( LΦ`) hello again, kids!
( E[E) I'll make some brownies.
( LΦ`) ...
( LΦ`) Sigh. Just like her mother.
( LΦ`) I'm getting too old for this.
(EΝE) Some day we'll all look back on this and laugh.
( LΦ`) By the way, you can't move back into the basement.
(EΝE) I'm not sleeping in your bed with you again, I'm not 9 years old any more!
( LΦ`) ....you don't turn 9 for two more years...
(EΝE) But I'm 12!
( LΦ`) 12 already? Well, you may notice certain changes in your body soon, and I don't want that going on in my house!
(EΝE) But I can't control my bodily functions, Grandpa
@@@@@@@_i@LΦ`jOkay, shut the fuck up, Junior.
@@@@/@,²@A@@Ι/@@@@Θ Θ\P@MR,@Q
@@@/@/@|@@@i q@ζ. Ei@@@@Q_@>@@J@AQ\
@@b@!@ R@@°-PP_A@@i^@,@Lm
@@b |@@@Mi[QQ\Q@;,@^@^ ^
@@ !AΨ@@-=QρQQP_=;,@^@^@,'
@@@@@@@/@ /@@@@@@@^@ ^| @|
@@@@@ ^@ /@@@@@@@!€Q^ / @ r
@@@@^ Q/@@@@@@@@@@@@ |_^
@@@@@@@_i@LΦ`jHold still while I kick you
@@@@/@,²@A@@Ι/@@@@Θ Θ\P@MR,@Q
@@@/@/@|@@@i q@ζ. Ei@@@@Q_@>@@J@AQ\
@@b@!@ R@@°-PP_A@@i^@,@Lm
@@b |@@@Mi[QQ\Q@;,@^@^ ^
@@ !AΨ@@-=QρQQP_=;,@^@^@,'
@@@@@@@/@ /@@@@@@@^@ ^| @|
@@@@@ ^@ /@@@@@@@!€Q^ / @ r
@@@@^ Q/@@@@@@@@@@@@ |_^
@uu MR@@R' )j
@@@@ Ι@@ Ι
@@@@΅' άJ
@@@ _ @@@ YAAI@@@@@@@@@@V.._S_|_|J_@@@@@
@@( EΝE) ~@QQQQQQ@Q@^@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@Α@ρΒ Β.............................@..............@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@ {@@@(@@@PPPPPPPP@_........@.......... :::::::@@@@
@ R,jR,j@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J@~uJ/^/^
( LΦ`) You missed.
( LΦ`) No need to be a bad sport about it, Junior.
( LΦ`) Great. The contractors will be in tomorrow to start the renovations.
( LΦ`) Finally, I'm going to have a jacuzzi. My arthritis and I can hardly wait.
i@MnL) Hello, and thank you for hiring Apkrad Contractors!
i@MnL) ...Before we get started on that jacuzzi we'll need to make some improvements to your fridge...
i@MnL) Little did the senile old fool realise that by "improvements" I really meant 'looting it of every edible...
( LΦ`) Hello! I'm still here!
i@MnL) morsel once he fell asleep!
( LΦ`) Now I know what you're up to, so I can jus-zzzZZZzzzZZ
Άή―@@@ Θ__Θ@ Ώ < Get out of my kitchen, you six-piece
@@@@@i,,LΦ`)c Chicken McNobody!
@@@@@@Όc))nL) <Ow ow ow stopit OW
( ί ί) Hit me too!
Άή―@@@ Θ__Θ@ Ώ < Alllllllrighty!
@@@@@@Όc))ί) <Wheeeeeeeee!
(EΝE) Grandpa, didn't you use that insult before? It's kind of old now!
Άή―@@@ Θ__Θ@ Ώ < Oh, you want some of this too?
@@@@@@Όc))ΝE) <ow sorry ow sorry ow sorry ow sorry
( LΦ`) This is fun! Where'd my wife get to?
( -_-) I misspelled afford.
AND posted the correction on the wrong topic. You've screwed me again Grandpa!
(EΝE) Grandpa, your saga has turned into shit. Your popularitiy is virtually non-existant compared to last year. What are you going to do now?
( LΦ`) the logical thing to do in this case would be to gb2/2005, naturally.
<a ="http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1118254935/">( LΦ`) Grandpa,</a><br>
<a ="http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1128450843/">( LΦ`) Grandpa (v2.0)</a><br>
<a ="http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1137058177/">[Part 3] ( LΦ`) Grandpa [Legendary]</a><br>
<a ="http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1144720445/">[Part 4] ( LΦ`) Grandpa [Legendary]</a><br>
(EΝE) Grandpaspamers.
( LΦ`) It ain't the real thing, Junior. It's just a spasm.
(EΝE) Ever since you exploded, you've been so wierd!
( LΦ`) Right thing you said have you.
(EΝE) Grandpa, Shhhh. I think George Bush and the NSA are tapping into our conversations.
( LΦ`) The red chair is against the wall, Junior.
