Hikikomori (ひきこもり) (118)

1 Name: J : 2006-04-21 11:35 ID:8fmDubWe

I'm currently writing a sort of thesis on the Hikikomori. I haven't been to Japan for quite some time now but well does anyone want to volunteer some information?

Can it be the Educational system that caused this or can it stem from just Agoraphobia...Social Phobia? I've suffered from Social Phobia myself and I quite understand what it feels like but...anyway if you people would like to volunteer some info plz reply? I'd be glad.

I wanted to do my essay on something related to Japan I guess...

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 15:41 ID:cYOSeAUu


3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 19:52 ID:Heaven

I've never been to Japan but I've heard that it's caused by the stress society puts on them, and I could agree with that.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-21 23:54 ID:Heaven

How does going to Japan help you learn about hikikomoris? I mean, it's not like you're going to meet any...

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 00:21 ID:Heaven


6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 04:58 ID:WZlkJbt2


In my opinion, being exposed to Japanese society could give one an impression on why hikikomori syndrome has become so widespread. I, for one, found it hard not to observe the conformity of the society. I wouldn't be suprised if that had something to do with it.

Anyways, I think you might want to read about schizoid and avoidant personality disorders, as well as the other conditions you mentioned. Schizoids and avoidants seem to have a lot in common with hikikomoris, and, therefore, they may overlap.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 07:18 ID:dcS3kUk4


But seriously, basically people "suffering" hikkikomori may be caused many factors including both social and psychological, this state may be caused by excessive bullying, constant rejection by certain social group/failing to fit in to a social group, self loathing, etc.

There are many stages or levels in a "hikki" from minimal contact with other individuals to completely shutting in avoiding any contact with the society both physical or otherwise (phone, internet etc). It is also common for a hikki to remain in that state for years much like what we call a hermit.

There aren't many books outside Japan that discuss hikkikomori because it is not a widespread issue in most western societies and such cases are not highly publicized but you may look into some psychological theories to understand what may cause individuals to receed from society.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 18:49 ID:U+AZu/qE

Well if you'd need sample data for your thesis from self-diagnosed hikikomori, you might try the IAA board and also pasting it in here. Make a survery and such with data that might support your thesis. This for highschool or university/college?

9 Name: Captain Obvious : 2006-05-19 17:08 ID:+gX27mlr


The above is a damned good finals paper about Hikikomori. I figured it was relevant to your interests.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-22 10:37 ID:DUU+BGpP

I've been pretty much a hikikomori myself for a few months, so I can tell you the main reasons (at least for me) to shut oneself in are the outside world's pressure on one self, and seeing fear of failing.
I lost my job after I searched for it for so long, after that I was just afraid to fail again so I hardly bothered to try again.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-23 00:01 ID:QtEEXZTq

holy fuck I love you. I'm not the op, but i'm working as well on some stuff about hikikomori for my sociology class.

12 Name: (-_-) : 2006-05-24 03:53 ID:KrOYHTD2

(∩∩) im hikky

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-25 13:53 ID:3dlBTpea

well ive become a fulltime recluse...for 3 years now...i dont leave the house, i only come out at night to get food, or leave money for my mother to buy me things i need, with the internet anything i want is at my finger tips..so even that is sparse. I play PC/console games, read books, listen to music, watch movies...my operating hours are 11:30 pm to about 9 in the morning when i retire. occasionally post on here...too slow lately.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-25 13:54 ID:3dlBTpea

if you want details i can be of help.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-25 15:41 ID:8lAn0s2a

Where do you get your money from?

16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-25 20:02 ID:4Gzs/wiJ


Where do you live? Have you tried to get any kind of help?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-27 06:36 ID:Heaven

As an American hikikomori/NEET/VIPPER I will tell you my reasons for not participating in the socialclub. It has very much to do with being extremely individualistic, and due to this is cant be said that yes, the public education and its ministry has very much to do with coming upon this decision. Going through it, and having been outside of it before, one is able to see the entity for what it is and most importantly the people for what they are. The truth is, the place acts solely upon a whitewashing of the mind, and as such is utterly disgusting to any who actually have any sort of mind of their own. The people flat out suck shit sage, no exceptions, and so due to this, the "civilization" they make up is no different, as such, there is absolutely no reason for one who is of strong self to be apart of it, to participate in it, and to sustain its continued existance. Being around them would only cause me personally to want to hurt them for their foul misguided and absolutely mindless ways, and extended time in this ever growing blood lust would ultimately end up in me doing so. Therefore, the only thing I can or will do is stay here, lurk more, and hopefully one day post literary quality within the often viewed as odd medium that is the internet futullaby type anonymous message board systems.

Only when the society itself collapses or changes for the better could that which is my situation possibly change for me, and odds are, the same could be said for both those in my country who see and do the same and possibly the same who live in Japan, the uncertainty in this for them however is that I do not live in Japan, I do not know firsthand just exactly how their society truly is, so I cannot make an accurate judgement as to whether or not it is such a direct cause for them as it is for those like myself, however my bets are on that this is indeed so.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-27 15:37 ID:gwArXZgh


Are you an Ayn Rand fan?

You should rather be self critique instead of blaming other people for your problems.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-28 14:16 ID:Heaven

I used to think similiarly to you - megocorps, whitewashing, respect mah athoritah, civilization, sheep must die. i eventually learned that you can't expect society to change for you. you must change yourself for your own betterment. the mental path you've laid out for yourself will only end up with you dead, in prison or a mental facility.
one question though, since say you are NEET, then how do you survive? do you steal? living with your parents?

20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-28 15:13 ID:uGkCZ5Ns

>>17 Excuses, excuses.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-28 17:48 ID:Heaven

american life is all feminist propaganda. i really feel for people like you >>17

22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-28 19:10 ID:Heaven

Who the fuck is Ayn Rand.
I critique myself more than I do those around me, for I hold myself up to much higher standards than I know they could ever possibly achieve, but the fact of them is disgusting, I really don't care how much you think the opposite, it is the truth: the people are shit and thus the entire land is shit.

More like the mental path I have laid out will end up in me conquering, though it is good that you doubt me, so long as everyone thinks like you, my job will be all the more easier.

>>20 Trollings, trollings.

and i really almost feel for those who believe such things are in any way correct, that which makes up american life that is.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-03 01:21 ID:EB+f95Ue

from where I came from people always had a blind dream, and valued their own lives so much that whenever you took their dream and life lightly they would get mad at you.

To me i think having some dream is only a way to avoid the dull and boring thing that life really is. Its sort of the same as 'killing time' while your bored and waiting for something to happen. each day we wait and find something to do while you wait for the day you die.

And i could never understand why everyone was so dedicated to finding a job and working. its as if they were all driven by a blind idea that the schools pumped into them, that they must get a job or should get a job early.

do these people really want to get a job? Is it really necessary to get one if your parents are willing to pay for college and school? Or are all of them just following some kind of idea given to them by the people that they trust the most, like their parents and teachers.

