Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

206 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-28 22:19 ID:2k468qTo

Considering your looks and tastes, and how you're calling him for a date, I'm starting to think he must be gay.

> relationships are kind of like playing a game, right?

Actually, that's why they often fail. The average girl likes to play with guys' feelings. I hate those stupid run-and-catch games, all they do is fuck guys up and often make these girls miss a potentially good guy who gets confused, depressed or pissed off and forgets her.

You, on the other hand, seem more direct, which is good and honest; in other words, the right thing to do. If you think you don't have much of a chance by now, then perhaps you could give it one last, definite try, as >>202 said, to ask him up front what he thinks about you and if he's interested on a relationship. Maybe he is, and in the worst case that he says he's not, you'll have an easier time forgetting about him.

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