( LƒÖ`) hello kids!
WTH is this?
(EÍE) Grandpa, what do you think of >>443 ? He seems quite dense to me.
@@@@@@@_i@LƒÖ`jShut up already!
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(EÍE) I'm going to file your fucking ass for child abuse, Grandpa!!
i@LƒÖ`j Whatever. Help me get rid of these damn VIPPERS, why don't you?
@@@@@@@@@@@@,. .]:'L: ; : : : r¤¤;._:M˜¤¤@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ }
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@@‚†-¤:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::`:"::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:r¤MR~ r'L:.:.:.:l HELLO VIPPERS! PLEASE GO BACK TO VIP FOR SOME LOLI ACTION!
(EAE) Do you think that will make them leave?
( LƒÖ`) We can hope, junior.
(O„DO) Leave this pleasant board? Never! I never well for old VIP the this kind of cannot be splendid, go away from the elegant place!
@@@@@ ÈQÈ
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(EÍE) Grandpa, I have a serious question now. You see, I had to upgrade to firefox 1.5 for a certain feature, but it sucks and all of my settings are lost. But when I go back to 1.0.*'s, it simply won't work. Do I switch to Opera?
( LƒÖ`) Yes.
@¡|’U|¡|¡|¡|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|¡|¡|¡|’U|¡ @VEIEPI
@¡|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|’U|¡ @‚»‚ꂪVIPƒNƒIƒŠƒeƒBô
@@@@@@@@ Ć^R-A_Q_@@
@@@@@@@@@@i@¥Í¥j@@Grandpa! I--
@@@@@@@@ Ć^R-A_Q_@@
i@LƒÖ`j Who is that speaking? ARE YOU A VIPPER?
(EÍE) Hey grandpa, what did we do before all the VIP came along?
i@LƒÖ`j Well jr, we ate copious amounts of copy pasta. I remember you got very large.
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(EÍE) Grandpa, that demon scares me! Am I going to die?
i@LƒÖ`j We're all dying, Junior. I've been dead inside for YEARS.
(EÍE) Grandpa, why does my DQN thread have only three replies? I thought it was funny.
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(EÍE) Grandpa! Are you alright? Is there anything wrong with your voice?
i@LƒÖ`jSometimes when you get to my age, something named 'tact' crawls down from your brain and starts fondling your larynx, which causes it to freeze up in shock and disgust. Don't worry, it passes quickly.
(EÍE) Grandpa, I've seen numerous lolita in this thread! Does this mean... we have entered HEAVEN?!
i@LƒÖ`jJunior, one cannot enter HEAVEN without first destroying VIPPERS.
(;E„DE) So in the end we ended up going all the way to Yoshinoya in order to cool Grandpas nerves..
@@@@@@@ èè @@@@@@@You should have some too
@@i LƒÖ`j_Q^¼i¥Í¥Gj
(EÍE) Grandpa, do you believe that since man is no longer innocent in the eyes of God after falling from grace in the Garden of Eden and allow the universe to become imperfect, that God's ultimate plan is to allow man to have knowledge and free will that will lead to a new universe that is more perfect?
i@LƒÖ`j Perfection is perfect. You cannot be more perfect than perfect. However, the universe could never have been perfect, for if it were, the events that supposedly "made" it "imperfect" could've never happened.
i@LƒÖ`j Also, Don Knotts.
(EÍE) Grandpa, how much school or education have you taken in your life?
i@LƒÖ`j I got a PhD in ass-whupping, Junior!
i MƒnLj He studied under me, you know.
i@LƒÖ`j Only because you kept sitting on my head.
(EÍE) Ha ha shorty!
@@@@@@@@@@@i L„DMj @@^PPPPPPPPPPP
@@@@@@@@@@^@@@_@ƒ@ Ha ha shorty!
@@@@@@@ @@bb@@bb @_QQQQQQQQQQQ
@@@@@@@ @@bb@@bb
@@@@@QQ@^^Q ^^QQQ
@@@@^@@^^@@^^@@@@@ ^
@@@^@@@P@@ @P@@@@@ ^^@@@@
@@ ||PPPPPPPPPPP||@ ||@@@@
@@ ||PPPPPPPPPPP|| @||@@@@
@@ ||@@@Teacher's desk@@@ || @||@@@@
@@ ||@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@||@@(E„DEG) iLƒÖ`@j i MƒnLj
iMƒnL j I don't need to take this crap from you...
i@LƒÖ`j Good riddance! That guy is such a mooch.
i MƒnLj I'm taking these bananas with me.
i MƒnLj And this peanut butter.
i MƒnLj And these hot dog buns.
i MƒnLj I'm going to make some peanut butter banana hoagies tonight.
(EÍE) Damn, that sounds good...