Back where i used to live, all i hear are conversations about politics, and ideas, there \are never any conversations about how people really feel. It seems the only time i can guess that these people release the tension and urge to show their true feelings are when they do drugs, and other mindless retarded activities.

this is why i am otaku (i think hikikomori is more extreme), i like to stay inside and do things that i like to do, and avoid all those ramblings about gettinga job and conforming to society.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-06 20:52 ID:UADU+SQt

Have you ever dared to think that some people actually work hard and then succeed in realizing their dream?

And people work to have a living, not everybody's parents can pay for them trough their entire life.

I can relate to your feelings. Just drop your defensive attitude and face the real life. Nothing's going to change if you hole up in your room. Life consists of hard work if you want to reach something. The more you run away from it, the harder it will bite you in the ass when it comes back at you.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-13 21:41 ID:Heaven

>Nothing's going to change if you hole up in your room.

As if that which truly plagues our species existance could ever truly change even if we didn't.

>The more you run away from it, the harder it will bite you in the ass when it comes back at you.

And the harder I bite back.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-14 22:47 ID:TMuBdlSU

How so? You're just staying in your room, doing nothing.

Again, don't blame the entire world, the human society for your miserable situation. Instead, think about what's wrong with yourself, use self-critique and empathy, not just baseless pride that only serves to protect your ego. Hope you get better.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-15 04:26 ID:Heaven

I hardly find my situation to be in any way miserable. And that is only the beginning of your misconceptions.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-15 19:26 ID:Heaven

>>27 don't worry, you'll get past the self-deceit stage soon enough

29 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-15 22:25 ID:HsLAaEkT

Srsly, who the hell are you? Tyler Durden?
Good god, man. I'm guessing that you're currently 13-18 years of age. I'm also guessing that most people who don't like you/bully you (of which I am sure there are many, due to your generally self-obsessed attitude) brand you as arrogant.

Truth is, kid, you can bawl and scream all you want about being an individual, but in truth nobody gives half a crap. Society isn't gonna change itself for you, and nobody's going to stand up and say "holy shit, that guy doesn't conform to the stereotypical ideal of masculinity! GIVE HIM A MEDAL!" [note: I am assuming you are male, due to the fact that this kind of paranoid/pseudo-deep thought line tends to be an almost exclusively masculine trait].

I don't know whether you think you're incredibly cool, but to be quite honest none of us are impressed. If anything, it's embarassing. I mean, if you're going to go on an ego trip, the least you could do is talk about lizards or something (in the vein of David Icke) instead of recyling the tired old crap that (your no doubt favourite author) Palahniuk churns out.

I used to think like this, actually; I used to be a very angry, bitter person who hated all of his peers because he assumed that they were shallow, worthless carbon copies of one another. And most people didn't like me, either - which served only to reinforce my point; because if they couldn't see me, the great individual, for who I was, what kind of people were they? It's the archetypal tortured artist thing, and once you see it from the 3rd person perspective it's painfully embarassing. At the time, I too used to say that I was happy, but in reality it was a very depressing, debasing and generally pathetic time for me.

To cut a long story short, I did some growing up, and I'm no longer an angry person - quite the opposite. I enjoy life 100% - laugh at its little absurdities (of which I am glad; you really should learn to appreciate them, without them you'd be bored within no time) and have fun with my friends. You see, if you're angry, people don't want to know you. If you bring all this emotional baggage with you into a friendship, you're going to squeeze people out. No doubt this has made you sink yet further into your spiral, but once you realise this it's going to be a helluva lot easier to pull yourself out.

One of my schoolmates, who also thought like this, never did grow up. Not surprisingly, he doesn't have any friends (besides a few goth taggers-on who think he's wonderfully deep) and he's woefully unhappy. The problem is that he's been closed off from everything for so long that I don't think he could make friends if he tried - and now he's got lots of opinions to voice that nobody wants to hear.

You see, the more you limit yourself, the less you can get out of life. You have to start saying "YES!" to life instead of worrying about who you may encounter along the way.
Because you kick back and look at it, you have no idea whether you will have another life after this one. Chances aren't high, so what the hell are you still doing reading this post?

GTFO and have some fun while you still can, and thank god, your mother, your father and whomever else directly contributed to your existence that you're able to move.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-16 14:10 ID:Heaven

Why are you wasting your time discussing (with) people who shut themselves in? Don't make being a hick exotic.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-16 16:49 ID:9H736SFF

>Don't make being a hick exotic.

What the fuck does that even mean?

32 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-16 18:49 ID:y4L3mMTq


Obviously a "hick" is a hikikomori.. >>30 is just saying that being a hikikomori isn't something "exotic"

33 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-16 23:14 ID:Heaven

Anyways, >>31, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>31, should just stick with today's special.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-17 00:05 ID:YDb5o2rg


Because it may help them recover, maybe our input helps to make something "click" in their heads so that they can finally start accept the truth of their situation and help themselves out.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-17 10:41 ID:Heaven

So far I've only been able to deceive you people and not myself.
Nice trying though.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-17 12:22 ID:rLEhmDQJ


37 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-17 22:13 ID:hKxhnHpc


Worst comeback ever :)

38 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-23 19:33 ID:vnt826Ch

retreating from society is stupid.
if you don't think so, at least take your belief al the way and really do it alone. Go live on a mountaintop in Tibet or something

39 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-23 19:47 ID:Heaven

Do they have internet there?

40 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-23 23:40 ID:9H736SFF


41 Name: Desperate otoko (no ko) : 2006-06-27 09:12 ID:fP+aaLy/

>>38 retreating from society as a hikikomori does isn't stupid, not in my opinion. They are running away from reality that's true but not stupid. I'm possibly a half-hikikomori if there is such a thing so I can sorta understand the mentality of a hikikomori. Basically, when you are a hikikomori, nothing you do seems to impress anyone, they always demand more of you. I'm not sure and I'm just generalising using the common cultural characteristics in most East Asian countries, in Japan you are expected to do well at school and then go to a good university and land a stable reasonably well paid job and raise the next generation for your family clan. Then there are those whose parents own a business and expect the son (usually the son) to take over once he finishes high school. However, some of us can't take on all this pressure, some take their own lives, others like me who are afraid of committing suicide will retreat from society and the expectations. But then the retreat take on different degrees, there are those who would lock themselves in and never come out, less extreme are the ones who goes out by themselves and wander aimlessly then go back home. Then there are those, such as myself, who will go get a casual job, and attend school, but normally shuts themselves in a room when not working or going to school then goes to sleep and do the same routine over and over.
Before you criticise the hikikomori, step into their shoes and see it through their eyes, not your own.
As for >>29, you say you used to be like >>17 so I take it then you should be sympathetic to his anger? I'm not saying >>17 should be indulged in his problem.
My anger issue is different from >>17 but I might understand why he would feel this way. Correct me if I'm wrong >>17, if you are still around but I feel your anger might have come from a fear or a number of them and this slowly turned to anger at others. Has it turned to hatred do you think? I know I'm close to that on my own problem

42 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-30 09:59 ID:Heaven

Huh, fear of what?
Ever since it has become an accepted certainty, I really have no reason to fret about the appearent and utter pointlessness of the society in the face of eventuality.

