Hello, 4-ch! I want to hear your troubles! Post what you're worried about.
Feel free to ridicule other posts. We're all just bored, spoiled souls.
I'm worried that even though I'm going to be graduating next spring, I don't really know much about my job field. I worry that I won't be able to find any good job that I'm qualified for, and have to take a crap job just to pay back my loans.
At least you have a job field to go into ^^; I have to decide very soon something I'd like to do for the rest of my life, it's intimidating.
It is. This isn't even the original field I started out in - I picked this because I had to pick -something-. I'm not even sure this is really what I want to do.
I console myself with the belief that most employer's don't really care about what your degree specifically is, as long as you seem educatable.
Well, venting all your problems is a pretty good way to feel less whiny about life in general, right? So, here goes.
First and foremost in my mind, the girl I like has no interest in me at all, and is also more than a little creeped out at the fact that I like her. I keep getting this feeling that she's gonna start hating me forever, just for being honest about all that.
Also, my mom's having a bit of trouble making ends meet. This might be because even though we're so poor she won't shut off the fucking high-speed internet (I wouldn't wanna shut it off either, but this is serious business) or the digital cable with HBO-on-demand package deal (which doesn't affect me because I barely watch TV). The city we live in's pretty shitty when it comes to the cost of living, and this is only made worse by the rise in gas prices. I pretty much have to spend all of the pay from my part-time job just to pay for gas to and from school, and never mind the fact that there just aren't enough events going on at work to pay for anything at all.
Also, I just hate homework. Some people say I'm pretty smart, but I'm pretty sure that's just a lie. I have to buckle way the fuck down, even to finish a measly three page essay, so I'm afraid that when this community college shit is over and I have to do some real classes, I'm just going to fucking snap and toss myself heroically out a window some ten-odd stories up.
On top of all this, I hang out at 4-ch.
I am introverted :(
This thread is depressing, I am not reading any of this.
The girl I want more than life itself is going out with a guy 10 years older than her (17 vs 27). Not to mention a pasty white accountant.
Damn, compared to you, >>8, my shit's all just whiny emo-ism. Keep at it, though! Even if there's a one percent chance, it's still a chance, right?
The girl I want is so shy and introverted, I can't even get her to keep up a conversation for more than a few lines. Being shy and introverted myself, I understand that, but I'm useless at working my way around it. So I just end up sitting in silence no matter how hard I try.
Strangely enough, she opens up a whole lot more when we're doing homework, something she does seem to enjoy doing together. Sometimes she'll become lively enough to show off a bit more of her true self, and she is very funny and intelligent. But later on, she'll be as distant as ever.
And now she's graduated, and is hundreds of kilometer away, and I don't have much of a chance to ever see or talk to her except for the occasional email which mostly goes unanswered.
There's two women I love, for all the wrong reasons (different reasons). Both live on other continents than I do. I don't see myself able to change anything.
If a girl touches my hand and says "we love you anyway", is that like 0.1th base?
I'm so lazy. I'm seriously getting mad at myself here.
From tomorrow on, I shall try to stop being lazy, and start doing homework as soon as I can, instead of in the last minute. I will also do more stuff in my spare-time that i've been promising myself to do.
I was a sort-of hikkikomori for the last one and a half years and now I'm forced to go to college (home school lol) and I don't know how to talk to anybody and I'm all alone.
I hate chemistry! I used to love it along with all other sciences, but now as I advance to higher levels in the field, I can't help but wonder:
For example, in grade 12 courses, we're learning about molecular shape. How the hell can anyone know about the structure and shape of molecules? We're given a ton of rules, then later told that, "Oh, that one is an exception to the rule." To me, it seems like bullshit! Why didn't they tell us about the orbitals inside of shells in the lower grades? Why the big 2,8,8 electron configuration "lie"? One cannot be entirely sure of the formation, but I guess one could create a theory using knowledge of interaction of forces.
