What happened to 1000get?!
Threads' closed, aids, etc.
What do we do now that DQN has become as retarded as /b/?
We blame you.
@@@Do you Like that?@@@@ ΘΘ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(( (GίDί) ))
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (( // €) €)Ώ))
@@@@@@@@@@@@((`iiίΑ'άRΘΘ ))
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Oh no-dattebayo! It started again-dattebayo! Any cure yet-dattebayo?
Π*ί°ί) Go with the flow-dattebayo
Π*ί°ί) Who needs a cure-dattebayo?
I do-dattebayo.
You have it too, Natumi-dattebayo?
Ye gods, that's the secret of life.
gin and platonic or scotch and sofa?
A martini; shaken, not stirred.
Bugger, I've forgotten the next line. What was it again?
"How do I shot web-dattebayo?"
Dattebayo dattebayo dattebayo-dattebayo!
Dattebayo dattebayo-dattebayo?
That summer of 1941 was a more innocent time. I learned most of the sex
I knew from those little eight pager cartoon booklets of comic-page
characters going at it. Young men read them in the privacy of an outside
john, played with themselves, by themselves and didn't brag about it.
Sometimes, we got off with a trusted friend and helped each other out.
Care to be asshole buddies? ;)
No kashira.
What's my name kashira?
Is there a member of the elitist superstructure present?
Still no cure-dattebayo?
>>18-san, can you help us find a cure-dattebayo?
No I can't, but I do know of one high in the mountians BUT I will never tell you. MWAHAHAHAHA
Why am I such a control freak?
Wait, lemme get this one. BECAUSE I HAVE POWER!!
Am I your king?
What is love-dattebayo?
Love is what I say it is! -Baby don't hurt me-
Am I YOUR king then?!
You are the king of my dick.
Is now a good time to buy SUN Microsystems stock?
No, Advanced Micro Devices is superior
Why is the sky blue?
It isn't, that's the ocean you're looking at.
Where is my mind?
You appear to have lost it.
How do they make cotton candy?
By making a slight variation to the process by which you shot web
What's the new black?
What time is it?
You see a pair of hammerpants. What do you do?
Can't touch this!
Can you touch this?
( ί ί) Yes, with my MITTENS!
@|@Δͺͺͺ²/ Can I pass through here?
@| /MΖΖL
//@| |
t@ .t
Yes, as long as you remove your shoes and carry them to the other side.
What is your favorite variety of flavored soda water?
Cherry coke!
Why does my dog always sleep?
Because you touch yourself at night! Believe it!
Believe it?
Somehow, I cannot suspend my disbelief. I blame the director more than the actors, who did their best with a substandard script and poor blocking.
What was the last movie that you wanted to like, but failed, and how did it fail?
Yes, please.
Can I have some touch?
( ί -ί)
( ί ί)?
( ί ί)
I woke up with semen in my underpants, but it does not taste like my own. What should I do?
Chnage the taste of your semen.
Why was the 999GET in the last topic such a letdown?
Think, don't feel. It CAN be reversed.
Who is the square root of negative one?
That's not the right answer.
Who is the square root of negative one?
Kurenai-sensei's bosom
Will Sakura develop a fascination with housedresses and muumuus?
One can only hope she'll be barefoot, pregnant, and baking pie by the end of the next season.
Why do people put those crappy canned black olives into pasta salad?
Because it was COPIED
I don't know any wiki with this namespace.
How long should it take for the world to feel real?
Depends on the dosage. You didn't take the whole thing all at once, did you?
How can I make 10,000 dollars by next Wednesday?
Prostitution is always the answer.
Is this the real life?
He will not have one.
Why did I lie?
Because of uncyclopedia.
Why does Sony keep making stupid decisions with the console market?
Because it's Ridge Racer! RIIIIIIIIDGE RACERRRRRRR!!!!!!
@/ijijexcuse me may i pass through here
@| /MΖΖL
//@| |
t@ .t
@@/₯EͺE₯@ Of course!
@@|@ @@/@@@
@@| /|@|@@@@
@ //@| |@@@@
@t@ .t@@@
Do you like my puppy?
(ί ί) Do you like my mittens?
No, not with that face.
Oops, I forgot my question!
How do I shot web?
I know, lol.
Is The Question the best superhero without powers EVER?
I think I've heard of him, but his face is a total blank.
Why won't those goddamned vultures let Gwen Stacy stay dead?
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
Is there no depth to which terrorists will not sink to make flying even more inconvenient?
How do I wore mittens? wwwwwwwwwww
Why did this thread die?
oh wait that's WHY (`DL)
Because it's part 2.
Does Canada really have a secret service?
Yes. The Canadian Secret Priests perform it once a year on Victoria Day, and it brings the blessings of the Gods to all Canadians, and a bountiful harvest to British Columbia.
Is Roots really a cool store, or is it nothing more that a Gap knockoff?
I dont' even know what that is.
Are they another place for idiot teenagers to spend too much of their parents' hard-earned money on garish clothing?
Yes, >>70. Don't run up your parent's credit card too much, or they'll cut you off.
Why is the paper towel dispenser that high on the wall?
You're just too small.