43 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-03 22:37 ID:zdOapSbX


Still not over the self-deceit stage.

44 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-04 16:44 ID:Heaven

At least I can rest easy knowing I'm fooling this guy, still.
Wait this is the internet, that's not hard to do...damn.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-04 23:39 ID:T44Ekm+d


Is your only accomplishment in life trolling behind the safety of your monitor? What a useless waste your existence is.

46 Name: Desperate otoko (no ko) : 2006-07-05 01:33 ID:LQjmdL5S

I wouldnt know what the fear is, it's different for each person

47 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-10 18:26 ID:lA/Y9/1O

I think the retreat in one's room is an exaggerate reaction to hidden desires which are buried and repressed by society dogmas.

Maybe those hiki ppl just need to relocate to a quiet and nice countryside town, get a simple, stressless job which could allow them to live normally.. and do whatever they like to do in the free time (be it trolling, staring at the sky or quantum physics research...).

The desire of having a modest life can be a hard thing to manifest (and this gets obviously worse in places like japan or usa imho..).
I went through some depressing times myself, it took some time to realize that what I wanted was just that simple, and I'm still in the process of making it accepted by my parents.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-12 03:32 ID:Heaven

Not any more useless than yours or anyone else's when it comes down to it.

49 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-15 07:00 ID:S4dhjTI1

What can I say?
I, being a hikikomori, for so as long as I can tell, I don't have much experience in dealing with people, much less with the opposite sex. I've learn most of the things from others experiences by reading and watching shows which give me ideas and social rules which underlies the social system. But recently I've watched an anime called Rozen Maiden, and there are some moments in the show that touched me. I remember a character from the anime called Shinku said along the lines of, "To live is to fight....". That phrase made me angry and I want to do something in my life to change the way people think. I'm angry at myself for doing nothing like I'm a coward hiding away from mainstream of society. Being stuck in the room for so long, I know it won't be so easy to re-intergrate to society since I don't know anyone. To you a bit more about myself, in fact, I work at very low paying job, because I drop out of school due to personal issues and problems, I ran away and hide in my room, I fear I will be ridiculed for my set of problems, and also the fact that I was bullied terribly and others treatedly me with no respect and low type of person, no matter what, they treated differently than others, are what my experiences are in the past. The fact I have a disabilty is a great contributor to my shut in and general shyness, a disability in communication or the difficulty in expressing oneself in words, and having trouble forming sentences structure or finding words in my head. So when I speak I have trouble forming my thoughts and expressions, couples with little stuttering, with many intervals of silence and repeatition of sames words, and pronouniciation is bit off, thus making conversations unbearable by the listener. Hence, I was embarrassed and I have fear to talk and communicate with others. When they find out the way I talk so incoherently and out of flow, I got the impression that they may think I'm mentally challenged which seems reasonable. So I sincerely hope that most of you should communicate with others since you have the ability to do so, unlike me, even though I want to, due to this communication expression disability, I'm not capable to do it. I think having friend is a great thing, and you should cherish it ever you can. If not you can at least talk your way through them to find one, which I'm envious of those who do. Just yesterday, I found myself depressed heavily, so I muster the courage to go out. I live in Australia, I know most of you live in US, it's rare for me to go out other than going to work, but this time considering I've watched Shuffle and was depressed after finishing it, reminds me of how lonely I am. I went to arcade to watch people play games and everyone is in a group and having fun while I was alone looking at them, it feels this is somewhat familiar to me from long time ago, the sentiment feeling. But I'm glad that they understand and try to not alienate me becaue i got the impression that they know my situation seeing though it's unusual to be alone in such a place. But I'm grateful.

50 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-15 07:03 ID:S4dhjTI1

What can I say?
I, being a hikikomori, for so as long as I can tell, I don't have much experience in dealing with people, much less with the opposite sex. I've learn most of the things from others experiences by reading and watching shows which give me ideas and social rules which underlies the social system. But recently I've watched an anime called Rozen Maiden, and there are some moments in the show that touched me. I remember a character from the anime called Shinku said along the lines of, "To live is to fight....". That phrase made me angry and I want to do something in my life to change the way people think. I'm angry at myself for doing nothing like I'm a coward hiding away from mainstream of society. Being stuck in the room for so long, I know it won't be so easy to re-intergrate to society since I don't know anyone. To you a bit more about myself, in fact, I work at very low paying job, because I drop out of school due to personal issues and problems, I ran away and hide in my room, I fear I will be ridiculed for my set of problems, and also the fact that I was bullied terribly and others treatedly me with no respect and low type of person, no matter what, they treated differently than others, are what my experiences are in the past. The fact I have a disabilty is a great contributor to my shut in and general shyness, a disability in communication or the difficulty in expressing oneself in words, and having trouble forming sentences structure or finding words in my head. So when I speak I have trouble forming my thoughts and expressions, couples with little stuttering, with many intervals of silence and repeatition of sames words, and pronouniciation is bit off, thus making conversations unbearable by the listener. Hence, I was embarrassed and I have fear to talk and communicate with others. When they find out the way I talk so incoherently and out of flow, I got the impression that they may think I'm mentally challenged which seems reasonable.

51 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-15 07:03 ID:S4dhjTI1

So I sincerely hope that most of you should communicate with others since you have the ability to do so, unlike me, even though I want to, due to this communication expression disability, I'm not capable to do it. I think having friend is a great thing, and you should cherish it ever you can. If not you can at least talk your way through them to find one, which I'm envious of those who do. Just yesterday, I found myself depressed heavily, so I muster the courage to go out. I live in Australia, I know most of you live in US, it's rare for me to go out other than going to work, but this time considering I've watched Shuffle and was depressed after finishing it, reminds me of how lonely I am. I went to arcade to watch people play games and everyone is in a group and having fun while I was alone looking at them, it feels this is somewhat familiar to me from long time ago, the sentiment feeling. But I'm glad that they understand and try to not alienate me becaue i got the impression that they know my situation seeing though it's unusual to be alone in such a place. But I'm grateful.

52 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-15 08:40 ID:Heaven

write in paragraphs, dude.

53 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-15 09:34 ID:yk1s3183

Why should I take the time to adjust my thinking and what I do for the requirements of the society that I live in? I would gladly do this if only I believed in what they were saying.

The only reason I would participate in society is when all the people are working towards a cause, which I too wanted to work for in the first place.
This is why I post and visit 4chan, and other anonymous boards.
Anonymous message boards is where I can go and believe in.
Why these boards are here is to promote continous fappage to beutiful woman, tentacle rape, and most of all anonymity (these are things that I believe in).
you can say things that are really on your mind without having to suppress your true feelings because of what others expects from the things you say.
You can say how you love loli and you will still be accepted into 4chan. Nobody will hate you, you can be rest assured that there is no bias against you because you are afterall ANONYMOUS.

