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} ゙てじハ: ;'ハiり >;;;;:;;:ゝ
____ミ ゙`"¨〉 '^"''":::::;;;;;;:ミ_ < 夜露死苦(ヨロシク)
... -‐.ニ‐: :丶ノ: : :ニ二.千‐- 、
'´ ,.o:''-.,,`ー'ー-- _,. ‐''"::(`丶 no leration to original meanings
, -‐''"::::@:l:::l´゙゙'''''''~´ /::::::/:::`ヽ、__ 夜=night
!:ヽ:::::::::::::::::l:::! |:::::::i:::::::::/:::::::::`ヽ 露=dew
ノヽ:::::::::::::@:|::| |:::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::_} . 死=death
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If you want to know how 暴走族(Bousou zoku) romanize their cheam name into strange Kanji, youhad better to
learn the history of the 暴走族(Bousou zoku) in Japan.
暴走族(Hot-rodder?)'s antecedent was called カミナリ族(thunder rodders) and started from 1954 or so.
*Transition of the name: カミナリ族 ⇒サーキット族(Circui rodder) ⇒ 暴走族 ⇒ ⇒・ ・ ・ ・ 珍走団(Chinsou dan)
At the dawn of Kaminari zoku age, there was a famouse group that name was 「鏖」 in Tokyo.
Can you read this letter? I tink even the nomal Japanease can't read and understand the meaning of this letter.
Japanease reading of this letter 鏖 is Mina goroshi =みなごろし=皆殺し(=Holocaust)
The reason why they have used such a difficult Chinese character for the name of the team, the young person
who can buy an expensive motorcycle at that time was limited to the only affluent family's child who went tothe
university or College. Maybe they wanted to show off one's knowledge that nomal police couldn't read.
After that it became popular to use difficult Chinease letters or difficult false substitute character for 暴走族.
I think many a difficult Chinease charactors which the use are from the sutra of the Buddhism(Treasure house
of difficult Chinese characters).
I recommend you to read the manga named "魁!男塾(Sakigake Otoko juku)", you will find many strange romanized
letters like them.
*History of Bousou zoku.
*Manga Otoko juku