On top of it all, students of Canada's education system are adept at helping teachers at their jobs. What is this precisely? Acting as if you understand. Not pointing out inconsistencies in the curriculum. Not pointing out inconsistencies in what the teacher has said.
Yeah, lying about complicated things in order to dumb them down is a pet peeve of mine, but it happens. You just have to assume that anything you learned in high school, someone is going to tell you later on that they just made that up to make the concept seem simpler. If you want to know the truth, you'll probably have to take classes designed for people actually training to be chemists.
> Why the big 2,8,8 electron configuration "lie"?
As a kid I loved chemistry... until I did CHEM 11 & 12. Those two subjects completely destroyed my interest in chemistry.
It was only several years later, when I gave chemistry at uni a chance, that I decided I liked it. One major reason was just how unusual and interesting the atomic world really is (or at least our theories of it).
If they hadn't dumbed down the high-school chemistry curriculum to the point of boring me to tears, who knows what I'd be doing today. Titrations and overly simplified models my ass.
i'm still figuring out whether i made this post and just forgot or if it's my twin out there somewhere
I might start a thread called "Post your HAPPY stuff here" or something soon.
>>5 Too true. Exactly the same here -_-;;;
I think I may have a personal problem... regardless, I'm not very good at explaining emotions, so please try to follow along.
I'm a 14-year-old male living in the province of Quebec. I frequent a French school, and have few friends in real life. While taking the bus to school one morning, I noticed a young 12-year-old girl that looked particularly appealing. She looks somewhat like Sakurai Chizu.
I just don't know how to get her to pay attention to me. I really find her pretty, and I've had a crush on her ever since I saw her. Is it wrong for me to feel this way about such a young girl?
How can I get her to notice me? I can't approach her when her friends are there, since they'll think I'm some pedo, and that'll mess everything up. I'm so confused.
Play some videogames or do your homework or whatever.
i guess she's going to school too? Do u know which school she is from? Have any friends in that school?
People tend to use me as their personal psychiatrist. A lot of stuff is going on that I can't really deal with. Two of my friends (a couple) is on the verge of breaking up and lay all their drama on me. Stress, stress. Heartbreak and heartache.
Also a kid I don't know, but that a lot of my friends were close with, died in a motorcycle accident last Friday.. not quite sure how to behave around my friends about that either... :/
So yeah.. that's basically what I'm worried about at the moment sigh
I don't see how the difference between 14 and 12 would make someone think you're pedopedo.
We're probably twins. Twins with everyone else on this thread.
Anyway, I'm gonna rant some positivity here so bear with me.
I was at a show last night, with that girl I like (I guess she doesn't hate me but I'm practically invisible to her anyway) and the gay guy that introduced me to the girl. I said I was gonna mosh so hard I'd forget everything, but really, all that moshing did was make me remember harder. It's weird, but a really wild moshpit is a good place to think.
What I thought was, I don't care if I'm weak, tactless, have no charisma, or anything. I don't care if I'm invisible to every girl on earth, and I certainly don't care if I tend to think in terms of relationships. It doesn't matter all that much that I just sort of fade out when more than three people are talking. It's not that I'm a complete asshole or anything, it's just that if I let these things sit in my mind too long my personality tends to change for the worse.
And well, I guess it's not like everything I do sucks. I got the number of this girl, a friend of my friends, after we gave her a lift back to her car. We talked a bit during the show, and she nearly picked me up and tossed my ass into the pit once or twice, so I figure it'd rock ass to have more friends to go to shows with.
Ow, shit, my foot still hurts from when it twisted funny after someone fell on it. I gotta limp off to class, anyway. Maybe by then I won't have memories of that show so fresh in my mind, and I'll be back to hating everything.
maybe u need to find someone to talk to?? How are other friends??
generally 14 is past puberty, 12 is pre puberty.
I can empathise. When I do something fun, the world is so great for a few days afterwards and then the memories and the it-actually-happened-i-was-there feeling goes away and I am back to 'normal'.
