Alone and depressed (LOTS OF TEXT) (35)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 01:36 ID:m0f7Fxw7

hey there..

I'm a 19 year old student (male). I like anime, video games, but I'm not a hikki. I've been called pretty attractive, and I've had previous experience with girls.

Anyways, after I moved last fall away from home to a new town, I gained an emotional burden. I became lovesick. I needed someone to hold to, to spend time with and to feel youthful (ww). So far, my exploits have not been fruitful. I have met interesting new people , became friends with them et cetera. My nights are pretty lonely. I instinctively try to grab on to something as if to hug it, but it's just not there. It makes me depressed.

Then again, the only thing that keeps me going right now is one thought: That special someone will come in time. But somehow, fate plays it's tricks and that special someone is further and further away, every day. And what makes this more difficult, is the fact that I cannot give up. Giving up would mean, that I'd become a 2d-fetishist, a true otaku, even a hikikomori. I have enough backbone and selfesteem to stay away from that.

Am I a fool since I live with this false hope every day? Should I forget about this, and just try to carry on without that hope?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 04:42 ID:3TpiBWaD

Kill yourself. It's the only way.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 05:14 ID:T33g8AeJ

No, you're not a fool. Don't ever give up hope.
The person that comes along might not fit the image you have in your mind, but work on it and see what happens.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 05:32 ID:/hRRDSpP

> fate plays it's tricks and that special someone is further and further away, every day.

I completely don't understand this. By the sounds of it you have nobody, yet you're talking as if this nobody is a somebody?

You're 19. One-fucking-nine. To my way of thinking you have yet to rank as an adult, ready to carry the responsibilities of a citizen and all that entails. Yet you sound like a 50-year-old man with a mid-life crisis.

Where I live the average age of first marriage is 30. Do you honestly think you can't get out and laid if given over a decade? Cuz if you do, it's time to get out more: people practically fall into your lap if you don't keep to yourself.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 12:48 ID:Heaven

> people practically fall into your lap if you don't keep to yourself.

Your powers combined, I am Captain Optimism!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 22:33 ID:zRdxUSVe

Abandon all the childish stuff you do now and get out into the world. The longer you sit around watching anime, jerking to lolicon and slacking off the longer you're going to stay like that. Get a job, rent an apartment, and go out.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 22:51 ID:Heaven


you fail hard.

such common words.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 22:54 ID:15eCilGE

lol, graduated frim high-school about almost 2years ago.

i just have one wish, to "go".

hopefully CO will enable me to do so =)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 23:35 ID:Heaven


It's true. If you disagree then you fit said description.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 00:25 ID:Heaven

You seem awfully upbeat about contemplating suicide.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 11:16 ID:15eCilGE


that's right.
and especially with CO, i will just fall asleep (and with sleeping-pills xD).

a peaceful and unpainful outflow.

i just fear that i could wake up in a hospital with various instruments attached to my body, so that i wouldn't get another chance to end it myself.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 14:40 ID:zRdxUSVe

CO suicide is easy, you just need to get it right. Buy a CO detector to see how much ppm their is in the air. Be sure your room as an oxygen vent so the coals burn. Etc etc. One mistake and you're going to have brain damage and god knows what else.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 15:49 ID:bzf/Fnwi


You idiot. See a psych-doctor pronto. People like you are everywhere, you aren't special. I'm just like you, and I just got out of a mope period. I'm just going to got through another semester of community college like every other person around me, not have much of a social life, and deal with it. Occaisionally I get depressed, but that's not a big deal really, its just a matter of sucking it up and putting things into perspective. I'm only 20, you're only 19. We're fucking kids. We have another whole decade to improve ourselves. Think about what you were doing ten years ago. I was playing with Pokemon Cards and K'nex, worrying about Aliens and Bigfoot and getting over my fear of the dark. The difference between the 19 year old you and the 29 year old you may be even greater. Like I said, perspective. Suck it up, and don't be afraid to get messy.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 16:22 ID:/hRRDSpP

>>13 is wise beyond his or her years.

Also, the sad thing about suicides is that they usually happen on the upswing; while they're at the very bottom depressed people can't work up enough motivation to actually do anything.