Why is are graphics cards so expensive?
Because there's this one guy who works for ATI up in MA who eats constantly, messing with the bottom line. His presence alone adds about 30% to the cost of each card.
Hey.. I mean.. what is white chocolate anyway? Is it really chocolate?!
No it isn't, actually. It's based on cocoa butter, not cocoa solids.
Why is the music unit in varied humanities courses invariably twice as long as every other unit?
Because humanities students are only going to make money if they get a record deal.
Why is granola so damn good?
It's mostly because of the enormous amounts of saturated fat they sneak into it. Try cutting it with yogurt.
I'm going to be in Atlanta for the next 4 days. Where should we go for dinner on the second night?
Who am us, anyway?
Not grammar.
How can I stop thinking, and start feeling, so as to be Tanasinn?
It's easy, just ζζζζζ.
Why is that ζζζζζ?
Members of The Elitist Superstructure.
Why are Mitten Crabs called "Mitten Crabs" ?
It either has to do with their over-sized, furry claws, or with their cruel habit of sneaking into people's cedar chests and devouring their winter hand garments.
I'm at an airport, looking at a fast food joint named "Asian Chao". How do I pronounce "Chao"?
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj@@@@Why don't you come inside
i @§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιm
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@@@@ Marty's@@@@@@ ==
( ίDί) Last time I did, you charged me $2,349 for it! And I still didn't get to eat anything.
( ίtί) Would I get better service at that "Squeek's" place across the street?
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj@@@@Squeeks' closed. Bonitis in the food, etc.
i @§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιm
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@@@@ Marty's@@@@@@ ==
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj@@@@freshen your cup?
i @§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιm
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@@@@ Marty's@@@@@@ ==
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj@@@@...hon?
i @§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιm
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@@@@ Marty's@@@@@@ ==
( ίDί) No thank you, I dislike taking the piss
( ίDί) What ramifications does the overthrow of the republican party have for the Elistist Superstructure?
No thanks. Last time, you spit in it.
Is there any practical way to get off this planet?
Yes. Take a rest.
Sorry, I was just talking to myself.
Am I a cylon?
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj@@@@My resistance just makes your penis harder!
i @§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιm ...finished with your plate, hon?
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@@@@ Marty's@@@@@@ ==
lD k
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj@@@@We just ran out of that
i @§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιm 10010011?
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@@@@ Marty's@@@@@@ ==
lD k @rxms`w@dqqnqH
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj@@@@1101010.
i @§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιm
@@MMt@iL ...10110011?
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@@@@ Marty's@@@@@@ ==
Why has this thread been taken over?
lD k
How do I shot web?
\\\\\\\\\\\\]¦£ Like this!
@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@|
@@ @ @ QQQQ.Q@ @@@@ | @@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@‘
@@@@@|@ @ @ @ |@ΘQΘ |@ |@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@όi LΝM jό What does the democratic landslide mean to DQN?
@@@@@|@ @ @ @ | i# LDMj|@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _@@@ ^@@€
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Nothing really
Who cares?
I care! I care!
Is it really necessary?
If you honor what they fought for? Yes!
I am wondering, why you are here?
Why should I tell you?
Ooooh, an answer and a question.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /_QQ_^R@@@@@@@@@@
@@@ (.MR(MA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^''''''@@@'''''':::::@ hello im daddycool the VIPPE Rjoin my community of VIPPERS if you payme enough i will give you access to a private area of VIP QUALITY ;)
@@ @ `'MTr'Μ_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@{@ | ij,@@€ij€.:|@{@@ http://dis.4chan.org/vip/
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I'll stick with what I have. It may be free but at least it's mediocre
Why would anyone pay for crapfloods and shitty posts?
Because it's VIP QUALITY, obviously.
Why can't I find a decent condo under $100k that comes with a washer/dryer combo?
it carries out and is wwwwwwwash
How many more until 1,000?
Milia Rage. ( get it kami??)
Why am I so clever?
Cause you ate that horny Heather.
How do I ~nyaaaaaa?
gaping, vagina, hallway, etc.
How do I carry out and become w?
@@@@ @@/_QQ_^R Payme enough money. Have you seen any vippers come buy here?
@@@@ ^''''''@@@'''''':::::::_
@@@ . |ij,@@@€ij€.:|@{
I didn't see any, but I have masturbatory blindness.
Do you like to watch the Discovery Channel show Mythbusters?
Anon want big boom.
This thread's back? Damn, don't you love the classics?
With the exception of Grandpa (v3463443.0).
Will I fail my final exams due to surfing 4-ch instead of studying?
No, because seriously how much time can one actually spend surfing 4-ch? I come here 4 minutes a day and I'm the king of this board.
What is af;aafk21?
password to my mittens closet
Where can i get a picture of the peoples that own this place?
On IRC, or traveling to the land down under and stalking Jay Squeeksand.
(☣) [☢] DAMAGE CONTROL SAGE [☢] (☣)
That password no longer works. It now depends on what item you see on the mantle when you read the Strange Pamphlet.
Should I untinker my meatcar just before I ascend?
Nah, soup up your meatcar with GReedy brand performance parts.