It's still only 2 years. I don't think it would be -that- big of a deal.
She goes to my school. As this is her first year at this school (same for me), she doesn't know anyone and I barely know anyone. This is a big school, and it's a private one, so if anything got out, I could get expelled easily.
I've never been to a concert in my life.
Time to rant and rant! Please skip this post.
Family. My mom, my dad, and my sister. My mom is a drunk and abusive whore. That's not "she sells herself on the street" that's "she has a new boyfriend every two weeks." They're all idiotic red necks and big burly black men. She has her life completly backwards. Exactly as was said in >>5, she puts things that don't matter at all in front of things like food, and money for schooling, and Gundam models. My mom and I tend to just ignore each other anymore. We've never had a good relationship. My dad. I don't talk to my dad anymore either. He's an abusive pervert. Voyeurism, actually. He also lies. A ton. And he's a selfish fuck! My sister doesn't like me. She's got anger issues and she's violent!
Friends. I have three of them that are worth anything. I can't talk to them, though. I know this is a really fucking retarded stereo type, and it shouldn't be taken seriously, but here are some of the things they're interested in: Violent Movies, PC Games, Playboy Girls, and the Xbox. What's that say? It says that my friends and I do not have any hobbies in common. I'm not saying "SHIT XBOX SUCKS" i'm just saying I have no one to talk about things I enjoy a lot with - we'll be walking down the street and they'll be conversing for awhile about the latest graphics card, but I'll trail behind, almost as though even my best friends don't care much for me. It's nice to have someone to just talk about trivial things with, you know? Passed that, though, they're assholes even deeper. If I buy a figure, or if I tell them I found a new series I really like and it has anything to do with a love story, they'll punch me and ridicule me for it. I know liking that kind of shit is "weird" or whatever, but they don't need to be such assholes about it! A bit deeper, they don't give a shit about my accomplishments. I can't tell them "hey, i'm learning C++!" because it's something they're interested in, and if i'm not as good as them (or even if i'm better than them, but just not perfect), they'll put me down and find something to make fun of me of. Just because apparently I'm dumb and will never amount to anything, ever. And even deeper... well, here's an example. I can't talk to them about any sort of emotional problem ever. Here, I log AIM conversations, so have a read. Please note, this was from (at the time) the only relationship I had ever enjoyed, the longest relationship with the sweetest girl I was ever involved with, who also enjoyed anime. She broke up with me, and here's what my best friend had to say about it:
[16:57:08] Me: Or if
[16:57:11] Me: I dunno.
[16:57:58] Friend: I don't know when your freaking drama is going to end
[16:58:06] Friend: if I videotaped through your window
[16:58:10] Friend: I could sell it on SOAPnet
Now this was only after one paragraph of complaining because the best thing that ever happened to me and gave me happiness left me.
Summed up: My friends are fun, but when it really comes down to it, they're not that great.
Love. I'm fortunate right now. I'm in the best and longest relationship I've ever been in. Next to the one above, which looking back on it, wasn't very good. At the time though, it was priceless. Anyway, i've got a sweet, funny, caring, attrative, smart girlfriend. What else could I possibly want in life?
The chance to see her face would be nice. We met on IRC. Now I've got proof she's not a 50 year old man (phone conversations, webcams), but she wants to finish college before we meet up. That's about 6 more years of me waiting, which I can handle (especially for her) but I don't need to handle it since we could be together within the next two. Yeah, I'm actually very young. Regardless, this is the best and longest relationship I've ever been in, but lately we're kind of "drifting apart", just because we haven't been talking a lot lately. I'm the kind of person who longs for affection and hugs pillows all night, so waiting like this is hard for me. This part of my life is probably the best right now, though.
School and Social Life. Don't exist. I'm homeschooled now, one of the factors being my peers. I was always kind of shy, but I got along pretty well with everyone. Then I had a bad injury and was out for a whole year. Everything went to shit. people completly fucking forgot I existed. When I returned, a year later, I probably got "welcome back" from one or two people. My best friends have deemed me completly and absolutely anti-social, and it's for me to talk to anyone anymore, even store clerks.
