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 01:55 [no]

        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

          ( ・∀・)  Grandpa! I just had this weird dream!
         _| ⊃/(___ We were taken over by something called "tanasinn"
       / └-(____/ And then things stopped making sense. You died.
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

233 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 04:37 [no]

if anyone does tanasinn on >>232 i will drive to their house and kick their ass

234 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 05:02 [no]

( ´ω`) You killed me in your sleep. I will NEVER forgive you.

235 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 05:25 [no]

          ( ・∀・)  You were killed by tanasinn.
         _| ⊃/(___ I think Clonepa was leading it, though.
       / └-(____/
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

236 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 20:22 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, why is it that man cannot live on bread alone? I think bread is pretty tasty, and you can't have a good sandwich without bread.

237 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 21:30 [no]

( ´ω`) Junior, if you try to live on bread alone, you'll get terrible constipation.

( ;´ω`) Ask me how I know.

238 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 22:03 [no]

(・∀・) How do you know, Grandpa?

239 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4543 00:22 [no]

( ;´ω`)

240 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4543 00:33 [no]

(・∀・) Haha! I finally outsmarted Grandpa!

241 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4543 03:56 [no]

( ´ω`) How many (・∀・)'s does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I'll tell you.

( ´ω`)

  _  ∩
  ⊂彡 ☆ ( `Д´)

242 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4543 08:38 [no]

(・∀・) I'm sorry.

(・∀・) Here's a new question! If dad is your son, then why does mom live with us when he lives somewhere else?

243 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4543 16:05 [no]

( ´ω`) Sonny, we have talked about it.[2]

[2] See Grandpa V2.0 somewhere around the start.

244 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4543 22:30 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, did you know that in the War of 1812, a British invasion burned down Washington D.C.?

(・∀・) Also, did you know that Lincoln publically stated he could care less about black people, or slavery, during the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858?

( ゚ ∀ ゚ ) History is so cool!

245 Name: Obvious Captain 1993-09-4543 22:50 [no]

( ´ω`) Fscking furries on my intertrons.

246 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4544 01:17 [no]

(・∀・) Grandpa, are you gay? Are you a nigger?

(・∀・) Are you a gay nigger?

247 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4544 01:31 [no]

( ´ω`) I am not, nor have I ever been associated with with organization in question.

248 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4544 01:34 [no]

(・∀・) I think you're avoiding the question, Grandpa.

249 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4544 02:46 [no]

( ;´ω`) Can't you see that I am not a "nigger", sonny?

250 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4544 02:50 [no]

(・∀・) But look at you, Grandpa! What I can see of you is definately black!

(・∀・) ...

(・∀・) For that matter, so am I...

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