How big would a vise have to be in order to be large enough to flatten the Earth?
About this big. Probably bigger.
Why the fuck is e ^ (pi * i ) = -1?
Probably a math thing thought up by an ancient Greek, designed to confuse humankind for the rest of its existance
Has anyone else sucessfully used a torx tool to install a hex indented bolt?
No, you are the first. You should consider writing a research article on it and submitting it to respected journals on the topic of biomechanics.
Why does this always happen to me?
Don't worry, it happened to me, too.
Why does this always happen to us?
Because we are an entity that experiences everything and yet experiences nothing, also known as Jisaku Jien.
What is the answer to >>133's question?
Hopefully >>134 will know
So, is that a circular reference, or something more?
It WAS a circular reference, and nothing more.
Are you really disappointed, or is that just a little act?
I'm actually kind of disappointed. I'm really into all the quantum paradox stuff and I was looking forward to a little something more than just a circular reference. But what can you do, you know? That's life. Life is boring. Life is what it is and nothing more. And you have to choose how you want to react to life, and that's why I'm not going to let this whole thing get me down. I could, and in the past I probably would have, but I think that recently I've been in a very healthy place you know? Like, I've felt really positive about things, even when the bad things happen to me. So I'm going well, and I look forward to tomorrow.
Where was I?
You were having a Positive Mental Attitude, and confronting your automatic thoughts with healthy arguments that you sincerely believe. Cognitive Therapy has been a real godsend for you, and I haven't seen you so happy in years!
I'd like to buy you a little something just because you're you. What would you like?
Well, for some strange, strange reason, I kind of want a Wii, even though I've never owned a console since the original NES and mastered Super Mario Brothers. Failing that, I could always use some new winter clothing.
Is shopping as painful for you as it is for me?
Shopping is like eating a box of chocolates when you're allergic to every ingredient on the list.
So what's for lunch?
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Cock-olates, evidently.
Why am I feeling so cold all of a sudden, like there was a sudden draft yet the air isn't moving?
My guess is that someone just walked on your grave.
Are you a ghost?
Because it's winter. Now turn the gun to yourself.
But I can't turn the gun to myself. I can only turn it to good or evil.
Do you respect Copyright?
Only if the bitch started showing me some respect!
What do you do for a living?
I sell vertical market management applications that were programmed in VFP. It's mostly phone sales, but I also get to be the male equivalent of a booth babe several times a year.
How about you?
It doesn't work that way, son. Your question needs to have content besides the question and a couple of supporting roles.
How about you?
It doesn't work that way, son. Your question needs to have content besides the question and a couple of supporting roles.
NO. U?
Anyway, do you think this thread has an chance of making it to >>999?
It certainly does, because it was blessed by Squeeks!
Does a bowl of chili and a couple of pints count as a nourishing meal?
Well, if it is Guiness-style, it might be...
When will people stop making fun of squeeks?
Only when it stops being fun. I can't see that EVERY happening, because Squeeks is a comedy goldmine.
How do I convince my parents to give me a down-payment for a house?
Only when it stops being fun. I can't see that EVER happening, because Squeeks is a comedy goldmine.
How do I convince my parents to give me a down-payment for a house?
Only when it stops being fun. I can't see that EVER happening, because Squeeks is a comedy goldmine.
How do I convince my parents to give me a down-payment for a house?
I recommend forgery and/or blackmail.
Smooth or Crunchy?
Have you ever been defenestrated?
Just once, but I swear she was over 18.
Do you have any Bactine and bandages?
Who is driving car?
Nyomi sense.
Bear is driving car!
How can this be?!
Bear opened door and pushed gas pedal!
Where did Bear get Fake Driver's License?
Bought it from that guy by the street corner.
Why does the bear wear glasses?
So he can so he can watch you live and breathe your storylines
Why does loli haet pizza?
Because the pizza delivery boy raeped her!
Why should you avoid the Noid?
He carries diseases.
What is the deal with airline food?
Since flight schedules are always changing, nobody knows when food should be prepared and thus all airline foods have to be able to heated instantly, and their budget isn't big enough to get instant foods that taste good.
How do I win The Game?
Commit suicide by jumping off a huge building after huge emotional stress!
Why should you avoid the Noid? Let's see the right answer this time motherfuckers!
Because he's a noid, and therefore not very much fun to be around.
MacGyver is stuck in a room on top of a bomb, the only thing he has to work with is DQN. How would he escaped (and -for bonus points- disable the bomb)?
The overwhelming fail of the DQN makes the timer fail and the ropes holding MacGyver rot away. He opens the door and walks out.
The overwhelming fail of the DQN makes the timer fail and the ropes holding MacGyver rot away. He opens the door and walks out.
Oops, did I just forget to ask a question?
No, you didn't, that will be $599 USD, please.
Now my good man, what do you like to play?
Jack hold a stick 2 m long and spins at a rate of 10 Hz hirozontally. He accelerates at a rate of 4 m/s/s [N 45 W]. just what kind of person is Jack?
Is there a such thing as aliens, time travellers and espers?
Join the SOS-Dan club and find out.
What am I due to be reborn as?