(EΝE) Okay, I'll go get it for y- oh, wait
( LΦ`) His name is Grandpa. He is a 77 year old student at Fillswells High School in Nebraska, and he has a job at the local 7-11. He reads everything with pictures of leather in it, and his girlfriend is a biker called "Snitch". Sometimes he dreams of a chance in high fashion, but unfortunately he'll end his life a father of four, weighing more than 350 pounds. His son will name a small fileconverter-program after him in 2021.
He will be sadly missed.
Having a fileconverter-program named after you is too hilariously pathetic for words.
(EΝE) Okay.
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`) So anyway, there we were with my tongue down her throat and her legs up on the mantlepiece when all of a sudden....
( LΦ`) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(EΝE) What just happened?
( LΦ`) Hm? Oh, I was sleepwalking again.
(EΝE) That sounds dangerous!
( LΦ`) ...so then I put on the Iridium Crown, declared myself Emperor and then hauled ass outta there. My little prank tore down the whole 3rd Imperium, Junior. What do you think the moral of this story is?
(EΝE)!!!? Wait what?
( LΦ`) Junior, pay attention! It's not like my stories have scroll up and down features....
( LΦ`) ....
( LΦ`)
@ @@@ Θ__Θ@ Ώ
@@@@@@Όc))DE) !!
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`)
(EΝE) I hate awkward silences.
( LΦ`)
( LΦ`) Let's go 488 by awkward silence!
( LΦ`)
(EΝE) So I take it you assassinated Emperor Strephon? That was mean.
( LΦ`) I had to. The third imperium was getting so stagnant and boring...
( LΦ`) zzzzzzzzzzz
( LίΦί`) All of a sudden, I'm famished. Who do we have to eat around here, Junior?
(EΝE ) I'm outta here!
(LίΦί`) brains
i@EΝEj My name is Squeeks and Junior has asked me to replace him for a while!
(LίΦί`) Is that desert I smell behind your eyes?
i@EΝEj Of course. I'm filled with squeeksand. Now go away and learn to spell.
(LίΦί`) ...brai-
ΦL) wurblewurblewurblewurble
( LΦ`) Where did I just go?
(EΝE) Jimminy jillickers! A stunning new plot development, Grandpa!
( LΦ`) Don't get smart with me, young man.
( LΦ`) Wha-
@@@BUSTA WOLF!!1@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@_ ^^ //,.,,;:;/::
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ _^^ ;//;:.,,/,,.
@@@@Θ_Θ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^^ ,,;:/./;:
@@@ i EΝE) ^^^@@@@@@@@@@@// .://,,@@@@ Θ _ /
@@@ /@@ρ½½ = =@@@@@ i@@@ j
@@|@ _ R@@RRR@@@@@@@@@@@RR ,,;;.@@@Ό@@@@/
@@^ ^ )@)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@__ _..,,//;;
@ iQ_j iQj@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ __Q,,,,//..//::,,,;;
(LίΦί`) brains
( LΦ`) Questions, questions!
(EΝE) Okay. You ask, I answer.
( LΦ`) Is it still World War II?
(EΝE) Nope grandpa, just shitty posts again, calm down.
( LΦ`) Back in my day we didn't have these newfangled anonymous message boards! We had to register a handle before posting!
( LΦ`) And we liked it that way! People were friendly, too. Just like that nice boy, winter, on http://becauseitswinter.com
(EΝE) Grandpa, I read To Kill A Mockingbird, but it has nothing to do with Mockingbirds at all! Just people with weird names like Scout and Atticus and this black guy who was accused of rape. I mean, what the heck, you know?
( LΦ`) You know, I learned to read with "Fun With Dick and Jane".
It was ANYTHING but fun. It's a miracle I still crack the books.
(EΝE) black guy who was accused of rape.
(EΝE) black guy accused of rape.
( LΦ`) It's not your Gramma, it's your Grammar.
( ί ί) http://www.habbo.com/ !
(EΝE) I'm starting to become sexually attracted to you, Grandpa. Is this normal?
( LΦ`) You're starting to piss off your Grandpa, Junior. So much that I'll purposely have a heart attack to stop these threads once and for all.
(EΝE) Won't work. You've died a few times already, but we're still going.
( LΦ`) And this is my fourth heart. That doesn't mean it can't break.
( LΦ`) ...
( LΦ`) Damn you, Natumi.
(EΝE) Y'see, Grandpa, DARKNESS is the heart's TRUE essence..
(`EΝEL) And KINGDOM HEARTS will fill me with all the powers of DARKNESS!
( LΦ`) What.
( LΦ`) No grandchild of mine is going to grow up to be a dumbass yaoi fanboy. Somebody find my belt, I've got some whipping to do.
(EΝE) Oh, sorry Grandpa. How about this:
(EΝE) Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!
( LΦ`) It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh! I was called here by HUMANS who wish to pay ME tribute!
(EΝE) This discussion board is dying grandpa. People visiting leave since they can only see boxes instead of us.