( LΦ`) hello kids!
(EΝE) Hey grandpa, did my classmate drop by yet?
(EΝE) I don't know if she'll remember that she's supposed to, she's a bit ditzy.
i LΦ`jYou know I'm just going to have my way with her.
( ί ί) I like having my way with girls 12- and 22+!
(ί- ί ) .....
i LΦ`j Junior, what did I tell you about bringing lesbians to the house?
(EΝE) Always have the camcorder ready?
i LΦ`j That too, but... also always bring two of them.
(EΝE) Grandpa, they only sell them in six packs!
i LΦ`j Lesbians?
(EΝE) Camcorders.
(ί Ν o) Grandpa, I've been playing Disgaea lately. I have a Divine Majin at like, level 9999, with the Yoshitsuna and has two maxed out Gladiators and stuff!!!
i LΦ`jSuch an honor; surely you will be the most repected of guests at the garden party!
(EΝE) Why are you so legendary, Grandpa?
i LΦ`jWell son, if it doesn't have to do with the fact that I've lived for eons, saved the universe a few hundred times, and my incredible wit, humor, and sexiness...
i LΦ`jI have two 1000-post threads and one thats ongoing. I created you, Darkpa, and a lot of the more popular DQN characters. And, dagnabbit, I'm the 4-ch mascot! Now get me some fucking pie, Junior!
( ί ί) Who wanted leasbians???
( ί -ί) Umh I mean...
( ί ί) Pie!
i LΦ`jNo! No! It's four and twenty blackBIRDS baked in a pie!
Those poor, poor kids...
( ί -ί) No lesbians?
(ί -ί ) I'll be going then.
(EΝE) So Grandpa, what do you think of Atlus' recent aquirement of Super Robot Wars OG 1 and 2? This is much more important than Disgaea shit!
i LΦ`j..........
i(EΝE)΅ But Grandpa!
Μ(EΝE)Μ I feel pretty!
i LΦ`j Don't tempt me!
Μ(EΝE)Μ Keep away from me! I'm trying to get the lesbians to stay. It's a tough job, but a man gotta do what a man gotta do.
( ί -ί)
( ί ί) You're a real lesbian underdcover, aren't you!
( ) Your panties are showing.
Μ(EΝE)Μ Honeypie I swear, I'll become lesbian for you! HARD LEZ!
Μi LΦ`jΜ Sei! Sei! Sei!
Μ(EΝE)Μ Foooooo!
( ί ί) Big sisters!
i LΦ`j all this excitement is really bad for my rheumatism. I'm going to lay down for a while.
i LΦ`jzzzzzZZZZZzzz...lesbians...zzzzzzzz....
Μ(EΝE)Μ What's this gay noise?
i LΦ`jMust be this thread...
( ί ί) Oneeeeeesamaaaaaaaaaaaa
(EΝE) Hey,
as you probably know, many people who look at anime often tend to like hentai. And I have watched some hentai, but I really don't get it. How can anyone like it? Sure, some of the parts can be really fun, but mostly it's just sick! How can grown up people seriosly sit and watch at drawned rape scenes?! Offcourse not all hentai is about grest demons raping small innocent grils, that seem to like to be raped, but I still don't get it. Because hentai is only a very strange perverted version of porn. ( http://www.animenfo.com/forums/about5546.html&highlight= )
i LΦ`jSonny, you still have a lot to learn about kopipe.
(EΝE) Why can't you ever respect me, Grandpa?
(EΝE) Nigga, I gon' fuck you up like a bitch aint knowin
(EΝE) He's made of rubber!
( ί ί) How did that happen?!
i LΦ`jYou kids should be more focused
(EΝE) I'm sorry, Grandpa, I forgot to take my meds.
( ί ί) Mittens!
( ί-ί) No, wait...
(ί-ί ) Brb...
@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N!
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N!
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N!
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ@
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ
( ί-ί) I was away for, what, 2 seconds and already this place is ravaged by wild bu-n. That kinda sucks.
i LΦ`j You kids have no sense of history. Once, this thread was ravaged by wild bu-n, until hunters nearly drove them to the point of distinction. The fact that they are finally returning is a sign that the atmosphere of DQN is finally becoming less poisonous.
(EΝE) Grandpa! Tell is a story!
( ί-ί) I meant us...
( ί ί) Wow Junior you looked like me for a while!
( ί-ί) Weird...
(ί-ί ) I'm going to the lil' ladies' room.
@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N!
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N!
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ@@@@@ @@@^άR
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@@@@@BU-N!
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ@
@@@@ @@@ i@Rm
@@@@@@@@ Ι>m@
@@@@ O@@Ϊ
(EΝE) Grandpa, hack 4-ch and make this horrible blinking stop!
i LΦ`j Oh you see it too? I thought my eyes were going...
( ί -ί)
(EΝE) lol, Clonepa is still hanging out in the name field. That's like, so 2 posts ago.
i LΦ`j He has my sense of nostalgia for the dusty past.
(EΝE) Grandpa, Dave's not here, man.
i LΦ`j Junior, drug humor was always in bad taste. Although Earache My Eye never failed to make me chuckle a bit at the points where he physically abused his son.
Όρρρρρρi@OΦOjρρ½ BU-N
( ί -ί) Grandpa, why are there so many bu-n here?
i LΦ`jI'll rest for the rest of the week. Later, kids.
Όρρρi@OΦOjρ½ BU-N
Όρρρi@OΦOjρ½ BU-N
Όρρρi@OΦOjρ½ BU-N
Όρρρi@OΦOjρ½ BU-N
Όρρρi@OΦOjρ½ BU-N
( ί -ί) ...
(EΝE) Grandpa, I find the arguement that I should "fight for my right to party" to be spiritually unfulfilling and void of any tangible philosophical influence. Could the Beastie Boys just be making a shallow remark about their desire to live without parental restrictions?
i LΦ`j zzzzzzz
( EΝE) This noise, again....?
(EΝE ) What could it be...?
No. Grandpa.
(EΝEOEΝE) What? What?
(ίDίGGίDί) FTW!!?!
<EΝE > You're the man who killed my grandfather's first wife! DIE!!!
i LΦ`j zzzzzzz
( EΝE) I suggest you GTFO, corean.
i LΦ`j zzzzzzz, no, stop, it hurts, naughty girl, zzzzzzzzzzz zzzz zzzzzzzzzz ahhh zzzzzzzzzz
( ί ί) But they're MY mittens! Get off of them!
<EΝE > These were stolen from my great grandmother, and I am taking them back with me !
( ί -ί)
( EΝE) I'm keeping quiet until I can snatch 666get...
<EΝE > In BCE 6101 Corea was beginning...
( ί -ί)
<EΝE > I have to wait before I go on; someone on ebay has put in a bid for the mittens!
( ; -;)
<EΦE > Hello! I am Corean Grandfather! I am the most loved of grandfathers...and most famous. But japanese grandfather steals all of my fame!
@@<@@ >
@ _ @Ώ
( LΦ`)c@(EΦE ) ...
( LΦ`)c@(EΦE )
you're next clonepa
@ _ @Ώ
( LΦ)c@(LΦ
) ...
( LΦ)@@(LΦ ) Wait a second...
@@@@( LΦ)
@ @ @@Ώ
(EΝE)@~(LΦ )