( ´ω`) hello kids!
<・∀・ > In BCE 6101 Corea was beginning...
( ゚ -゚)
<・∀・ > I have to wait before I go on; someone on ebay has put in a bid for the mittens!
( ; -;)
<・ω・ > Hello! I am Corean Grandfather! I am the most loved of grandfathers...and most famous. But japanese grandfather steals all of my fame!
< >
_ ∩
( ´ω`)彡 (・ω・ ) ...
( ´ω`)彡 (・ω・ )
you're next clonepa
_ ∩
( ´ω)彡 (´ω
) ...
( ´ω) (´ω ) Wait a second...
( ´ω)
(・∀・) ミ(´ω )
(´ω )
(・∀・)彡 ( `ハ´) ...
(・∀・) Darkpa?!
( `ハ´) Yes! And I would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
( ゚ ヮ゚) ha ha ha ha.....
( ゚ -゚) I want my mittens back...
( ゚ ヮ゚)彡 ⊂( )⊃
( ゚ ヮ゚) Oh there they are!
(`ハ´) Put me down!
Mitte━━━━━━⊂( ゚ ヮ゚)⊃━━━━━━ns!!!!!
⊂<・∀・ >⊃ They are mine!
( ´ω`) This place is out of control...
⊂<・∀・ >⊃ >>655 is wearing my sweater!
<・ω・ > Never mind that, Corean Junior; put your hand back where I had it!
(・∀・) Grandpa! What was life before... aaah. forget it. this thread can not be saved.
(・∀・) Grandpa! Tell your version of the Aristocrats joke!
(・∀・) It's almost time for 666GET. I'm excited!
(・∀・) Corean Grandpa, what was life like before Korea?
(・∀・) 666GET
( ´ω`) O SHI- You got ZZZzzzzz......
(・∀・) Do I get a prize now, grandpa?
( ´ω`) No. You son of a VIPPER.
(・∀・) Grandpa, can I spam sage [Part 3] ( ´ω`) Grandpa [SANE]?
( ´ω`) Go ahead.
( ´ω`) It's gotten awfully quite. Why, in my days, you can refresh and always find new content.
(・∀・) Grandpa, what sharp teeth you have!
( ´ω`) Please frame your insults in the form of a question.
(・∀・) Grandpa, what sharp teeth do you have?
( ´ω`) Just one, from a an evil pekingese that savaged my rump about 20 years ago. It bit so hard, the canine's canine became lodged, and it's still in there, making it hard to sit still for a long period of time.
(♥∀♥) Grandpa, have I ever told how sexy you are?
( `ハ´)Yes, but I'm not your grandpa; now stop playing with my moustache!
(・∀・) Grandpa, I love Easter for the sole fact that it's the only time in the year I can get those Cadbudry creme eggs. How about you?
( ´ω`) When I captured by the coreans during The War they strung us up by our thumbs and fed us nothing but Cadbury Creme Eggs. So every easter it reminds zzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz
(・∀・) Still have narcolepsy, Grandpa?
( ´ω`) zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz...um... whah? Oh, I was just resting my eyes.
(・∀・) Grandpa, what does sex feel like?
( ´ω`) Ever had that feeling when after you finally pull a tooth that's been so long, but you still tongue around the gap in your mouth still wanting to wiggle the tooth that is now gone? It's sort of like that.
(・∀・) ...
(・∀・) You must be a virgin, Grandpa!
(・∀・) Can we talk about something else?
( ´ω`) No, all this sex talk is makin' me kind of hot. C'mere, Junior.
( ´ω`)
_ ∩
( ・∀・)彡 (・_・。)
(・∀・) ...
キタ━━━━━━(・∀・)━━━━━━ !!
(・∀・) Grandpa, come on! Big Bucks, Big Bucks, No Whammies, Big Bucks, STOP!
(・∀・) Grandpa, "I'm all like 'V for Vendetta' is coming out!", but my friend is all like, "Dude, time to party because it's St. Patrick's Day!" and I'm going, "Dude, fuck that immature shit! I want to go see a subversive movie based off of a comic book!" So, um, should I go see the movie alone because some people can't grow up and realize you're wasting your life by drinking beer and hitting on women?
( ´ω`) ...
( ´ω`) You are not my grandson.
(・∀・) Oh yeah?
(・∀・) Why do you wet your bed still, Grandpa? I stopped doing that many years ago.
( ´ω`)
_ ∩
( ・∀・)彡 (・∀・)
( ´ω`) That's why.
( `ハ´) Just passin' through.
(・∀・) I just finished looking through old photos of use and saw that you were only half as wrinkly as you are now.
(・∀・) So what was my first word grandpa?
( ´ω`) Nurupo.
(・∀・) Oops, wrong thread.
(・∀・) GA.
( ´ω`) The old jokes truly are the best.
(・∀・) Grandpa, why is it people in other countries always laugh in English?
( ´ω`) wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(・∀・) Answer my question sensibly, you old fart.
( ´ω`) わかんないwwwwwwwww
(・∀・) VIP kara kimasuta
(・∀・) Grandpa, how do I dance?
( ´ω`) Para bailar la Bamba, es necessita una poca de gracia.
(・∀・) Grandpa, you're speaking with languages again! I thought the exorcist finally succeeded last time...
(´゚ω゚`) Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
( ゚ ヮ゚) Byakhee, Byakhee,♪
( ゚ ヮ゚) fly me through space!♪
( ゚ ヮ゚) Take me away,♪
( ゚ ヮ゚) Far from this place!♪
(´゚ω゚`) Stop singing or I'll devour your soul!!!
(・∀・) If the byakhee shits, wear it!
( ´ω`) ♪バーか、バーか、バーか♪
(・∀・) Grandpa, have you ever been imprisoned?
( ´ω`) Did I ever tell you about how I freed the mahjongg players from the POW camp during the war?
(・∀・) Mahjong players? Don't those guys have really pointy noses and chins? How'd you free them without getting hurt?
( ´ω`) ...I asked nicely...
( ´ω`) And put guns in their mouths.
(-∀- ) Grandpa, I just had to tell you this... This, this... THREAD SUCKS!
( ´ω`) Just like the other "lets get to 1000 by" threads, amirite?
(´゚ω゚`) I'm not seeing any brains on this plate, Junior....
(・∀・) Anta baka!!!
(・∀・) Grandpa, stop doing the crossword puzzles on the newspapers we get! I told you it was my turn this week!
(´゚ω゚`) Grandpa is dead. They're my crossword puzzles now.
(・∀・) Grandpa! What's it like to be one of the undead?
( ´ω`) It's not much different, except my breath is a little worse.
And I can breath underwater for long periods of time, and also break Fear with a special ability.
( ´ω`) kono ahou
(・∀・) That's very interesting Grandpa, but I'd rather play as Tauren, Troll, or Orc! Have you ever jacked off to a video game?
( ´ω`) Pong. Twice.
(・∀・) You're weird, grandpa. Arkanoid is so much hotter.
( ´ω`) The little bases, not to mentoin the aliens, in Space Invaders are provocative too.
(・∀・) Yeah, I always thought the objective to Space Invaders was to shoot semen on the aliens.
( ´ω`) Red Attack was always a little too realistic for my liking.