(EÍE) Grandpa, since Elvis died with no male heir, who is the current King of Rock 'n Roll and where is the crown?
i@LƒÖ`j Currently, there is no King. Dick Clark is the Regent of Rock 'n Roll (since he could never take over the throne but will clearly live well into the next millenia to appoint a new monarch) He has entrusted the crown to Vin Diesel for safekeeping.
i MƒnLjGrandpa, you are losing your touch! I'm moving to North Korea!
i@EƒÖEj Hay guys, am I cool yet?
(EÍE) Clonepa, what's that smell?
@ iQQj
@i QQ j
@i@EƒÖEj The Japanese have a scatalogical fetish and everyone seems to like them...
(EÍE) What does scatalogical mean?
i@LƒÖ`j Sonny, you know you should hit WP when you want to learn about things kids do nowdays
(EÍE) Hello kids! ...no, wait.
(EÍE) You sound like a gaijin just starting to learn japanese grandpa.
ƒu[ƒ“‚¾‚¯‚ ‚Á‚½‚©‚¢ƒiƒŠÚ‚µ‚ƒeƒ‰ƒƒƒX‚—‚—‚—‚¤‚Í‚—‚—‚¨k‚—‚—‚—
ƒqƒ“ƒgF‚±‚Ì‘¬‚³‚Ȃ猾‚¦‚éƒcƒ“ƒfƒŒ‰´–{“–‚ÍVŽQVIPPER‚¾‚¨ (L¥ƒÖ¥M)
(EÍE) Just thinking about 500GETing, that's all.
i@LƒÖ`j Being old means being able to be proud over silly things like younger people than you achieving bogus achievements.
(EÍE) o O (Grandpa at the start of the thread = ( LƒÖ`))
(EÍE) o O (Grandpa now = i@LƒÖ`j)
(;EÍE) o O (Grandpa at time of 1000GET = i@@@@@@@@@@LƒÖ`j)
i@@@@@@@@@@LƒÖ`@@@@@@@@@@j I never told you I can strech my body like putty?
(EÍE) That joke just sucked grandpa.
i@LƒÖ`jDid I ever tell you the one about the bear and the rabbit?
(EÍE) Isn't that the one where the rabbit impregnated the bear, then, 2 months later, ate the bear and used the embryos to play baseball with?
i@LƒÖ`jThat's a new one to me. Let's hear it!
(EÍE) Grandpa, were you a Cavalier, Roundhead, or a Clubman during the English Civil War?
i@LƒÖ`j I was a Mexican.
(EÍE) Grandpa, is there any advice you can offer me regarding grooming habits?
i@LƒÖ`j Junior, the most fundamental thing you can always do: wash your penis.
(EÍE) Grandpa, why did the porridge bird lay his egg in the air?
i@LƒÖ`jJunior, what the fuck are you talking about?
(EAE) We are the Alpha and the Omega.
(MƒÊL) The beginning and the end.
(@LƒÖ`) The first and the last.
iLƒÖ`j So now cultists are living in my basement too?
(MƒÊL) We mean no harm.
(MƒÊL) We only wish to be allowed to worship the great Tanasinn.
(MƒÊL) We have some pamphlets, if you want...
iLƒÖ`jJunior, get rid of them. NOW!
(EÍE) Aww, don't be like that. Here, I'll introduce you.
(EÍE) This is... ah... uhm...
(MƒÊL) We are 'Mu' -mu.
(MƒÊL) Praise be to Tanasinn -mu.
(EÍE) wtf.
(ᵔᴗᵔ) əʞzxs/ɯoɔ·լɹnʎuᴉʇ//:dʇʇɥ
(EÍE) Grandpa, why is Tanasinn so ˆæˆæˆæˆæˆ
(MƒÊL) Tanasˆæˆ
( ß ƒŽß) Gwandpapy! Gwandpapy! I made a poo-poo!
iLƒÖ` j So did I. Can you reach over and grab that box of Depends off the counter for me?
iLƒÖ` j So did I. Can you reach over and grab that box of Depends off the counter for me?
iLƒÖ` j So did I. Can you reach over and grab that box of Depends off the counter for me?
iLƒÖ` j So did I. Can you reach over and grab that box of Depends off the counter for me?
(EÍE) Sing me a song, Grandpa.
iLƒÖ` j So did I. Can you reach over and grab that box of Depends off the counter for me? *ô*
(KÍB)@Poasting in a legendary thread.
i LƒÖ`jkids
i LƒÖ`j Good Jr, you look kinda cool
Meanwhile in North Korea....
i=< MÍL) I must fit in with the locals.
i=< MÍL) How about that Starcraft, huh? Pretty great game!
i LƒÖ`j Junior, I thought I specifically told you not to go snooping around the lower left drawer box in my bedroom.
(KÍB) Sorry grandpa, but I couldn't resist trying heroin for at lesast once in my lifetime...wow, is that pink Yukorin over there?!
i LƒÖ`j It's a clock...