[GUILT] Anonymous Confession Thread [SHAME] (177)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 11:27 ID:lopTZ5Wa

In this thread you post about awful things you have done in your life so far. Drugs, spousal abuse, blasphemy, incest, homicide or jaywalking - anything goes. Have at it, folks, you are Anonymous!
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2 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 12:00 ID:oiarURRS

fucked my little brother in the nose

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 12:27 ID:lopTZ5Wa

I should have specified that this is supposed to be a more serious kind of thread. Asshattery is really better fit in /dqn/ ヽ(´ー`)ノ

4 Name: 2005-08-25 12:32 ID:Heaven

I've masturbated to pictures of little girls :(

And I'm not guilty of it

: (

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 12:40 ID:lopTZ5Wa

Related blog linkage:

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 14:09 ID:T/E5FCpE

i tried to have sex with my little brother, but i didn't know how

7 Name: 2005-08-25 15:57 ID:Heaven

Are you a guy or a girl?

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 19:33 ID:jCttES3s

Same as >>4


9 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 21:19 ID:T/E5FCpE

i have a HUUGE penis!

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-25 22:43 ID:Heaven

also same as >>4
(boring confession thread)

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-26 00:42 ID:Heaven

I'm a straight male, and I get an erection when I see gay porn.. I don't understand why!

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-26 14:46 ID:iQcf45B1

I have a female friend who likes to watch my lesbian porn. I can guarantee she's heterosexual.

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-26 14:53 ID:2xHwBeg/

I once stole money that lay around on a desk in a class of mine in elementary school. It was just change, not even a whole buck. I just did it to prove to myself that I wasn't a total pansy.

I once told a girlfriend of mine that I deleted all of my porn from my computer since I didn't need it anymore because I had her which made her happy. In reality I just lost most due to a HD crash and recollected most of it and even more afterwards.

I have a little sister who is very smart and doing lots of good things with her life. I still believe she is developing a total bullshit personality and I hate to hear her laugh which I think sounds totally fake. I believe it's kind of my fault and that I should have been closer to her.

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-26 15:32 ID:5DK/wy22

Once, in front of my neighbours family, i completely ignored this mentally challenged girl that went up to me and said "hi!" I don't know why I did it, but I was so ashamed afterwards.

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-26 16:54 ID:iQcf45B1


> I once told a girlfriend of mine that I deleted all of my porn from my computer since I didn't need it anymore because I had her which made her happy. In reality I just lost most due to a HD crash and recollected most of it and even more afterwards.

Thank goodness you saved some of it and downloaded some more, I thought you had done something so silly as being out of porn.

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-26 19:41 ID:BT1L9dqy

In third and fourth grade I systematically carried out a small animals genocide. Insects, mice, frogs, etc. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Sometimes at night I can still hear them scream. 8(

17 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-26 19:53 ID:kMGZ1Q+P

I never went past small insects.

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-27 17:47 ID:Heaven

same as >>4, orz

19 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-27 23:32 ID:Heaven

Same as >>4 lolz

20 Name: Anonymous Alexander!zkraGArAss 2005-08-28 22:30 ID:Heaven

I post in /b while crossdressing.

21 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-29 12:29 ID:u7MSMzb4

Sup same as >>4 crew?

22 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-29 15:12 ID:AkUnEMo2

same as >>4

also, my gf is 15 years old

23 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-29 15:16 ID:uIySvaSe

Needs more confessions that don't involve pedophilia.

Also, >>20 fancies his sister.

24 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-29 16:14 ID:Heaven

I spent three years of my life without going more than two waking hours without getting stoned.

25 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-30 00:32 ID:vod15kPL

Cocks! I like cocks.

26 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-30 01:27 ID:oNfUpaYJ


girls do that

I have never done anything awfull in my life ever, I am a perfect person

27 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-30 07:13 ID:Heaven

That´s awful.

28 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-31 15:26 ID:Heaven

>>26 is guilty in being perfect.

29 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-01 16:14 ID:K3h444n6

>>4 is a popular confession
How about everyone who has done >>4 contributes another confession?
Sometimes I lie to friends about having to do stuff instead of going out with them to movies/etc. I always feel really guilty about it during and afterwards...