And that is why, I lock myself in my room as long as possible to avoid the outside world, where people expect you to do things you don't want to do. I am fully aware that by sitting here nothing will change, except that I know that Im not a part of the outside world, and not caught in their web of manners, expectations and way of thinking. I am also avoiding more terrifying things such as religious people, whom I think should be burned to the stake.

But it isn't possible to live in my room forever (eventually there will come a time where you can no longer stay there, parents arnt there for you etc.) all i seek for is a method to obtain a simple quiet job which interests me, but has minimal interaction with people. It will pay me enough to aford a clean house, and buy stuff that I want every now and then. I think this is the most logical solution if we want to continue the way we want our lives to be. The only thing I will never do is give in and start doing things people tell you to (Get a job, be more social the usual gibberish people think you need), it'll just make me miserable and withdraw even more, and this has happend over and over again.

I'd really prefer not getting a job at all and stay in the room forever, if only I knew that it was possible, but it will only last for a certain length of time. But I think it is better to go find a good job now that you can stand by whatever means before you end up being forced to work at some factory, which by then you will never be able to do things so freely again.

54 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-15 22:07 ID:Heaven

What can I say?
I, being a hikikomori, for so as long as I can tell, I don't have much experience in dealing with people, much less with the opposite sex. I've learn most of the things from others experiences by reading and watching shows which give me ideas and social rules which underlies the social system. But recently I've watched an anime called Rozen Maiden, and there are some moments in the show that touched me. I remember a character from the anime called Shinku said along the lines of, "To live is to fight....". That phrase made me angry and I want to do something in my life to change the way people think. I'm angry at myself for doing nothing like I'm a coward hiding away from mainstream of society. Being stuck in the room for so long, I know it won't be so easy to re-intergrate to society since I don't know anyone. To you a bit more about myself, in fact, I work at very low paying job, because I drop out of school due to personal issues and problems, I ran away and hide in my room, I fear I will be ridiculed for my set of problems, and also the fact that I was bullied terribly and others treatedly me with no respect and low type of person, no matter what, they treated differently than others, are what my experiences are in the past. The fact I have a disabilty is a great contributor to my shut in and general shyness, a disability in communication or the difficulty in expressing oneself in words, and having trouble forming sentences structure or finding words in my head. So when I speak I have trouble forming my thoughts and expressions, couples with little stuttering, with many intervals of silence and repeatition of sames words, and pronouniciation is bit off, thus making conversations unbearable by the listener. Hence, I was embarrassed and I have fear to talk and communicate with others. When they find out the way I talk so incoherently and out of flow, I got the impression that they may think I'm mentally challenged which seems reasonable. So I sincerely hope that most of you should communicate with others since you have the ability to do so, unlike me, even though I want to, due to this communication expression disability, I'm not capable to do it. I think having friend is a great thing, and you should cherish it ever you can. If not you can at least talk your way through them to find one, which I'm envious of those who do. Just yesterday, I found myself depressed heavily, so I muster the courage to go out. I live in Australia, I know most of you live in US, it's rare for me to go out other than going to work, but this time considering I've watched Shuffle and was depressed after finishing it, reminds me of how lonely I am. I went to arcade to watch people play games and everyone is in a group and having fun while I was alone looking at them, it feels this is somewhat familiar to me from long time ago, the sentiment feeling. But I'm glad that they understand and try to not alienate me becaue i got the impression that they know my situation seeing though it's unusual to be alone in such a place. But I'm grateful.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-16 00:17 ID:Heaven

This was touching. Somebody make a drama out of this.

56 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-16 04:39 ID:Heaven

What can I say?
I, being a hikikomori, for so as long as I can tell, I don't have much experience in dealing with people, much less with the opposite sex. I've learn most of the things from others experiences by reading and watching shows which give me ideas and social rules which underlies the social system. But recently I've watched an anime called Rozen Maiden, and there are some moments in the show that touched me. I remember a character from the anime called Shinku said along the lines of, "To live is to fight....". That phrase made me angry and I want to do something in my life to change the way people think. I'm angry at myself for doing nothing like I'm a coward hiding away from mainstream of society. Being stuck in the room for so long, I know it won't be so easy to re-intergrate to society since I don't know anyone. To you a bit more about myself, in fact, I work at very low paying job, because I drop out of school due to personal issues and problems, I ran away and hide in my room, I fear I will be ridiculed for my set of problems, and also the fact that I was bullied terribly and others treatedly me with no respect and low type of person, no matter what, they treated differently than others, are what my experiences are in the past. The fact I have a disabilty is a great contributor to my shut in and general shyness, a disability in communication or the difficulty in expressing oneself in words, and having trouble forming sentences structure or finding words in my head. So when I speak I have trouble forming my thoughts and expressions, couples with little stuttering, with many intervals of silence and repeatition of sames words, and pronouniciation is bit off, thus making conversations unbearable by the listener. Hence, I was embarrassed and I have fear to talk and communicate with others. When they find out the way I talk so incoherently and out of flow, I got the impression that they may think I'm mentally challenged which seems reasonable.

57 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-16 05:25 ID:S4dhjTI1

I'm sorry, I double post earlier.....but


I didn't post this message. To the person who post this same message under my handle, I don't know your intention, but I assume you may have something to tell me? Or are you having similar situation as I am but you still have not found a way to express it? In anycase, I'm looking forward to your future post.... this is an anonymous message board and we are free to express our views for the world to see.


I understand your disposition, but unlike you, even though I don't agree to conform to the society standards, I can't afford to completely shut myself off the world since I'm not in the middle-class of the social structure, I'm at the lower class of the structure, and in my situation, I am actually helping my parents to pay some of their debts in the form of house loan. So I don't have the luxury and benefit to do things I want to do, like travel. I'm a hikki by the way, but at the core and roots to thing I am otaku. that is my identity I consciously choose to associate myself.

I want to travel because I want to learn from the guys or those in the know who have association to the otaku culture or those who have authority and power on the anime/manga industry. I've always wanted a Akihabara in Australia, since everywhere I go I don't belong and it seems very alienating. I want to participate and contribute to the widespread of otaku culture. and bring the culture to the Australia, maybe with more fans in the markets , there may be opportunty to invest in the industry and hopefully leading to establising a place like Akihabara in my area. This is some dream of mine, thats another story.

So you see, I'm really stuck between hikki and paying debts. And at my age and circumstances, going back to school is not a viable option. I don't have high school certificate, so I need to get it again, which may take 2 years, and then going to Uni for 3 years to get a degree, and by the time I finish I'll be in the early 30's. Don't forget that I need to pay for the school fees, which I can't afford. You can call me unforturnate or a poor guy, but this is just that, my life.