If you read this, you're probably really bored. This is my first time ranting like this a long, long time though, and it actually helped. Thanks for taking the time to read this very long, and mega-boring post. Hey, if I'm lucky there'll be a pretty girl on a bus, and a drunk will step on. . .
That's a huge post! We should probably make the size limit for posts smaller.
Wow, friends like that sound really tough! I know what you mean when you talk about friends like that. However, they sound like nerds, and them insulting you for doing thigns like learning C++ is somewhat contradictory. Am I right to guess that they're probably also the insecure, elitist types? From your description, they seem quite immature. I have a nerdy friend who thinks it is cool to go around calling other people "noobs" (irl, yes it's very lame). He is serious about his 'leetness, and takes it with him. Today, he said "lol" at the teacher. He thinks 4chan's /b/ is funny because the people are like him. In any case, I can tell he's insecure in his life because he's unpopular, his parents put heavy stress on him, etc, so I pity him a bit. My other close friends (a jock, as well as some of the stereotypical "semi-popular" kids) are all more confident with who they are, and that makes them more able to respect others and listen to others.
However, I still haven't found a place to talk about more intimate thoughts (other than online anonymity). I can't talk to them about the finer points of life, but I can talk to them and be respected at least. I can talk about how I thought Haibane Renmei was a good series, or how I liked Chobits.
Are you learning C++ for yourself or for them? So while your family is difficult to change, you can always find new friends who respect you! This might be difficult, however :( But you always have 4-ch!
But don't pay me much heed! I'm just ranting away too :D And I'm not an expert myself. The best piece of advice I can give to anyone in this thread is what I once learned from Anonymous, "Anything you do is inconsequential." If you think about this, it can give you an infinite amount of courage. So what if a girl laughs and turns you down? So what if you don't get that job interview? Apply yourself, or do nothing at all, because in the end it doesn't change much! Live life, and enjoy it :) I know I've been able to more readily enjoy life adhering to this philosophy~~
>>33 is DQN
He'd have to use up 2+ posts to post it then, idiot!
i'm completely, stupidly in love with this guy I met about two weeks ago (having started university recently). we're on the same course and he lives near me, so we see each other all the time. oh, and i'm gay, but i don't think he is. and even if he was, he wouldn't be interested in me, because I'm so very boring.
Yes, you are.
I thought gay people lived exciting, colourful lives?
He is a gay otaku, of course! Welcome to our website. Enjoy BL games.
yes, they are eltist jerks. One has an e-penis the size of xbox itself.
I also have a friend like the one you mentioned. He only wears T-Shirts from ThinkGeek, his idol is Largo of Megatokyo, and his greeting IRL is "j0." however, i have no pity for him, since he's an idiot in general and he's got it pretty good.
I'm learning C++ for myself.
I'm looking forward to meeting a nice friend, but the ones I have now, despite being assholes, I've known for years and years. Really, they are fun to be around, just not to really talk to, if that makes much sense. Can't have any sort of a serious conversation with them, they're kind of 4chan's /b/, but I highly perfer, say, /a/, because I'd rather have a good discussion.
I wish a technique like that worked for me "i've got nothing to lose", "I can do whatever I want", "it's only life, live it and take chances!" but I end up choking or backing out at the last second. Thanks for the advice.
Goodluck! That's about all I can say to you since I don't have much experince with this type of thing. Sorry. You don't have to much to lose by just asking! Hopefully you're not as shy as me. IF you are, write an email or send a letter! I'm sure he'd understand. If he isn't gay, then I'm very sorry :(
I have a solution for you. I have a friend who knows everyone she's met by accident, whether running into them on the street or (in my case) meeting them on a Pokemon forum. So, don't look for new friends at school.
∧ ∧__ Can I be friends with you?
