Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

165 Name: Thunder!RQhIqRxs5I!!QiI33I8Q : 2008-05-14 18:24 ID:9FnNpqvg


Actually, my friend expressed this concern as well, since he classifies himself as the "Alpha Male" type, yet every single move has been on my part. (There was a deleted post where I was the first one to take his hand). The first two times we went out, he asked me to call him, and the second time, he said, "Call me. You'll call me right? You promise?"

...he's never the one calling me first.

My friend said to watch out that I don't become his "backup," where he knows that I like him a lot, but he only sees me when he feels like it, and he might be seeing other girls too...

But I tell myself she's overthinking it.

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