Espers are from Final Fantasy VI
Aliens are from Mexico
Time Travellers are from the Future
they exist if you believe in them.
Do you have four seasons in your country?
No, I got 1 season in my DQN, Summer.
What do you say to a boy from korea, who has lost their hands in fiddeling with atom bombs, when he tells you he misses wereing mittens?
Get some mittens without thumbs, and put them on his arm-stubs.
Where would one get mittens without thumbs?
>>178: Get a pair of socks. It's all good.
Why hasn't IAA been closed by now?
>>179: because it has more than six posters.
Why do people think there's a meaning to existence?
Because they can't accept that they're an accident of nature -- a monkey with delusions of grandeur. Thus, of course God made them because he has a purpose.
When will we meet the Vulcans? Do mindmelds hurt?
wait... that's two questions...
The mindmeld only hurts if you fight it... and they like it when you resist.
How can I teach my pet brown recluse to spell?
Make it write letters on body using it's toxines.
When will be year 1994?
AOL has abandoned usenet support, so, hey! 1994 is right around the corner!
How many pins can dance on the head of an angel?
Forty-two, but they can't dance very well.
What is the effect of the color orange on the human mind?
Orange is not a color, it is a flavor. Its effect is delicious.
Is it lupus?
What do you think of proper grammar on the Internet?
A lost cause. That's what it is. Give up and cry already.
What did Peter Frampton call that thing he used to make his mouth into a resonating cavity?
How is it that DQN has made two entire threads that consist of nothing but Rei saying 'sorry we just ran out of that'?
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj
i @§-]@|! i @Customer service never goes out of fashion.
_R .U@- Ιm@ @That being said, how long should your soft-boiled egg boil?
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@ THE REI'S DINER@@ @==
daily sage
>>191 is in the wrong thread.
American women are bossy, catty manipulative bitches; how do I got old-fashioned, submissive foreign wife?
Move to Mexico. Or marry a "Southern Belle".
I just ate six big macs. Why do I feel sick?
You just ate six big macs.
Why the hell did you eat six big macs?!
It was a bargain.
What wouldn't I do for money, after all?
It traveled with the mouse in Daddy Cool's pocket.
Is an ahoge truly moe?
Not really.
Can you believe there is article about ahoge in wikipedia? right next to quantum fluctuations.
I believe it, wikipedia will publish any old tripe
I can't wait for someone to make an elitistsuperstructurepedia.
No. "Sysop at 3 Jan 2007: 22:58
Guys, Wikichan has been fun, but your endless and amusing revert wars have caused the entire internet to overload and explode into candy. I will try to keep the wiki open as an archive, but I am afraid that editing is no longer a possibility until I get better hosting. Feel free to dump all wikichan shit into other wikis such as etherchan.info, wikichan.org, and wikipedia.org. This site will not die, but all great things must come to an end, and unfortunately, the only great thing on this site was the wiki"
What caused (will cause?) the great revert wars of 2007?
Harutards and other DQN punks.
Which is bigger: 2ch user base or WoW user base.
They share the exact same user base, user for user.
What do you think of General?
I give it three stars
If corea eats cat and china eats dog, what does japan eat?
Japan eat fish. ALIVE
Damn, I'm never any good at this part. What should I be asking about, DQN?
You should be asking about the real identity of MODD.
Who is that MODD, anyway?
Just some power-hungry ass.
Why is it so fucking cold out this morning?
Should I turn the gun on myself?
No, you should wear warm happy mittens.
If the entire California orange crop is destroyed, what will we use for liquid sunshine?
Mountain Dew.
Who do the voodoo that you do?
I do, duh.
Whom should I have called the kaiser?
Bumsex Bumsex Bumsex Bumsex
At the end of the day, DQN, why does it always seem to come back to All Alone For Christmas (As Usual)?
Because it's the song that better than any other represents the DQN Spirit, even more than Big Ol' Butt.
Are you dateless again for Valentine's Day?
No, my gun keeps me company.
How much exactly is too much metal for one hand?
That would be roughly the amount that would be impossible to pick up and smash into the side of the head of someone repeating that tired meme.
Just how many bats live in Austin, TX anyway?
Enough bats that some bats were actually... unordered.
Why are the japanese seemingly incapable of good website design?
They all believe in traditional things, so they use web models from 1995 and earlier.
fix it. duh.
Why must you say OH NOES? Is YTMND broken now?
Fix it I suppose.
How do you think we can best do that?
You broke the thread again!
Can we get it back on track from here still?
Not if you fuck it up like that.
Does anyone else have a question?
Would you laugh if I called this a Depression-Tossed Salad?
Why hasn't squeeks written code to direct/confine the 4ch newbs here from whatever boards they're infesting?
One can only assume Squeeks is a busy man.
How do I return font settings to defaults?
It depends on what browser you're using. For Firefox, Tools => Options => Content.
I'm a 4-ch newb. How can I be less offensive to your august personalities than might be typical?
It's all because of you,
I'm feeling sad and blue
You went away,
Now my life is just a rainy day and I love you so,
How much you'll never know
You've gone away and left me lonely.
How's that for an answer, >>229?
Post Grandpa and sage every thread you see because it's not good enough for you.