I'm born with some odd expressive language disability, and my parents are just poor immigrants with unknown cut-off from other relatives, poor granma and granma are dead and left nothing to us. I have no other relatives but my parents. Employment are scarce. Housing prices have sky-rocketed! I think most of you should be grateful that you don't have debts to pay off. In my case, I'm trapped.

Unforturnately to your surprise I'm working in a factory, the reason is that I have an excuse for less human interaction. Not a single person in there I'm able to relate to, so in there I'm fighting by myself. No one wants to talk to me, but I can live by that since I'm a hikki.

It's kind of ironic, that I'm socially inept and wanted to do something to bring Akihabara-like city to Australia when I don't know anyone and the facility to assist me in this, the best I could do join a group and raise my voice and help them with my efforts, and little money that I have. Add to this, I have social anxiety. I really need to work on this. Plus I have absolutely no relationship with women, I have nothing to do with them ever since I was born.

I remember Shinku said "...to live is to fight"... I still have that in mind and last two dramatic moments of Rozen Maiden where Shinku cried, the bravery of Jun and his words,. along the lines of...."even though what I'm doing right now is pointless, she has fight all the way until now, though meaningless, she believes there is a meaning."....

I hope to hear more from you.

We'll see........

58 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-16 15:22 ID:Heaven

What can I say?
I, being a hikikomori, for so as long as I can tell, I don't have much experience in dealing with people, much less with the opposite sex. I've learn most of the things from others experiences by reading and watching shows which give me ideas and social rules which underlies the social system. But recently I've watched an anime called Rozen Maiden, and there are some moments in the show that touched me. I remember a character from the anime called Shinku said along the lines of, "To live is to fight....". That phrase made me angry and I want to do something in my life to change the way people think. I'm angry at myself for doing nothing like I'm a coward hiding away from mainstream of society. Being stuck in the room for so long, I know it won't be so easy to re-intergrate to society since I don't know anyone. To you a bit more about myself, in fact, I work at very low paying job, because I drop out of school due to personal issues and problems, I ran away and hide in my room, I fear I will be ridiculed for my set of problems, and also the fact that I was bullied terribly and others treatedly me with no respect and low type of person, no matter what, they treated differently than others, are what my experiences are in the past. The fact I have a disabilty is a great contributor to my shut in and general shyness, a disability in communication or the difficulty in expressing oneself in words, and having trouble forming sentences structure or finding words in my head. So when I speak I have trouble forming my thoughts and expressions, couples with little stuttering, with many intervals of silence and repeatition of sames words, and pronouniciation is bit off, thus making conversations unbearable by the listener. Hence, I was embarrassed and I have fear to talk and communicate with others. When they find out the way I talk so incoherently and out of flow, I got the impression that they may think I'm mentally challenged which seems reasonable. So I sincerely hope that most of you should communicate with others since you have the ability to do so, unlike me, even though I want to, due to this communication expression disability, I'm not capable to do it. I think having friend is a great thing, and you should cherish it ever you can. If not you can at least talk your way through them to find one, which I'm envious of those who do. Just yesterday, I found myself depressed heavily, so I muster the courage to go out. I live in Australia, I know most of you live in US, it's rare for me to go out other than going to work, but this time considering I've watched Shuffle and was depressed after finishing it, reminds me of how lonely I am. I went to arcade to watch people play games and everyone is in a group and having fun, and all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school. When a couple of guys who were up to no good, Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, and said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air." I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, The license plate said "fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, But I thought "Nah forget it, Yo home to Bel Air." I pulled up to the house about seven or eight, and I yelled to the cabby "Yo holmes, smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.

59 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-17 02:23 ID:0itNEBW8

Yes, I am an otaku hikki. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my superior soul long ago and I am happy together with my girlfriend (who is a cute submissive schoolgirl nurse!). We have no friends and I am pretty slim and good looking.
But thanks anyway asshole. Go and live normal lives with your boyfriend while I have SEX with my hand.

60 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-17 02:36 ID:0itNEBW8

Yes, I am an otaku hikki. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my superiority long ago and I am happy together with my girlfriend (who is a cute submissive schoolgirl nurse!). We have no friends and I am pretty slim and good looking.
But thanks anyway asshole. Go and live stupid lives with your friends while I have SEX with my hand.


61 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-17 08:19 ID:S4dhjTI1


I personally didn't write this message, whoever it was, I would never know his/her intention. I try to be courtueos and polite but it seems he/she/they never accepts it. The reason I'm writing all of this is to share my experiences with those who maybe in the boat as I am and would be glad to read your experiences. And maybe help ourselves out of this situation. I have no problem if you don't take it serious, but I would be more than satisfied if you respect my handle and leave it by not impostering me. Whatever your reasons to imposter me, either making fun of me or you don't believe what I say so you imposter me, if thats the case, what I've written so far is true. The reason I'm using a handle and not being anonymous is that I want others to know the posts I write are mine so they could refer to me in the future so as not lose in the mountain of anonymous posts. Whoever you are, I don't know your reasons. But I hope you respect that, otherwise, I really have nothing to say, after all this is an anonymous forum without some sort of control to restrict others importering others. But if you imposter me again, I won't be saying this. I'll leave it to others to judge whether the posts is really mine or not. In the future I'll still be using this handle to identify myself and I'm sure there are others who will recognise my posts and those posts that are not mine.

62 Name: Desperate Otoko (no ko) : 2006-07-17 09:18 ID:n71prpUa

>>61 I see what you did there.

You sir, are totally awesome.

63 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-17 21:08 ID:gWHtIXht

Hey otaku hikki, good look to you in the future and hope you'll get better.

64 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-18 01:17 ID:Heaven

I personally didn't write this message, whoever it was, I would never know his/her intention. I try to be courtueos and polite but it seems he/she/they never accepts it. The reason I'm writing all of this is to share my experiences with those who maybe in the boat as I am and would be glad to read your experiences. And maybe help ourselves out of this situation. I have no problem if you don't take it serious, but I would be more than satisfied if you respect my handle and leave it by not impostering me. Whatever your reasons to imposter me, either making fun of me or you don't believe what I say so you imposter me, if thats the case, what I've written so far is true. The reason I'm using a handle and not being anonymous is that I want others to know the posts I write are mine so they could refer to me in the future so as not lose in the mountain of anonymous posts. Whoever you are, I don't know your reasons. But I hope you respect that, otherwise, I really have nothing to say, after all this is an anonymous forum without some sort of control to restrict others importering others. But if you imposter me again, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air. In west Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, and shootin some b-ball outside of school, when a couple of guys who were up to no good started makin' trouble in the neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