30 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-01 21:48 ID:G890ib2e

I've done that a lot, too. Still am.

I bullied a dorky girl in middle school and some dorky guy, even physically hurt them some times. This despite being bullied myself a lot in school myself.

31 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-01 21:55 ID:THczlANj

everyone lies to their friends, let's hear some real stuff

i still live with my parents but instead of doing something with my life i spend all my money on getting drunk/high downtown and hitting on my friends ex-girlfriends

twice now, i've shagged my best friends ex-girlfriend, seperate ones, i'm sure freud would read something into this, but i'm of the opinion he was an idiot to dump them, at least one of them, the other is so and so

32 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-02 01:48 ID:oFJULtze

I don't have anything else to confess, though... all my confessions have to do with little girls and my imagination.

So with that eliminated, I am a perfectly moral person with nothing to hide. Hey, that feels a lot better! I should confess to my friends. (no)

33 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-02 16:37 ID:BT1L9dqy

I confess to >>4 also.

34 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-02 17:02 ID:Heaven

Confess something else already!

35 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-02 18:44 ID:Heaven

I was to lazy to walk to the bathroom, so I pissed in a coke can.(VERY HARD WITH MY HUGE CHAK) Oh course I'm a tard and leave it out and later on that day my sister takes a drink of it.[funny now, BUT FILLED WITH SHAME AS 6 YEAR OLD]

36 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-02 19:24 ID:Heaven

^ Sorry that was more of a guilt confession, as for real shame confession: I jerked off while taking a bath(olo gay) in my parents bathtub. I spent the next two hours cleaning the tub so I wouldn't get my mom pregnant.

37 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-02 19:27 ID:Heaven

I jerked off in the bathtub all the time when I was a teenager. Everyone in my house used it.
I think all kinds of confessions are fine in this thread, really. As long as you believe their content is serious enough.

38 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-02 21:33 ID:+JMvDYM3

i took modern japanese I in university

39 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-03 18:08 ID:Heaven

>>38 lol

I suppose the only really immoral thing I have done is selling drugs. Other than that I´m a good boy. Never raped a loli, never killed anyone, never robbed old ladies.

40 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-03 19:58 ID:Heaven

What kind of drugs?

41 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-03 23:10 ID:jCttES3s

I dropped out of High School.


42 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-03 23:54 ID:Heaven


Well, why don't you go back? Be cool, stay in school.

43 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-07 13:25 ID:Heaven

>>40 Ecstasy and speed.

>>41 Knowing is half the battle!

44 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-07 21:30 ID:PcitevJc

confession to >>4 as well, media portrays us people too strongly.
once dated a 13yo, 4 years younger then me. 14th birthday present was sex, her idea. It's legal here.

45 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-08 08:30 ID:oUki9IzT


>>4, I guess, but that's human nature.

>>31 I still live with my parents as well, but it's becuase I'm too busy with school to get a job and move out. Perhaps after college (or at least after I transfer to a 4-year.)

No, I don't really do anything.

46 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-08 16:07 ID:Heaven

I dropped out of university :((
I start again soon. I wasted 1.5 years of my life :(((

47 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-09 04:30 ID:ls3aU+Yw

i went to university :((
i wasted a whole year of my life :(((

48 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-10 02:28 ID:XkbrXLOx

lol, rich boy drugs.
I have never done anything major, except download child pr0n. Don't have it anymore, tho.

49 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-10 02:32 ID:oFJULtze

So many people are confessing to >>4 that this thread doesn't give a cleansing feeling anymore. I may have to turn to the Catholic Church to truly erase my sins. Oh, wait.

50 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-10 04:15 ID:12QhmaLR

Does the Church really keep it a secret, even for the worst of sins?

51 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-10 11:59 ID:Heaven

It doesn´t count if you too were a teenager lol
Still hot, though.

52 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-10 13:58 ID:2/F0JHj6

i guess that he was 50-60years old.

53 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-11 05:28 ID:rk3q4LLW

Twice now I've stolen stuff that wasn't attached to Radio Shack's display area. Afterwards, I felt kinda stupid because it's not as if I really wanted or needed the items, but rather took them to see if I could. They included: a tiny digital alarm clock, and a multi-tool with a LED light.

boring story GET

54 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-11 05:37 ID:AI4a1gCr

i sometimes pretend i'm a girl on the internet.
and sometimes people actually beleive i'm a girl, even after they see pictures of me O.O

55 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-11 15:21 ID:Heaven


Dude, steal some better shit. That's just pathetic. I hope that was a confession about how much you suck at stealing.