What are those fake bacon bit things made out of?
they're made out of QUIT PRE-EMPTING ME you jackass. Or something.
Why do they taste so good?
Because fake bacon bits have some level of real bacon included.
Will a tax on stupid people cure the national debt?
Probably. Early tests of the Stupid Tax in Las Vegas have been encouraging.
Where are my car keys?
I have them, sucka!
Want 'em?
Well, yeah.
What's that smell? Is that you?
I hope not.
What does it smell like?
Who farted?
How the fuck am I supposed to get up at 5:30AM every morning?
Become a speed freak.
Why does it burn when I pee?
You got it from the toilet seat.
Why is it called "breaking wind" when the only thing broken is silence?
Clearly you're not asking the wind's opinion.
How would DQN cure the sniffles?
By snorting silica gel from the little packet that says "Do not consume". That'll dry up those sinuses, u betcha!
Do you have to be born to enjoying durian, or can you learn to like it?
Durian can be enjoyed as early as the second trimester, though one's ability to enjoy it is a sign of sufficiently good health that they will be born anyways.
What will the next question be?
Let's find out, shall we?
Is this a god question?
It would need a church and worshippers before it could claim that title.
What will life be like in 2500?
Nabokov's "Invitation to a Beheading."
Where did I go wrong?
I do believe that a more time-efficient question would be "where did I go right?", to which the answer would be "nowhere".
Am I a cool, intelligent, witty, smug bastard or what?
Possibly intelligent, nowhere near as witty as you think you are, and yes, quite smug. I will not comment on your parentage or "coolness".
What is your quest?
To find the holy grail
Who gets along better, Japan and Korea, or England and France?
England and France, since there's no ocean separating them.
What's the best way to make any mundane subject into something controversial?
Liberal use of ad-hominem attacks, conservative use of facts to back up you're point.
Did you see what I did there?
Yes, you said "Liberal use of ad-hominem attacks, conservative use of facts to back up you are point."
Was my grammar correction subtle enough?
No. I only had to read it 3 times to notice it.
If 7up is 100% natural NOW, what was it BEFORE?
Tainted by high fructose corn syrup. Oh, wait.
Which Wikipedia page should I vandalize next?
Obsess much?
No, the shrine I built in your honour is something normal that everyone does.
Why don't the birds sing anymore?
Because you shot them all.
Why 2-ch is shutting down?
It's crumbling under the weight of news4vip
Damn, it even broke this thread.
How much do I have to pay daddy COOL before I can gain access to a special area of VIP QUALITY?
Subscribing Information
How much it cost?
Depends on which you are subscribing for, the life-time membership is a 1 time fee of 5, the 3 month subscription is only 5.
What are the benefits of Subscribing?
Private quality, "VIPSTAR" Passwords, Website/Forum Layout/Templates andscripts, Full versions to Eurobeat you ask for, VIP quality AA,and ofcourse the benefit of helping Daddy Cool active and alive.
Why pay for it?
Well, first of all, you are supporting us to be able to pay for thesite to be up. I understand some of you dont believe in "paying forquality", but that is NOT what I am asking, and not what you are doing,you are basically just supporting the forums, and as a bonus we offeryou the extra stuff free, we do not believe in "Selling Quality", but wedo believe in having a private section for those who rather get thebetter stuff that public doesnt have.
How do I subscribe?
Go into your User CP, and scroll down to the "Paid Subscriptions" area,click that and it should have a menu that allows you to choose between3 months or life-time. There is more then just paying by PayPal, wewill not just automatically set you as a subscriber once you pay, readbelow for more details.
What do I do after I pay?
You private message "Daddy Cool" on the forums, with the phone # oraddress ON THE PAYPAL ACCOUNT YOU USED, I will then either call you(Instant Verification), or send you a letter to your house with the pincode (3-5 day Verification). Why? Because many people try to use fakePayPals to fraud the subscription, so I must take higher measures tomake sure it does not happen again, because I doubt anyone would wantme reporting them for fraud.
Note: Your information will NOT be given out to anyone, I will write itdown in my address book (not on computer) and delete it off my computerfor security measures of your personal information.
Is there any other ways of paying?
Yes, I do accept Western Union, which you could also do by Creditcard,or cash. They do charge a fee though I believe, its best to use PayPal.If you do plan to do it this way, you can contact me via PM and work itout.
Didnt answer all my questions?
Again, you may PM "Daddy Cool" with any questions or concerns, or justsimply reply to this thread. Do not spam or flame in this thread, youwill be immediately banned, no exceptions, no joking around saying"Flamed, jk".
Any other questions about my private area of VIP quality?
No, that will be all, thank you.
Is it a healthy idea to live off of freebasing ramen if I can't afford any better?
Not really, because of the damage it will do to your lungs. I suggest you stick to snorting the flavor packet.
If I keep my tritium glow-keychain in my front pocket, do I risk my potential offspring becoming hideous mutants?
No, you risk your potential offspring becoming powerful superheroes
who shame their nobody parents with there Bergeronesque excellence.
Will I win the lottery today?
Doubtful, since I bought the winning ticket
In retrospect, isn't it obvious that Tim Burton's Willy Wonka is the superior version?
