Translation request thread (1000)

236 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 2005-10-21 04:07 ID:Heaven

Mr./Ms.Sling's question, the answer is always the difficult one.   LOL ^ 。^;

"ヒダヒダ" is not in the loan word and onomatopoeic though this ia writen by the katakana.
Crease such as skirts
Thing that seems to be folded thinly. ←Have you seen the inside of cow's stomach?

But in your case "Example: 若いヒダヒダ",
It will mean a part of the body that the man doesn't have. ⇒"Inner lip(小○唇)"

Though neither Hidai nor Hidahida are related immediately, indirectly.................
She had the abdomen in Hidahida for the expanding fat

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