56 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-11 15:44 ID:aGYgSPa5

I was 19 almost 20 at the time,
regarding the earlier post about >>4 and sex.

57 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-12 17:55 ID:Heaven

I participated in making the "Pedobear" meme popular on 4chan and regret this retarded actions of mine very much now.

58 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-14 01:04 ID:5KoNJQ0H

I regret missing Pedobear.

I also regret my indecisiveness. I wish I could make a decision.

And spending so much freetime playing games and watching G4.

And I really really regret the times I watch Johnny Extreme break things over his crotch.

59 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-14 12:13 ID:IDtUhIkL

I cry over TV shows, but not tragic events.

60 Name: anony 2005-09-17 06:11 ID:+XRcWveP

how come no one has names

61 Name: anony 2005-09-17 06:12 ID:+XRcWveP

why no one have name
all anonoyous

62 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-17 06:27 ID:Heaven

That is kind of the point of this thread...

63 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-17 09:24 ID:IDtUhIkL

>>59 again.
Despite me telling my ex that I was "fine" with being fuckbuddies, I still miss being in a real relationship with her. This is also despite the fact she cheated on me....twice.

64 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-17 10:39 ID:Heaven

I masturbate too much. 4, maybe 5 times a day.

I really need sex badly :(

65 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-17 10:47 ID:Heaven

Save some money, buy a hooker's time.

66 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-17 15:17 ID:+cQBSk34

Get a hobby

67 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-17 18:05 ID:zg8cwqZg

>>66 he alredy got one ;)

68 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-17 23:19 ID:Heaven


69 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-18 07:56 ID:pwKrxrxS

>>63 again
Now this bitch wants me to help her through anorexia. Great. And I go through with it because I am a pussy.

70 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-18 16:13 ID:7hkMlCFF

haha, maybe we should start a club, i'm dealing with exactly the same problem

71 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-18 19:25 ID:4J9lAwpY

You could call it the "4-chers with 3D Girlfriends" club

72 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-18 20:17 ID:VLwAhMXb


I helped with the whole "AAIIRR" pseudo-meme. I also requested Blackbob in /f/ once.

73 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-19 06:16 ID:Heaven

For some reason, I masturbated to the same SJIS art of Yomi that some other guy admitted to on the AA board. I tried to focus on another picture, but choosing the one he already fapped to felt dirtier.

74 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 20:56 ID:Heaven

I do this too.

My life is pretty pathetic. The reason I like Densha Otoko so much is I can relate to it so hard. My family ignores me, and I still live with them. I hate my job. I spend all my money on Gundam models and Video Games. I steal anime and music off the internet. I am very, very guilty of >>4 . I told my girlfriend I deleted all my porn, when I never did (kind of like >>13). I tell my friend I've got things to do when I don't so I can stay home and do nothing. On the street if a bum asks me for money I freak out and give them 10 dollar bills because I feel bad - then I feel bad about giving them my money afterwards.

Other than feeling shame about my life in general and how pathetic I am, I try to be overly polite to everyone when really I'm an ass. I used to skip middle school and highschool constantly because I didn't do homework or feel like taking a test. I've smoked weed a few times in my life but not anymore. I've lied to ex-girlfriends many times, a few girlfriends I had were lies to begin with - I didn't want to be in the relationships but I can't say "no."

My current girlfriend is the best I've ever had, as well as the longest relationship. That being said, today is our 4 month anniversary, I've never seen her face, I'm in Michigan and she's in Hawaii.


75 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 12:18 ID:Heaven

I'm the guy that posted the "Britney Eats for Two" gif over and over and over again for weeks until it finally, finally caught on as a pseudo-meme or whatever you could consider it.

I wasn't the first person who posted it to /gif/, but after seeing the reaction it got, I felt the need to repost it. I haven't visited the forum in a couple weeks to repost the many versions, so I don't know if it's still going on all that much, but I'm certain that I will do it again.