15 Name: Y the last man : 2008-01-18 17:03 ID:nnRnR+Rk

>>13 Agreed , >>12 Don't, Be a warrior and fight..even if you fought in the past and it again, one LAST TIME. if you fail after ex.10 years..then i hope you find peace..but right now? Goddamn fight!

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 17:19 ID:tNtbf9yh

There is never a last time.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 18:00 ID:L7AhgaTH

omg what a bunch of hypocrites (i am disgusted by them) here. (i am not op)

and your english is either shitty! or i am too dumb to understand your sophisticated speech.

CO is a good method when it is executed right.
enough said. ( also i will use it =)

to my person:

  • have 0 hobbies and interests ( i never had any since i am not very talented which is an understatement)
  • social life (it's ok since i have been always a loner)

-well i have been to school for about 13years.
1,5 years have passed since my graduation.
(hm, but i forgot almost everthing by now, since i have always been learning for the tests, nothing in the end i got a graduation certificate, but not really anything else for 13years!)

-i also did attend for civilian services, atleast for some months before i quit cause it was really boring and annoying

-i am not pleased with the fact that i am not so intelligent nor sportive talented.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 18:18 ID:HzgBfloT

> so in the end i got a graduation certificate, but not really anything else for 13years

Wow. I guess your ability to read this is "not really anything else".

> i am not pleased with the fact that i am not so intelligent nor sportive talented.

What the fuck? Do you think this just happens? It takes hard work!

Stop being a lazy jackass, coming up with excuses, and work on it. If your life sucks it's entirely your own fault for doing nothing with it.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 18:19 ID:HzgBfloT

I forgot to mention that your life does not belong to you, >>17. You're being a selfish jackass, and little more than a petty thief at that.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 20:20 ID:4vdJuVYR


you are being one of the worst hypocrits.

excuses? i never denied the fact that it takes hard work to accomplish something.
but you never heard of DNA or talent etc.

for you calling me a jackass and blaming me for something on your own bias and then even calling me a thief is so low that is somehow funny and i must grin.

well it is your point of view.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 22:26 ID:HzgBfloT

> you are being one of the worst hypocrits.

What's my hypocrisy?

> but you never heard of DNA or talent etc.

Wait, everyone but you has talent?

Damn, it's strange how most people somehow get through life okay! Screw the bell curve, they're all talented geniuses!

> calling me a thief is so low

Of course you're a thief. Do you think all those years of education and the effort by your parents and community are nothing? Your very existence up until now has meant a little less for everyone else.

It costs a fuckton to raise a single person to adulthood, and that's just the monetary side. Society does it in the hope that it'll get a return for its investment. And here you're planning to run away.

But hey, it's okay! Just think of yourself! Nobody else matters but you, emokid!

22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 23:39 ID:L6X5IsH2

You know, I have one suggestion for everyone contemplating suicide.

Hold off on it until you die some other way. Worst case scenario, you lose nothing and are just delayed a little bit on your way off to who knows what's beyond. No big deal, eh? Just have to be patient - You can't tell me you're hurrying to the afterlife, when the human lifespan is no doubt a drop in the bucket compared to whatever afterlife there may be.
On the other hand, things could take a drastic turn for the better - And hey, after that, you also get to go to wherever you were planning to go. Two for the price of one!

Conversely, kick it up a notch and search for a meaning in life in doing something significant. Sign up with the Peace Corps and go help disaster zones across the world, Volunteer for your local Volunteer Fire and EMT services - Anything that'll give you something positive and significant to do, where you can immediately see what good your efforts are doing, even if you lose whatever you're working on (Which doesn't seem to matter too much to you as it stands if you're contemplating suicide)
Again, worst case scenario, nothing lost - You just end up going wherever you were going to go by commiting suicide anyway. Hey, you might even be hailed as a hero if you're killed in the line of duty while saving others, and on the other hand, you could have just found something that'll lead to a life of significance and happiness for you.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 23:47 ID:7YK04MW0


Actually I have reason to believe that comitting suicide is the most effective way to kill yourself. It's like that Nike commercial. "Just do it". If you want to kill yourself, get it over with. We've got BILLIONS of humans to spare, you're not going to break anyone's heart.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-19 00:44 ID:4vdJuVYR

right. i just do it, but before i had to plan it seriously, cause i don't want to sit in a wheelchair.

you are worse than i thought.