65 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-07-18 01:17 ID:Heaven

I personally didn't write this message, whoever it was, I would never know his/her intention. I try to be courtueos and polite but it seems he/she/they never accepts it. The reason I'm writing all of this is to share my experiences with those who maybe in the boat as I am and would be glad to read your experiences. And maybe help ourselves out of this situation. I have no problem if you don't take it serious, but I would be more than satisfied if you respect my handle and leave it by not impostering me. Whatever your reasons to imposter me, either making fun of me or you don't believe what I say so you imposter me, if thats the case, what I've written so far is true. The reason I'm using a handle and not being anonymous is that I want others to know the posts I write are mine so they could refer to me in the future so as not lose in the mountain of anonymous posts. Whoever you are, I don't know your reasons. But I hope you respect that, otherwise, I really have nothing to say, after all this is an anonymous forum without some sort of control to restrict others importering others. But if you imposter me again, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air. In west Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, and shootin some b-ball outside of school, when a couple of guys who were up to no good started makin' trouble in the neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

66 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-18 09:36 ID:Heaven

I personally didn't write this message, whoever it was, I would never know his/her intention. I try to be courtueos and polite but it seems he/she/they never accepts it. The reason I'm writing all of this is to share my experiences with those who maybe in the boat as I am and would be glad to read your experiences. And maybe help ourselves out of this situation. I have no problem if you don't take it serious, but I would be more than satisfied if you respect my handle and leave it by not impostering me. Whatever your reasons to imposter me, either making fun of me or you don't believe what I say so you imposter me, if thats the case, what I've written so far is true. The reason I'm using a handle and not being anonymous is that I want others to know the posts I write are mine so they could refer to me in the future so as not lose in the mountain of anonymous posts. Whoever you are, I don't know your reasons. But I hope you respect that, otherwise, I really have nothing to say, after all this is an anonymous forum without some sort of control to restrict others importering others. But if you imposter me again, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air. In west Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, and shootin some b-ball outside of school, when a couple of guys who were up to no good started makin' trouble in the neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

67 Name: 2SD : 2006-07-26 14:03 ID:giWqiqQU

>>64, 65, 66
Some anti-hikki?

Though I'm not a hikki myself, but I have nothing against hikkis. Every single human being is different from another, some people are not able to interact with people well, while on the other extreme some people have very good social skills (read: politicians). Some people are not able to relate well to their environment, and not able to fullfill the so-called "social expectation". Common society expect all people to be able to socialize, to do what THEY expect you to DO, while not all people see socializing as a necessity, or being able to socialize the way THEY expect people to socialize, i.e. according to THEIR definition of socializing. For me, with the advent of internet, these people who are not able to mix very well with their society are able to socialize on the net instead. Won't YOU (read: society) consider this as socializing rather than definining social life in a restricted manner. Hey, won't you accept these hikki the way they are rather than making fun of them in >>54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65 and 66???

68 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-27 14:56 ID:oPSHn33I


You can do it.

If it helps any, when I look around at my school (A "Gymnasium". Which is the german equivalent to.. hm high school I think, or college? Whatever you go to before you can go to a university.) the people there are partly sorta dumb. I mean, not unfriendly, or completley incompetent, they just don't get the stuff beeing taught, some still can't finnish a single english sentence after learning english for what, 7 years? But they will still graduate eventually, and probably get a good job. And seriously, if they can do it, so can you.

I realise it will be a lot harder for you, because you don't have parents which could support you with enough money, and you have to do a job to by able to pay the bills and to pay off your debt(s) - but if you want to try, you may as well start right now.

I myself am not hikki, though slightly socially incompetent and geeky. I serously don't know why, I just seem to be not interested in going to partys and drinking till I drop (And never have benn), but lateley that's changing a bit, to the better imo (The socially incompetent part, not the part about the drinking ^_^;; ). I'm going out with my friends more, most of which are a sort of gekish too, which is probably because they are mostly from my school, which is a "Technisches Gymnasium für Informationstechnik" (aka Computer School).

If you can, find people which are sort of like you. Your semm to be interested in anime, find more people who like anime, try to become friends, and maybe eventually you'll meet their friends, and the friends of their friends. Worked for me, I guess.

Also, just ignore the trolls. They are probably worse off than you. You at least have the will to change something.

69 Name: ああああ : 2006-07-27 17:50 ID:dwMIS+dx


70 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-29 08:29 ID:C4oTpVH2


I always kind of assumed ANY society has a large amount of people with the potential to become hikikomori, but the real issue is who indulges it. The fact that half the posts here with "I'm a hikki" in them have responses of, "how do you make money for survival?" There are always people at school and work that don't participate in the social aspects. The "outcast" is a pretty well known situation in western society. Most of us /are/ that person, and would probably take the extra step if we had the choice.

I know for a fact my parents wouldn't give me money or support me if I was shutting myself away in my room. If push comes to shove they would've more than likely taken the door off my room if I pulled that while I was living with them. Same thing with university and work. It was pretty clear to me that if I wasn't doing something I wouldn't have a place to live. One of the major stereotypes of Japan is indulgent mothers. I don't know how true this is, but I'm assuming that the truth it's based on is big enough for a small part of the population to live entirely in their rooms, and unsurprisingly they take their parents up on that. The same thing happens in western culture, but since we have less parents willing to do that we have less full-time hikkis.

I'm not really saying being a hikki is a bad thing. I'm sure there are people out there that it is a disease for, and they crave that human interation but just have too many social issues to go after it, but in my case (and apparently >>17 's case, if he wasn't such a pretentious twat) asking me why I don't go out with my coworkers after work is like asking me why I don't eat at burger king. I don't really like burgers, and I don't really like hanging out with people regardless of if I'm being bullied by them or if I'm the most popular person at the table. I get bored, and if I find something I really really want to do outside I usually just do it on my own. I think in a lot of cases it's just a preference. It's not a preference a lot of people like, though, but there's no way in hell the most extreme shut-ins would exist if someone else in their life wasn't enabling it by providing food or money or something. Even if a person saves up eventually they're going to run out of money, and then they won't be able to buy food anymore, and that's where they starve.

71 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-29 08:32 ID:C4oTpVH2

>>70The fact that half the posts here with "I'm a hikki" in them have responses of, "how do you make money for survival?"


72 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-29 17:55 ID:Heaven

I personally didn't write this message, whoever it was, I would never know his/her intention. I try to be courtueos and polite but it seems he/she/they never accepts it. The reason I'm writing all of this is to share my experiences with those who maybe in the boat as I am and would be glad to read your experiences. And maybe help ourselves out of this situation. I have no problem if you don't take it serious, but I would be more than satisfied if you respect my handle and leave it by not impostering me. Whatever your reasons to imposter me, either making fun of me or you don't believe what I say so you imposter me, if thats the case, what I've written so far is true. The reason I'm using a handle and not being anonymous is that I want others to know the posts I write are mine so they could refer to me in the future so as not lose in the mountain of anonymous posts. Whoever you are, I don't know your reasons. But I hope you respect that, otherwise, I really have nothing to say, after all this is an anonymous forum without some sort of control to restrict others importering others. But if you imposter me again, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air. In west Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, and shootin some b-ball outside of school, when a couple of guys who were up to no good started makin' trouble in the neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

73 Name: Troll!!6MhJ5+eg : 2006-07-30 02:12 ID:WZG9AcvS

>>72, use a secure trip code man.