76 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-29 03:01 ID:Heaven

Hahaha, I think I love you. Watching people freak over these minor annoyances and watching the consectutive drama and reposts by everybody else is the best thing ever.

PS: I am the guy who forced the Milhouse meme.

77 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-07 04:23 ID:hU38thg4

i chase the dragon (I smoke heroin of a sheet of tin foil)

Dont know why just do it

78 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-08 15:34 ID:Heaven

I posted a picture of several stillframes from a video showing someone (not pictured) setting a cat on fire in a tub over on another imgboard. I found the picture somewhere else.

I deleted the picture shortly after but now it gets reposted over and over. I wish I hadn't done it but I guess posting the picture doesn't really change anything about the event already having happened. I just think part of the reason why the sick person who lit the cat on fire did what he did was to create the outrage the picture has caused...

I hope I never become so weak & cowardly that I have to prove my control over life by torturing someone helpless to death.

79 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-23 17:03 ID:/D1e/Bvs

i think i'm the person who started the 'i'm going to make a thread about my troubles with girls' wave that's been going over general lately

i'm sorry, kinda

80 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-23 19:11 ID:Heaven

As well as you should be. You don't have trouble with girls.

You sort it out.

81 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-24 11:38 ID:Heaven

It was bound to happen sooner or later.

82 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-24 19:27 ID:tfTQknyC

I touched the DS screen without using the stylus. I'm sorry. orz

83 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-24 20:31 ID:hQIR5ttu

I became such an emo fag at one point that because I couldn't get a girl, I started trying to become gay so I could at least find a guy who would like me.

84 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-24 21:59 ID:Hq1qCJ32


85 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-26 19:00 ID:Heaven

>>83 ftw

86 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-02 23:04 ID:Heaven

I am a contributing factor to the current shittiness that some people see in 4chan's /v/. I'm the one that started that "PS3 = $700, 360 = $300, etc." way back during those E3 stickies, and I've repeated them whenever possible since then.

Also, I'm the guy who reposts those Namco vs Capcom threads, and I'm behind the "looks like a fan mod for chrono trigger??" and I just do a whole bunch of trolling in general.

87 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-26 08:26 ID:5cUXgOLY

i listen to trance music

88 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-26 11:55 ID:Heaven

I have wasted the last 3 years of my life and am only 21.

89 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-27 00:11 ID:Heaven

Heck, I've wasted the last 17 years of my life and I'm only 17.

90 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-27 05:43 ID:o/tGGpcw

age = years without girlfriend

91 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-29 23:34 ID:fM56p8JY

I meant it in the way "I was NEET 2 of the 3 last years and I'm starting my 4th"

92 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-30 02:39 ID:Heaven

I have contributed to popularize the delayclose.jpg meme on 4chan

93 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-30 11:07 ID:Heaven


ftboi, obviously.

94 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-30 11:10 ID:Heaven

People treat me like I'm hardcore and together, when I'm really shy, and confused.
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95 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-30 18:19 ID:Heaven

Heh, reminds me of my Middle School days.

No one would mess with me! Or so people claimed. But then again, it could have just been because I'm a nice guy.

96 Name: sega 2005-12-05 00:08 ID:0vZIc3pi

Not awful, but shameful enough to compensate: I've had this nerdy on-and-off crush on this chick for like five years and it doesn't seem like I'll be doing anything about it anytime in the near future. I suck so much. _| ̄|○

Oh well, at least I don't jerk it to children.

97 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 00:08 ID:0vZIc3pi

Also, I suck at finding the email field.

98 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 03:21 ID:Heaven

Also, you spelled sage wrong

99 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 10:35 ID:5Kk6FKsi

now that im over her, i think it'd turn me on to see pics/movies of my ex being banged by the guy she cheated on me with

100 Name: 219 2005-12-05 21:55 ID:QDUNZySt

90% of these confessions are lame...

101 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 23:03 ID:Heaven

And the rest are creepy?

102 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 23:11 ID:Heaven

>>100 change your name to not a number

103 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 23:49 ID:CyrJSeff

Once one of my friends i liked started going out with a 21 year old guy (we were 14) and they started having sex, I put on a hoody and a bandana over my mouth and beat him with a snow shovel outside his house one night, I was never caught.