>Of course you're a thief. Do you think all those years of education and the effort by your parents and community are nothing? Your very existence up until now has meant a little less for everyone else.

It costs a fuckton to raise a single person to adulthood, and that's just the monetary side. Society does it in the hope that it'll get a return for its investment. And here you're planning to run away.

your twang displeases me. are you in rage?
community? -no
parents? -yes
talking about honour and duty?.....

sorry but your "reality" is just as limited as mine.
and fortunately there are not just (but way too many) hypocrits running around.

>But hey, it's okay! Just think of yourself! Nobody else matters but you, emokid!

seriously, you don't even know what emo means or?
hope you mean what you wright and go to help other people in misery fulltime.
btw: your slogans are really flat.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-19 04:18 ID:/hRRDSpP

> are you in rage?

Are you Captain Obvious?

> community? -no

The community doesn't? What the fuck are you smoking, emokid?

Did your parents only ever send you to private school? Did they only take you to private doctors and hospitals? Did you never take public transit anywhere? Or even use public roads or places for that matter? How about the food you eat, was that inspected by your own personal mad scientist? Or, or, or... and it's all paid with taxes, which are paid by...?

By being born into this society you are a) enjoying all its benefits, and b) taking up resources.

Talking about your parents, are they dead or something? Do your really care so little what they feel that killing yourself is a-okay?

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-19 10:05 ID:bPp5RDV8


you are hopefully not a hypocrite and better live up to your words not being selfish and thus helping other people in misery every free minute you got and not only in your! society.

but somehow you got time to talk here about your point of view trying to justify that only your's is right.
you aren't selfish?
than you will obviously share your spare supply with people who needs it etc. etc.
but if you are not doing pls. be quit and don't ridicule yourself further.
however you are not obligated in doing so.

you know that a)enjoying all its benifits in spare and b)taking up resources means that there are exploited people.
the food i ate, where does it come from in the end etc.?
so your superberb society, isn't it exploiting others for its own benifits in the end?
think a little bit further before you wright trying to force your opinion on others.

and still your twang displeases me.

27 Name: Y the last man : 2008-01-19 18:04 ID:nnRnR+Rk

Lol that same society imports sweat shop products, blood oil, etc get the idea. Staying around for society is NEVER enough. Honestly, i couldn't give a fuck about earth, or its people..when i die, it's all over for me. So Meh, that is how life is=selfish.

Suicide is selfish, but that's oké one understands your pain (i have been there) so it is USELESS to try to explain it to others. But seriously, think it over..wait really, when it's done it's done. Oblivion awaits you, nothing else (a blessing for some,nightmare of others=religion people lol).


28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-19 19:05 ID:bPp5RDV8

i dislike people who think they are just and only their opinion reflects the reality, denying other thoughts.

in the end they can't live up to their own words thus they are empty phrases.

it is sad that there are too many hypocrits on this world.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-19 19:52 ID:/hRRDSpP

Good job at completely evading the issue, >>26. You've had all your sorry arguments shot down, so now the best you can come with is a "but what about youuuuuu"? I could be a psychopathic ax murderer who rapes babies, but it doesn't change what I said. So:

  • You're the result of a couple decades of investment by your community. You haven't really begun to return on that investment.
  • You're the result of a couple decades of investment by your parents too, and not just financial. It takes a lot of tears and sacrifice to raise a child.
  • Come to think of it, your friends are emotionally invested in you too.

Do you deny any of that?

> and still your twang displeases me.

LOL. As if I give a shit, your Highness.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-21 03:32 ID:Heaven

I see there's an argument here but i think it's about something silly.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-21 09:43 ID:Heaven

This thread has officially ended.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-23 20:47 ID:3ZOymK9I


33 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-25 12:22 ID:Heaven

I often wonder, if there is ground beef then is there sea beef? What about sky beef?

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-25 16:52 ID:F0vxuaPI

>>33 space beef, it's what's for dinner.

35 Post deleted.

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