I wouldn't know, I haven't seen it.
What seperates a good fetish from a bad one?
Wether it's mine, or wether it's yours.
Hiring a prostitute...especially if you're someone who's famous...how pathetic is that?
Only as pathetic as the sex.
Is Mystery Science Theatre 3000 any good?
What motivates someone like >>268 to ask such a stupid question?
his mother.
what do you get when you cross an operating room and a pentagram?
A nurse-proof maze.
What do you get when you cross an operating room and Pentagon?
A secret alien headquarters.
How do I cure melancholy?
Seek out Aliens, Time Travelers, Espers, Sliders, and play with them!
If Hillary just tossed her hat into the ring, what kind of hat was it?
A lesbohat!
What the fuck is a lesbohat?
A rainbow fedora, presuming Hillary is butch. Otherwise a pink bowler hat.
A Portmanteau word consisting of slang for a lesbian and an article of clothing.
Was this answer helpful?
No, it failed to tell whether Hillary is Butch.
Is Bill the Sundance Kid?
what what what
"Some answer", because if I don't next girl will answer anyways.
So what happened to dqn and The Elitist Superstructure?
will i ever find a girl who is not a complete idiot and will go out with me?
I don't see how that could ever occur, really. Just suck it up.
What is Squeeks' real name?
It is .. <static noise> ... e <more static noise + black and white film effect>
what happens if you ride in a nissan patrol for 12 hours?
You get your card stamped. Get 10 stamps and you 10% off price when you Nissan Skyline GT-R.
What the hell happened to my English?
>>283 It began deteriorating the second you were introduced to the internet.
Why doesn't my browser have a spelling/grammer checker?
Because then we wouldn't have an awesome acronym like TANSTAAFL.
Tom Jones, greatest artist or greatest artist?
How do you pronounce HIMEOBS?
Princess Zero Bullshit
Sierra Hotel is sooper sikrit code for...?
Why aren't there more DQNers there?
Because there are not DQNers here. All we have are some ELitists.
>>290 Because most of us are antisocial bastards who couldn't deal with real-time interaction.
That being the case, why don't more people join #4-ch on irc.zirc.org ?
>>292 because 4-ch is a hikikomori community !
Why hasn't anyone come out with any truly awesome music in over ten years?
Purely to spite your nostalgia-addicted backside.
What happens if a diamond falls into a black hole?
It hits rock bottom
How long will it take for me to get citizenship in japan?
IT TOOK ME FUCKING 100 MINUTES... oh, wait. Five years, I think.
I gave up some territory, but I was allowed to retain a few leads to try to close them this quarter. I'm beginning to realize that I had forecasted a bit optimistically. Anyway, what do you do to maintain your Positive Mental Attitude?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@Oppai threads don't work in Western forums because we are too individualistic!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@You mean they won't copy-paste the same thing a thousand times? Who cares?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@Oppai threads don't work in Western forums because we are too individualistic!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@You mean they won't copy-paste the same thing a thousand times? Who cares?
Don't be sexist. You bastard.
How many girls post to DQN, anyway?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@Oppai threads don't work in Western forums because we are too individualistic!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@You mean they won't copy-paste the same thing a thousand times? Who cares?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@Oppai threads don't work in Western forums because we are too individualistic!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@You mean they won't copy-paste the same thing a thousand times? Who cares?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@Oppai threads don't work in Western forums because we are too individualistic!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@You mean they won't copy-paste the same thing a thousand times? Who cares?
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
Can someone give me something to swat that bee or whatever the hell that is?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@Oppai threads don't work in Western forums because we are too individualistic!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@You mean they won't copy-paste the same thing a thousand times? Who cares?
I care. I care a LOT. More than you'll ever really know.
If I have to beat the fear of God into you, is it bad if I leave marks?
Not if the marks are shaped like the cross.
Who will take responsibility for this, this unbelievable failure?
What responsibilty? This is DQN, son, failure is part of our everyday nature.
Are you sure this is the board for you?
No, but I'm a poor boy without many options.
Have you ever had to just make do with what life handed you?
Yes, life handed me a penis but no vagina to play with.
Where can I get some prime vagina?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@prime vagina don't work in Western forums because we are too individualistic!
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίί)c@You mean they won't copy-paste the same thing a thousand times? Who cares?
Certainly not me.
Is there really such a thing as Scheppervescence?
A what?
Can you say that in English,please?
What you say!
May you saying that in the Engrish,please [ka].
No, I'm forbidden by court order.
A wizard has turned you into a whale. Is this awesome?
What kind of pineapples?
Ah why I dunno.
Are puns funny?
Always. No exceptions.
What would be the best methoWHERE IS SARAH CONNOR?
Is a punch in the stomach an appropriate response to "Gao"?
Uho! Io otoko?
I'm so bishy, I'm considered an attractive nuisance.
If I see the Squeeks traveling on the road, should I kill him?
Splatter the bastard.
Can I use Squeeks as manure for my fields?
He'd enjoy it; his self-loathing is evident.
Did you view the source yet?
Nah, that sort of thing is for code-monkeys. I'm proud to not be a goddamned back-office code-monkey!