104 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-06 00:51 ID:Heaven


"Anonymous" or not, it would be stupid to confess anything truly serious here.

105 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-06 01:19 ID:Heaven

Well, some illegal things seem to have been confessed to. although >>103 doesn't count as it is lies

106 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-12-06 03:10 ID:Heaven

I have posted in this thread....

107 Name: 219 2005-12-06 03:31 ID:QDUNZySt


A number is more anonymous



And im not talking about confessions like rape or murder (hopefully no one who has done these things is on here) but most of the confessions have been stupid, as in completely non serious... I'll put in a decent confession later, i've got a few things that are something i'd never tell anyone, (unless anonyomous) but im too tired atm.

I've adopted 219 as my Anon name ^^

108 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-06 18:18 ID:Heaven

>>107 it's a thread number. that's confusing...

109 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-09 08:27 ID:Heaven


110 Name: StrUggLer 2005-12-16 07:06 ID:puh/Z8eu

>>9 mines called goliath!!!

111 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 07:13 ID:puh/Z8eu

>>96 same thing xept it is mutual in my case and its more then a crush. i m so pathetic !!_| ̄|○ (i jerk it to children lol)

112 Name: IvanSAurez 18yo washDC 2005-12-16 07:17 ID:puh/Z8eu

i jerk it to children lol"tha was me

113 Name: StrUggLer 2005-12-16 07:37 ID:puh/Z8eu

kept a butterfly alive for decoration
then many came to the rescue and attacked me (seriously!)didn't hurt though...
I felt guilty so I killed it and the friends and some more when i got out HAHAHAHAHAAAA .... _| ̄|○

114 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 07:38 ID:puh/Z8eu

same as >>4 lol

115 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 08:05 ID:puh/Z8eu

>>103 yeaaaaa KEEP IT REAL!!!!cough*wangster*cough

116 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-18 07:24 ID:Heaven

I'd like to confest that I'm guilty...
or pre-meditated /slap'ing of >>107 for being an idiot and using "219" as a name. When we get to >>219 and it's not you, the world will rupture.

117 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-20 20:49 ID:Heaven

I'm an insecure bastard. I hate people who are better than me at stuff.

118 Name: 1 2005-12-24 07:18 ID:mXC8vluR

i stole a 300$ mp3 player, i told everyone i bought it, i feel like such an asshole, and i mean, i havent told ANYONE...cept here now =P

119 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-24 09:48 ID:B97aqExd

i like to be humilated by girls sexually :O

120 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-25 16:11 ID:VVLZ1gZT

I waste a lot of time posting messages on the Internet.

121 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-25 20:10 ID:o/tGGpcw

Come to http://4-ch.net/iaa/ . You're among friends.

122 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-26 23:59 ID:Heaven

I don't really like to, but that happens a lot to me anyway :(

123 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-28 04:38 ID://0RAgdj

I have crossed-dressed... to school... 3 times... in the last 4 months... orz

124 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-28 15:07 ID:O1faShqU



125 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-28 15:45 ID:61PPn0Bm

>>123 whether are you making the female to male jump or opposite?

126 Name: 123 2005-12-29 03:32 ID://0RAgdj

sorry, you'd have to ask the girls I borrowed the clothes from

male to female

127 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-30 06:17 ID:Heaven

craziness, care to give us a backstory?

128 Name: (´-`).。oO(おっぱい (. Y .) ) 2005-12-30 06:57 ID:qxwj713U

Yes please! 4ch needs more traps.

129 Name: 123 2005-12-31 08:34 ID://0RAgdj

Umm, I kinda tend to random things when I'm not on my meds?

There really is no backstory, I tend to get random ideas and go with them. Today is the first day that I've seen my normal hair color since... September, was it? I'm not sure. I usually have it dyed some wierd color. And for clothes, my closet ranges from preppy, to geek, to hardcore punk. I just tend to wear whatever I want, just to try to get some reaction out of people. So far my favorite time was this Christmas, when I was wearing one of my punk outfits, complete with spiked wristbands and a torn-up leather jacket covered in mud stains. Then, I put my green hair into goth spikes. And to top it all off, I tied tiny bells to each spike with red ribbon and went bell-ringing for the Salvation Army (charity work, if you aren't from around here). You should have seen some of the looks I got from some old ladies.