Put this in the "Name:" field:



Name: Troll#password123

That way, the posters can differentiate if you're an impostor or not.

74 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 05:04 ID:IhhKm0dN

>>73, did you not read the whole post, or what?

75 Name: Troll!!6MhJ5+eg : 2006-07-30 12:42 ID:WZG9AcvS

Slightly, I haven't taken note of this "I have no problem if you don't take it serious, but I would be more than satisfied if you respect my handle and leave it by not impostering me", anyway, it still serves as reference to those who doesn't know yet. Am just trolling as usual. :D

76 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-30 13:39 ID:iWrk5/PZ

it carries out and is w

77 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-08-01 13:18 ID:S4dhjTI1

>>67 or 2SD

Many people don't understand the reason why most hikkis are the way they are. The only thing they know are through stereotypes perpetuated through the media, rumors and whatnot. And since hikki are described as people who don't contribute to society, as a result people don't regard them as productive members of society. And if you aren't contributing to society or doing something worthy of society expectation, then you aren't valued. Add fuel to fire, the society encourage people to make fun of them, just as otaku, because society see them as aren't productive or not contributing to the society interest. They are mocked in the form of manga, anime, magazines, etc. It isn't a thing to look up to. The common society don't value those who are into cartoons and games, and to take interest in 2D depictions of girls and women, since they are fictional and not real, common people find their fellow men/women who are into this unsettling. Common people are practical, and their culture have alot to do with their views and opinions. Plus negative connotation with anime and bishoujo, and mass media sensation of sex in this modern era, sex is used for capitalist gains, it all boils down to money, and the more money you have the more power. Productivity and efficiency are two major factors to maximise profits, hence the government, big businesses/giant corporation or their enforcement of society more or less discourage those who aren't productive or efficient. So it kinda make sense that they want society to mock hikkis and otaku, I'm not saying otaku aren't productive, otaku seems to be given this negative association by the media to those who are outcast. The reason I believe is that the government/society/businesses want people to think in the standards and rules that had been created and maintained by them, so it make sense they want you to follow their ideas, or common collective ideas. So if you are out of the group, you most likely come to your senses and individualise your own ideas and conflict the interest of society, which isn't good in their eyes.

Although this is nothing new, I hope this is a useful insight.

78 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-08-01 13:19 ID:S4dhjTI1


I don't doubt that I will succeed in school if I were to go back again. But in the circumstances I am in, I think it isn't the time yet. I need to earn more money before I can choose the option to go back. I have few decisions to make and all that been boggering me, it isn't easy to decide. If I can't go now, I can always go back later in life, even at my late 30s. I don't concern with how people look at me if I go back to school at this age. I hope I own my own house by this time since it feels shameful in society to not have something valueble in the form of assets that is worth alot and can be invested. But if I lose my job I may consider going back to school, it sort of depends. In my current state, I still haven't decided what I really want to do exactly and how to achieve it. It is easy to say I want to bring otaku culture to my area or contribute to an already established groups and clubs. But at the end if you consider carefully in your future, you may think that what you are learning now doesn't contribute to your interest, and you may think that when you make it to there, you won't be happy. Also that you may have a lot of thing you want to do, but you cannot do them all at once, if you choose to do one, then it leaves no time for you to do the other, and the other may be required to relate to your interest. This is where I'm trying to decide which is the best for me, and at the end the most satisfying in life that I find in the future even when I get old, I don't want to regret and get depressed later on in life. I want to do something that can evolve later in the future for improvements, creative, satisfying, and able to express your ideas and yourself.

My interest is changing the world and reality. Think something along the lines of Lain. But that would require you be gifted and genius. There is a limit to ones potential that one should take into account to consider what they can do. Really there is nothing I want to do but change the world and reality to my ideals. Thats the major part of the reason I'm depressed.

The only thing that remains is trying to get good job and earn money in order to attract others to accept me, which I believe is most people in the society is going for, it doesn't matter if the person likes it or not, as long as it impresses other or attract them to the person, it is all good. People want to be accepted into society, as long as they achieve that, they aren't worried about doing things they really want to do, and give up. Most people take things for granted as along as it in in accordance to common acceptance. But others say, "sometimes you just got to go with what you've got"..... this sounds depressing. no wonder people do drugs after they found this to be true or just simply fit into what comes their ways and not complain. As people discourages others by saying that you shouldn't complain and whine about your situations, and implying you should accept your fate and destiny.

79 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-01 15:10 ID:Heaven

Look up the definition of pretentious.

80 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-01 16:20 ID:Heaven


pre·ten·tious (prĭ-tĕn'shəs)
Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious. See synonyms at showy.

Now can I go get icecream sammiches, camp counselor Anonymous?

81 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-02 04:29 ID:8U2snEq+

ice cream
A smooth, sweet, cold food prepared from a frozen mixture of milk products and flavorings, containing a minimum of 10 percent milk fat and eaten as a snack or dessert.

82 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-02 06:07 ID:Y4EVHPWa

A whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young.

83 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-04 00:56 ID:Heaven


nour·ish·ment (nûr'ĭsh-mənt, nŭr'-)
The act of nourishing.
The state of being nourished.
Something that nourishes; food.

84 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-10 04:17 ID:9W2Mk2PO

I think it now
Time difference between Japan and USA are 9 hours.
So, I a little surprise.


85 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-10 08:10 ID:giWqiqQU



sur·prise (sr-prz)
tr.v. sur·prised, sur·pris·ing, sur·pris·es

  1. To encounter suddenly or unexpectedly; take or catch unawares.
  2. To attack or capture suddenly and without warning.
  3. To cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement, as at something unanticipated.

a)To cause (someone) to do or say something unintended.
b) To elicit or detect through surprise.


  1. The act of surprising or the condition of being surprised.
  2. Something, such as an unexpected encounter, event, or gift, that surprises.

じさ 1 【時差】


86 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-11 15:25 ID:Heaven

No worries =)

87 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-29 17:31 ID:65h0I7qA

Check the film at Francesco Jodice's website. Go to "works" then to "Hikikomori."
Hikikomori was filmed in Tokyo in November 2004.

88 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-29 22:21 ID:w8kNqKIE

crap. dont watch it

89 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-13 22:41 ID:xjCdSFTf

BBC did a piece on this topic once, called "Japan: The Missing Million". It was an interesting watch and they talked with an expert on the subject, I think he had written a book or a thesis or something on the subject. It was a long time ago, so I don't remember all the details, but maybe it helps someone out (since the OP is dated from April :).


90 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-28 21:48 ID:GKVGIfXO

check out this canadian hikikimori's videos.


91 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-19 20:09 ID:JSyw7Siv


Do you even know what a hikikomori is?

