Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

166 Name: 164 : 2008-05-14 18:42 ID:eDkC3G3h


Well there are guys like that. Intelligent guys, smooth-talkers who make you believe every possible compliment they make... The last thing I want is brag about it, but I am one of them so I know my type I guess. We are capable of seducing any girl we feel like (and I am just average when it comes to attractiveness, plain face)... We use our intelligence, extensive knowledge of social trivia and many other "tricks" to make girls we like believe that we're like that only with them. In reality, guys like us are usually in that open-dating scheme with at least three girls at a time. We're virtually incapable of pure love or at least we don't believe in it until it happens...

I am saying all this not to bring your hopes down but to take care because you might end up hurt. Despite your quirks (we all have them anyway) you seem nice and a bit naive, just the kinda girl he grabs for dinner... Of course, I might be wrong, but it doesn't hurt to be a bit cautious... One positive thing is that other girls who he is potentially seeing now are in pretty much the same situation...

I read all your posts and you said somewhere that he's authoritative and when he tells you something he makes you feel like every thing he says is a fact. Next thing he will start saying something about you and start controlling you in a way. He already does that... But, if you are submissive by nature and you don't care as long as you're by his side then there are good news -> he likes you, even as a backup... Although, I am pretty sure that you have some dignity and you want get to the point of literally begging him to stay with you...

I think that for now it's best to play along and take a rational look at his behavior. That will give you more answers than all of us 4channers together.

I am rooting for you!

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