As for what I actually wore, the first time was something small, a Shojo Beat babydoll tee, that I had won in a raffle at a meeting for a local anime group, which coincidently, I had predicted I would. I wore an unbuttoned white dress shirt over it. I didn't really recieve any comments on it, and nobody other than a few friends knew that it was a girls shirt.

The second time was during spirit week, (the week before the homecoming game) I kinda was going overboard with the theme days (I went as Death wearing a cowboy hat for cowboy day) for crazy hair/backwards clothes day I wore a dress. I got a lot of stares and was called a "faggot" and gay a couple times. I also had a few of my teachers just shake their head.

The third time was the day after halloween, I had planned on borrowing a kimono from one of my friends to wear for halloween, but she was gone that day so I just got it from the next day and wore it. It was a pink and purple one with a giant, plastic reinforced pink bow. It went perfectly with my baby blue hair. It was real silk and damn comfortable. Got called a "faggot" by a kid I dislike, so I reported him to a teacher and he got an inschool suspension for the rest of the day. (Isn't forced diversity great?)

I've done other things, too. There is most likely going to several pictures of me in the yearbook getting makeup applied during stagecrew at the school musical. Oh, and if you can believe this after that story, I'm actually straight.

130 Name: 123 2005-12-31 08:35 ID:Heaven

Wow, I was working on that for 2 hours, off and on

131 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 12:31 ID:W0zzl8Vm

I'm sort of overweight and am very self-conscious.

132 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 18:55 ID:48PLAXSD

I once dressed up in an ensemble consisting of many women's clothes to give myself the appearance of being a pimp. It worked.

133 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 23:35 ID:uLPMXW5q

I steal from people when they can't know.

134 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-05 03:46 ID:ELWo0TPV



Common sense? How many 21year olds get beaten up by some 14 year old shit? Seriously.

135 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-06 04:05 ID:+zNDvCXa

Damn >>123, I think you're my new hero.

136 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-06 16:58 ID:O1faShqU


So... are you gay? It's a shame with people shouting "faggot" and such, but i'm kinda curious now.

137 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-06 19:20 ID:Heaven

I pronounce sage "sayje" and DQN as if it were an initialism.

138 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-07 06:18 ID:Heaven

Me too. I posit that this is not wrong, but rather "just how we do it in the west".

139 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-07 06:32 ID:Heaven

I think I partially ruined a friend's life by introducing him to 4chan :(

140 Name: 123 2006-01-10 04:59 ID:Heaven

no I'm straight

141 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-11 18:57 ID:Heaven

I actually am doing the anonymous posting shit.

142 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-19 15:27 ID:v52OBDxT

Part of me wishes my grandparents would die. Not because I hate them, but because of how much I care for them.

I desperately wanna go somewhere away from my family so that I never have to see any of them again, but I worry about my grandparents. They'd be crushed, and I just can't stand the thought of them suffering because of me.

But it can't be helped because even if I didn't have my conscience to worry about, I still don't have the resources to move out.

143 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-19 16:40 ID:Heaven

If you save carefully, then by the time your grandparents die, you'll be able to move out!

144 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-19 17:00 ID:v52OBDxT

Save what? I don't have any source of income.

145 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-19 19:02 ID:0vZIc3pi

I have a shameful confession. I'm a guy, yet I can't parallel park.

146 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-19 19:09 ID:VVLZ1gZT

>>145 me too

147 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-22 01:11 ID:Heaven

>>146 me too

148 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-04 02:22 ID:Heaven


I imagine it's difficult, being an out of date console and all.

149 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-12 19:51 ID:uJZu4zRM

When I see a beautiful woman, my first thought is "Uho! Ii onna!"

150 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-12 20:24 ID:lnRUWtU7


Sounds pretty normal to me.

151 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 08:42 ID:Z/snbxUK

Let's see, where should I start...

I'm muslim, in college now (community college, of course), was home-schooled all my K-12 life, and I'm introverted.

I want to make some friends, but I really don't know how, and am too scared to try.

When I was around 9 (I think) I "played games" with my brother who's 4 years younger than me... I had forgotten about it for a while, but when I remembered a few years ago I noticed it could be considered close to gay incest, and I really hope he has forgotten about it as he never mentioned it. Sort of scared about him mentioning it to our parents.