/(*゚ー゚) /\
/| ̄ U U ̄|\/
| しぃ .|/
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
pah, the moment you realize your friends are idiots they aren't really your friends anymore
or you can just get a new set of friends, it's easier than it seems you know
Yeah, but friendships are so valuable because they don't last forever, so making them last is one of the key issues about them. Sometimes you don't need to do anything but other times you have to make compromises.
Ugh, I hate people's drama, too. I've just started to block all the drunk rich kids and stupid whory people out.
I'm bisexual, moreso gay. I'm part of the odder (read: not media stereotype) side of things - I like masculine men, etc etc. I won't go into it in detail because you'd be grossed out. Anyway, I'm an introvert and wish for a caring, dominant, and (maybe) loving partner. All masculine men in the UK are chavs, and all my friends are straight (and some, unfortunately like >>41).
So why must things be so hard? - I don't want to approach anyone (m or f) and even so, it seems there's no one for me to approach (m)!
thanks for your support.
but yeah, I am horribly shy. and the problem with me mentioning anything to him is that it would probably create a massively uncomfortable situation for the next three years.
i might just wait a while and see if i can find out for sure which way he swings without explicitly asking.
That's a good idea. Good luck, once again! Hope all goes well.
I am hikikomori. Both my parents are elderly (55+, I am 17) so even when I was younger we never did anything as a family because they were always tired. My dad has a bad job with low pay and is home maybe two nights a month, my mom can't work and can barely afford to pay bills, credit card debt, can't stop smoking and that adds up etc.
I am in my room all day playing games and watching anime, I need to go back to school before early next year because I don't know if I'll be able to so easily after I'm 18. I failed one year because of other problems and when repeating that year I couldn't stand my classmates. I tried to get a transfer but it was denied because of where I live (technically limbo because of my address [one county] doesn't match where the house actually is [another county], thanks government!) I really want to move to another state and sort-of "start over" but because of money problems that isn't an option.
I stay fit because I eat healthy and do get exercise but that is not enough. I need to return to school and get a job but I cannot figure out where to start. Introversion is hard to shed, that and my shyness/indeciciveness is what I think holds me back. When I look at this it seems like I'm just lazy but I don't feel this way at all.
Don't blame the government! If you're a lazy ass, that's your own fault.
That sounds pretty rough, but you're young, if you earnestly work on it, you should be able to work it all out. Good luck!
...oh, I finally get it.
I'm sorry to hear this.
You really should just start getting your life back together. Buckle down and do it, you know? There's not much more you can do. This is life, and you're living it! So while you still have the chance, fix things, get any job at all (its money), then turn 18 and move to your own apartment. Attend a college or community college, and live a semi-poor student life (they're not much fun, but assuming you at least get anime for free, it's really not that bad!) and then emerge with some kind of degree. Go into a job field and live life contently.
You have to start now, though. Get back in school and do what you need to, or you'll be regretting it the rest of your life.
I need to follow my own advice.
Indeed. Omae mona!
Well, it's good to hear you're staying fit. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to fixing it as well. I was in a similar situation in my senior year (only with less anime/games and more lying in bed and starting at the cieling all day) but thankfully I didn't fail and was able to pull through for the end of school.
Best advice I've got really is to find someone to talk to about it. I wasn't able to pull myself out alone, I had someone keep tabs on me to make sure I was doing the things I needed to do. It doesn't have to be professional or anything either, I got lots of good help from a Nurse at my school.
So yeah, try to find someone you can trust, set some goals for every week or so (like job hunting in so-and-so area, looking into what you need to do to finish school, etc) and see that those goals get met. I also found it very nice to have someone to talk to who wasn't a family member or someone that 'knew' me.
Hope you pull through, don't give up!
he's straight. but i still love him. if anything, after tonight i love him even more. shit.
Sorry to hear it. I can't imagine what being in a situation like that must be like.
I can at least relate to how it feels to love and be unloved back. I went through that for four years.