92 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-24 19:53 ID:HtFcm957


93 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-25 04:16 ID:ZLt8Zq1/

DSM-IV already has medical terminology to describe these persons. Calling it "Hikikomori" just makes you sound like a huge weaboo.

94 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-26 12:59 ID:Heaven

Yes let's use numbers to denote all illnesses instead of just using the name everyone else uses.

95 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-27 00:34 ID:xRx+XTTf


Uh..not really. There is nothing resembling what hikikomori is in the DSM.

96 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-27 21:25 ID:V84DY20Z

RITT: Idiots

97 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-27 23:17 ID:Heaven


98 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 06:50 ID:BlwDrvHV

This emo thread is pretty sad.

I really think parents should stop letting kids have computers in their bedrooms. That just sounds like a bad idea.

Hikikomori too me seems like people who just don't want any responsibilities in life and their parents are too blame just as much. Stop making lame excuses to stay inside and stop wasting the life God gave you, you only live once.


99 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 06:50 ID:BlwDrvHV

This emo thread is pretty sad.

I really think parents should stop letting kids have computers in their bedrooms. That just sounds like a bad idea.

Hikikomori too me seems like people who just don't want any responsibilities in life and their parents are too blame just as much. Stop making lame excuses to stay inside and stop wasting the life God gave you, you only live once.


100 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 11:04 ID:Heaven

But wat happens if their parents are ALSO SAME!(being a hikkikomori). Seriously, my mom are like this and keep depending to my father. As an older son I was depressed yet eager to go out and see the real world but due to the lack of communication skills (my parent didn't teach me much) I still stucked in my own shell like my mother..

So how??

101 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 12:14 ID:zaRmILGd


how old are you now? I'm just curious. Are you an actual hikki or just a bit reclusive?

102 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 13:21 ID:Heaven

>>100 a reasonable metric for determining this is whether you bottle or not. If you bottle, you might be a hikikomori.

103 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 20:59 ID:nh3SmQaT

>>100 You have to stop wasting time and your years and just go out there. Of course you are obviously going to seem awkward at first, but hey -- that's how it works. There is no magic way you are going to go out there and be the most social person in the world.

And remember everyone has problems. Being a self-victim and doing nothing will result in nothing. Do something big and make your life change.

104 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 21:44 ID:mKr21Px6

>>102 What does bottle mean?

105 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-14 21:51 ID:Heaven

I am 23 now. You can say that I am a hikki and reclusive at same time.

Bottle??? wat u mean???

I began to like this guy :)

106 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 02:03 ID:Heaven

Peeing and in some cases defecating in bottles in order to dodge the dreaded walk to the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

I hope you could sense the sarcastic tone in that one. Even if it's what it means.

107 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 04:39 ID:Heaven

HEH!!! But...actually u are right. That's why I feel so useless to be like one and tries to not to become like this any more....

It's kinda slow start...but I just hope that I can contribute something to the world, for good!

108 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 15:36 ID:qY8zwJ6H

Such a shame that kids in the west found out about the hikikomori phenomenon in Japan. Now so many of them suddenly think that their shut-in existence is really the same thingm and now it's justified in their minds as a completely valid lifestyle just because it sort of resembles something else in a completely different culture. It even gives their entitled, hand-fed existence a kind of solemn dignity. Would rather sit in your room and fap 3 times a day to anime porn, fail school and complain about your parents failure to raise you than actually TRY at anything? That's okay! You're just a misunderstood genius and that it's everyone else who needs to change, not you.


109 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 17:28 ID:YAtX8MzK

Wrong! Hikkikomori phenomenon didn't happens only in Japan but actually spreads to the rest Asian country (including my country!).

It's all due the fact that humans began to enjoy higher living status (means that we are living far more comfortable than before). This sort of "comfortableness" began to infest humans' habits thus this kind of phenomenon emerges.

Also, I don't want to blame but some parents are sometimes are too
protective thus making us believe that it is better u just stay at home if don't want to get bullied or some other nasty things (some Asian culture prefers it).

Westerners should be proud for not having this phenomenon in critical status yet but ya know...the persuasive power of media is powerful...

110 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 21:39 ID:Heaven

>>108 Nobody ever suggested that was the case with hikikomori either though. In the case of hikikomori, the person is still a shut-in loser, not a genius.

111 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-16 04:06 ID:YAtX8MzK

A person who failed to make his body moved is NOT genius at all =.=.

and this will degrade my health and stamina as well....

I really want to go out now....

112 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-16 04:09 ID:YAtX8MzK

(this poster just having a sport day and having a marathon until he finds out he is extremely not fit at all!)

113 Name: marucita : 2008-07-16 12:19 ID:9PloKJnA

Hi Otaku hikki!. I don´t think you should worry about your age to re-start school or university. There are many people who stop studying for different reasons and then they come back and feel great. I knew a woman that finished high-school being about 70 (she has been a housewife all the previous time) and now she goes to university!. She´s definitely an example of courage and self-conviction.
You could also find a group of people with the same problems that you have (probably not at university but in other place). Or at least find some internet community...that´ll help a lot to share your feelings and to know you aren´t the only one suffering from that.
Best wishes for you!. Regards from Argentina :)

114 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-17 02:16 ID:Heaven


Please excuse this interruption of your programs, and resume thread activity. Or better, don't.

115 Name: blah : 2008-07-20 05:20 ID:u819G6so


116 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-20 09:16 ID:Heaven


The world wasn't made for you y'know. It would be easier if you did gouge your eyes out or perhaps just ignore it?

117 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-20 14:47 ID:Evs3igMA

I stayed in my room for about two years.
I'd never been very socialy confident, and after a bunch of traumatic stuff happened i became very mistrustful of people and very anxious about going places like malls, social gatherings, etc, even about phonecalls. It was always anxiety before i did something, even though i would mostly be fine while i was out shopping or talking on the phone etc. But the anxiety just became worse and worse, and i felt that nobody cared about me, dealing with other human beings in any way became stressful, and i started going places less and less, and didnt' feel relaxed uneless i was in my room, away from everyone, safe from all things which could cause me stress.

It became worse as time passed; anytime i went outside became more stressful and unpleasant than it had previously been because i had been avoiding it, and because people noticed and commented like 'oh, you went outside?!' which made me feel bad about myself and highlighted my problem. So i avoided it even more.

But my peace couldn't last forever. I became progressively more and more stressed out about the amount of time i was wasting; the need to make a life for myself, start a career etc. Finaly it was more stressful to stay in my room and do nothing than to go out and start studying etc. It was hard at first to resume a normal life, nad i had to do it slowly, but i managed. It's still a bit stressful sometimes to be around people, but im mostly over it.

118 Name: marucita : 2008-07-22 14:46 ID:+344j5zf

I´m glad to know that and congrats for being brave enough to face all the situation. I´m sure you´ll find people that are worth being with and that understand you. Being different from what the society expects is hard but necessary in my opinion. Majorities aren´t always right (most of the times they aren´t,lol). Greetings :)

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