How many pointy-haired bosses does it take to screw up a project?
Just you, I think.
How come nobody can get "that guy" (you know who I'm talking about) fired?
Because he's actually working for the CIA.
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Daddy Cool, and he maintains a private area of VIP quality ;)
Why do I always forget to append a question at the end of my solution?
Because you do not deem 4-ch worthy to answer your esoteric questions.
How do I deal with life?
Or is it Seppuku?
Who cares as long it ends his pathetic life.
Do you have an equally pathetic life?
no, i became an hero years ago
is it true that if i fap more than 5 times in one hour i will cum blood?
No, the record for most orgasms in one hour is held by a 14 year old boy and is about 24.
Why is DQN so cool?
Why do i miss nadia the secret of blue water so much?
>>334 I have no idea, because you can always purchase the R1 DVDs.
Why don't college students swallow goldfish anymore?
>>335 The risk of choking on the goldfish. Not funny, man.
What happens if you get into one little fight with the guys who are up to no good?
>>336 Since they are no-good for nothings they run away screaming.
Gawd I'm tired, how do I stop posting and go to sleep?
Use windowcleaner to increase your speed.
How do I got rid of tripfags?
You don't. They persist long after anonymous has fled.
How do I get these damned tea stains out of my mug?
Mix chlorine with bleach. Works like a charm!
How come there isn't a 2-episode animu named Chlorine?
Because of the Coreans. They take the animator jobs.
Why does sleeping in a closed room with a fan kill people?
Because people sleepwalk, sleep ladder climb, and the sleep get head cut off.
If Jimmy crack corn and no one cares, why was a song written about it?
If Jimmy had smoked crack instead, it would've been banned by the RIAA.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
Considering that we're all Eternal Septemberists, do you regularly read rec.humor.oracle?
Not regularly, but I occasionally like to persue the digests. You owe the oracle 12 pieces of oak wood.
If I created a magazine all about internet subculture, an e-zine, and published it monthly, would you subscribe? What price would you pay?
Mostly my sanity and my attention span. Is there really such a thing as an 'internet subculture' when the internet casts as wide a net as it does? There's more of an Internet Culture which has budded a large number of subcultures, but I'd no more call, say, otokukin a part of Internet Culture as I'd call Goths a part of Society. As for paying, hey, the internet wants to be FREE!
Do you prefer cool or warm fluorescent tubes?
Warm, because they're so cool.
How do I get these, uh, stains out of my wedding gown? I really need it tomorrow!
There's no time! Cancel the wedding to stall for time, and stage an elaborate robbery so you can get a new one.
When I close my eyes, I see many things. Yet, when I open them, I see nothing. What am I?
Blinded by excess masturbation.
If the mythbusters challenged the urban legend "You can do anything you want as long as you put your mind to it."?
They'd blow themselves up making a massive explosion.
What would George W Bush do if he met a Klingon?
call him Kahless
Are klingon incisors sharp?
>>352 understands the only way to make a thread popular.
No, I've still got a lot of sunlight to collect.
What would I find if I were to examine the crack in the cave wall?
Nothing. You have to blow it up to find something.
So what's behind the wall?
A new car!!!
What am I likely to be eaten by?
is it creepy to love snacks for his gentle and playful spirit?
yes but coda is better
how do i keep people from gikopoi out of here?
Draw the chalk circle and chant the incantation, of course.
How do I get my cat to lose weight?
Stop feeding it so much. Get a clue,
Is a teddy bear holding a heart a good Valentine's gift?
Yes. Preferably still beating.
Whose heart should you use for it?
The bear's own heart.
Is this manly? Y/N
Only if you extracted the bear's heart with nothing but your bare hands.
How can I become more manly?
Linear Algebra.
0 / 0 = ?
Hey! I think it equals 1...no...ZERO!
OH SHI-?!?
No, because 0 / 0 = ? is clearly somebody wearing glasses.
Who is hiding behind the glasses?
A person who isn't bulletproof.
Can I stay home from work tomorrow?
if carl says its okay
carl is this okay?
RIP carl 1993-1993
Who will approve >>367's day off if carl is dead?
>>367 should simply call into work with a vision problem.
Can you see going to work?
I can't see myself going to work.
What is a hikikomori?
A very sweaty monkey.
Shouldn't half of this thread be in a FAQ section?
But which FAQ section?
The "miscellaneous"section.
What should I name my lawful character, neutral character, and chaotic character in Shin Megami Tensei?
Moe, Larry and Curly, respectively.
Do you have any good idea for a tax write-off that the IRS won't find suspicious?
Yes, donate mittens to charity. The IRS won't dare suspect your kindhearted mittenism.
Why does my bellybutton feel so funny all of a sudden?
You're cosplaying as the Vis-tan variant that's been infecting /os/
What useful things can I do with my navel lint?
You can always use it as a poultice if you cut your finger.
How many boxes of Pocky can a sheep eat at a single sitting?
I wasn't aware sheep would eat Pocky. I think it's cardboard.
Now, how many boxes of Pocky can a weeaboo eat at a single sitting?
None, they'd all be busy paddling each other yelling Weeaboo! Weeaboo! Weeaboo!