I feel like a loser since I still live with my parents.

I've known this one girl from the internet for like two years, and I've sort of fell in love with her. Heck, if she came to my house and asked me to run away with her, I probably would. However, she's too nice to ever do something like that, and I should as hell would never admit to her that I like her. She probably lives like, 2000 miles away, and I don't beleive in internet relationships. She's also 3 years younger than I am, and just turned legal.

Also... I want to have sex, but I believe in sex after marriage.

That's all.

152 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-14 13:27 ID:Heaven

>>151 is good at this!

153 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-15 00:10 ID:Heaven

i've posted in "The sad thread (´・ω・`)" three times.
and one of them was http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1133355900/66.

154 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-17 06:51 ID:Fd0J6TlR

I visit /b/

155 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-17 11:32 ID:abJxH8eM

>>154 amen brother

156 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-17 13:43 ID:GsUiyLhV

>>151's account of his gay incest games with his younger brother totally turned me on.

157 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-17 13:56 ID:/WAC/jgV

one day i put on one of my sister's dresses and jerked off into a mitten while talking to my girlfriend on the phone.

158 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-17 13:57 ID:RMfYi6+5

Me too ^^///

159 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-17 15:11 ID:6DFAsPfl


(゚ヮ゚) Mittens!

160 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-18 03:07 ID:s7l81J/Y

I have no job or car or money or girlfriend. I live with my parents and contribute nothing to society. I have no ambition. I went to college for half a semester then left in disgust. I have no idea what I am doing with my life. I'm useless. I think that one of these days I'll just curl up in a corner somewhere and die.


161 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-18 17:39 ID:dPwdGAaa

we live in the weird world today
even useless people are useful to society somehow
you'll see...

162 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-18 18:19 ID:BBoFS5eS

Measuring your self-worth in "usefullness for society" is probably one of the worst things to do. Don't trick yourself into thinking that fullfilling that will make you happy. Until you figure it out measure your self-worth by the size of your penis or something equally arbitrary because that makes about as much sense as anything

163 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-18 18:50 ID:NJZeP86E



164 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-20 02:09 ID:Heaven

He who dies with the most porn, wins!

165 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-27 03:09 ID:sV/kZVwj

I lied to my mother about losing my virginity. D;

166 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-27 05:05 ID:x9iPvFmG

Ahaha, do explain

167 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-27 09:05 ID:BBoFS5eS

I second this

168 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-27 12:15 ID:6DFAsPfl

I third this

169 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-27 13:46 ID:1JG0qhqT

I fourth this

170 Name: sage : 2006-03-27 14:21 ID:XBtx0Tbg

>>165 You told her she wasn't your first, didn't you?

You shouldn't have lied. A Mother always knows.

171 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-28 02:25 ID:CXKzGxg+

I think that a girl is into me but I will probably never return her entreaties despite being horribly starved for any kind of human contact because I'll just screw up again and end up more alone than ever :(

172 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-28 04:15 ID:Heaven

173 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-28 04:59 ID:57FasznP

me too, except i never bothered to have human contact in the first place.

174 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-28 07:01 ID:DGuT/JRl

i left a dead battery in my apartment's lobby before i moved.
the landlady was really nice. i guess i was just being a lazy ass.

i once hated this 6 year old annoying spoiled girl, so i framed her for something stupid, then their parents got pissed angry with her and she cried yelling she didnt do it. I kinda felt happy at first and then felt bad afterwards.

i rode on the skytrain in (area) a lot without paying, cause they didnt monitor the trains. but then i eventually got caught once and the fine was like 100+ bucks. instead of paying, i just left the country. lol.

oh, and i have a bad habit of never calling home. i'm the only child and both my parents love me a lot. i felt guilty, but at the same time, my laziness and apathy gets the better of me.

175 Name: Anonymous : 2006-03-28 07:47 ID:3t+e6QHV

>>174's story about the girl kinda turned me on.

176 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-05 02:10 ID:0pTeFT/c

me too

177 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-05 12:42 ID:i/qe+3+D

>>instead of paying, i just left the country. lol.

I like your style.

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