I am deeply sorry. I wish you the best. Here is a problem of mine that you might have too: in relationships, while i'm in them, they're the best ever, i'm hooked, even when they're in reality, not that great. It's that way with people too. When I fall in love, I fall hard. But I need to realize there are other people in the world. Other people that would love me back, too. I just need to wait for them, and find them one day magically. Hey, it happens.
So don't be down. It's kind of like "there are other fish in the sea" but less, I don't know, asshole-ish.
I truly hope the best for you! I wish I could be of more help.
"There's enough love in the world to power Seattle!"
That's what I propose we replace that line with.
This is my problem. Completely. All of my problems would be totally minimizable if I could just get organized, man.
Man. I've been on both sides of this relationship. It sucks, and it's hard to deal with. As long as you can keep yourself together things will work out. It seems like a good excuse to let yourself go crazy for a while, but don't. Stay on your feet and keep going. And yes, you have to just deal, but that doesn't mean that it isn't really fucking hard, and that's okay.
(Don't mind me, the last time I was on the "spurned" end of this relationship, one of the more damaging things that happened, I think, was they said "You know, it's not like you're the only person who's every been rejected." That and the whole "I'm really interested in you and I think you're a really great person to be around and I hope you'll be one of my best friends", followed by essentially ignoring me unless their significant other was too drunk to pay attention to them. But I oversimplify and digress ... )
<- 16 years old, male, lolicon, slightly attracted to hot jrock guys, suicidal, umm... lives with mother. =D
Few days ago I got the nerve to talk to a shy, quiet, small, cute looking freshman girl. I just walk up to her and say hi. Next day I wave to her and she actually waves backs o.0; I don't even know her name lol.
I laughed & cried @ >>65
Lucky. Continue small gestures of kindness and befriend her. Being a freshman is never very fun.
I'm just making this post for myself, really. I'll keep it short instead of my usual 3 paragraphs in this thread.
With my girlfriend so far away,
my friends such assholes,
my family not caring,
all i need is affection, really. From anyone. Like. In real life.
Pay a hooker.
>>65 reminds me of me when i was 16... 6 months later i was dumped by a freshman girl and tried to kill myself twice
Is there some kind of job where you have to punch overly emotive, suicidal teenagers in the face?
Is there some kind of job where you have to punch >>72 in the face?
Not that I know of, sorry.
how should i react to that my friends talk bad about one of my other friend.
Question their motives.
Obviously that person is mean in general. Avoid him and make better friends with the one being made fun of.
What do you do when you've got someone harassing you in a thread?
(not on 4-ch.net).
Ahh. The hazards of being a tripfag... Pretty funny, the only place I'm doing any tripfagging, and a troll decides to target me to make the entire board suffer.
Had it been personal attacks, i would have easily been able to cope. But nope, it's just tons and tons of copy paste spam, shoving my name into the insults.
Ignore him.
I do that easily and already did. Problem being that the others are getting pretty annoyed even though it's not my fault. =/
Then try to divert the other's attention from the troublemaker, or at least from giving attention to the troublemaker directly.
Silly example, but remember how the people at a-ch dealt with Sakurai as he tried to pass himself of as Densha? They ignored him and then, as he was persistent, talked about him as if he wasn't present, then moved on to a new topic.
The best way to avoid trouble (if you are not a moderator or an admin) online is really to ignore the troublemakers or move the attention away from them because all they usually want is attention and outrage.
If that doesn't help you can still contact a moderator/admin about it (personally is sometimes better than publically in this regard).
Of course, sometimes the troublemakers will give themselves attention, even if it's just one single person, thus luring others into participating ("reverse meta-trolling": http://4-ch.net/net/kareha.pl/1112960050/70-73)
Because of this type of problems, some anonymous board software have the ability to reveal a poster's IP (in all of his posts) if he makes too many posts in a certain timeframe (as evidenced here: http://cerealandmilk.net/iichan/img/res/543.html#1022), but I don't think Kareha or Wakaba have this feature (yet).