Is Al Gore America's greatest president or America's greatest president ?
error unrelocated 1672896-2787297-29638762
Why am I getting my ass kicked in Oblivion so much?
Because you're not oblivious to the world around you.
Who is the smexy?
There is no such smexy.
Why is Dr. Phil such a douche?
He has more relevant knowledge now than you will ever have for the duration of your life.
What would you do if you found 10bux on the ground?
Hide it from Lowtax.
Is it true that the year 1993 will end on the 5000th day?
There's already strong evidence that it has not been 1993 for over a decade, though government scientists seek to minimize the impact of that revelation.
How have you spun information lately?
This is Sean Hannity from Fox News, and we only report the news in a fair and balanced fashion.
How long will it be until the liberal media conspiracy ends?
It will reign until a band of plucky young conservatives gather the three sacred pillars of republicanism and destroy the media tyrant from the lower hells, known to us as Al Gore.
Should I be making contracts with demons?
Only if you get everything in writing. An oral contract isn't worth the parchment it's printed on.
Do I have to sacrifice the cat?
Red colored Kool-Aid will suffice for most demons.
Just what are a TSUDZU and a DELTA?
They are the things that MOJIBAKE WARRIOR BUN uses to spread mojibake throughout the world.
Why does Wikichan break so much?
I believe it boils down to being a monetary issue.
What the fuck is mojibake?
Not quite.
I'm pretty sure it's just moji in its raw, uncooked form.
Where did the expressions "animu" and "hentae" originate?
A mockery of the wapanese language!
"Hentai" is an English word now, don't you agree?
Pass or Fail?
( LΦ`) ....bastard.
(EΝE) You got 400GET, grandpa! Why are you cursing?
( LΦ`) but you are one your mother was a slut
why is the sky blue?
A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.
What does it mean if I can kiss my elbow?
That you dislocated your shoulder.
(£ίDί)£ WHY do people ask these questions of me?
(EΝE) Actually, I was talking to grandpa.
( LΦ`) WHY don't you go play in traffic?
(EΝE) This thread isn't the right thread
How much is your mass?
More than you can afford, bub.
What happens when a car, made of diamond, hits a wall which is also made of diamond, at 120 kilometers per hour?
It explodes in a HORRIBLE KABLOOEY! sha-bang!
Where can I learn to speak Wapanese?
your doing it right now
how do i get up in the morning?
get what up in the morning?
By lifting your head of off the pillow, pulling off the comforter, and stepping into your slippers.
Why is a soft-bristle toothbrush better than firm?
because I will it so
why do androids dream of electric sheep?
Mostly because Rossum's Universal Robots built their largest factory in New Zealand.
What's your favorite mutton recipe?
Muton Roshi... yes the man in dragonball
what flavour am I?
Cherry Girl!
Soshite otokotte rodeo wo
Umaku nori ko nasa nakya
Ikura abaretetemo
Atashitachi ga oshiete ageru
What's the deal with Saitama, anyway?
Higher than average number of wierd news stories come out of Saitama.
What the fuck is spoobnumby?
a fish?
What do I do with an English major?
Work at Taco Bell!
Why does Chinese food taste the same everywhere?
Because it's always made out of real Chinese people.
Should I take this little freelance gig or hold out for a potentially bigger one?
Take it. Ramen doesn't grow on trees, you know!
So, where are the world's principle ramen mines located?
Right next to the best spaghetti fisheries. Odd as it may sound, these two things have absolutely no correlation.
What was that sound? I swear I heard something.
Weather balloon. Nothing to hear here, folks. Move along.
Why hasn't the aliens came and brought me along for a spectral inter-racial intercourse on the fringes of the universe yet?
Because they have brains the size of a planet, and your skull would explode if they tried to communicate.
Should I write a tell-all biography about 4-ch?
Yes. It would be a great cure for insomniacs the world over.
Who was born in a house full of pain?
Mickey Mouse.
Should I perform a show-it-all biopsy of 4-ch?
Yes, for great justice.
Should we invade MysticWicks?
No, we must continue to single thread invade Dissolute Production's Eragon thread in the TV & Film forum.
Why are ugly women like Rosie O'donnell allowed to be on TV?
Because after years of big-breasted blondes you need something "different" to fap to.
How did IT'S TOO MUCH METAL FOR ONE HAND and IT'S OVER 9000 get mixed together?
They're both variations on the ancient Monty Python archetype, where you start a sentence with "IT'S".
Is it indeed a man's life in the British Dental Association?
I prefer the Custard Pie Appreciation Consortium.
Does Watson communicate in the Sherlock Holmes English Speaking Vernacular?
I hope so, because it doesn't speak Apple. The Mac version of Watson is no longer fully supported as of October 5, 2004. Please stay tuned for more news about future releases of Watson from its licensee, Sun Microsystems.
Why vi?
Why not?
Why not?
No support for MS-Word documents
Isn't it time we stopped the invasion of Dissolute Production's Eragon thread?
It IS time to stop the invasion. Therefore, I am offering this bill for consideration to cut off funding for the invasion force, forcing DQN-kun to bring our boys back home immediately, consequently ending this unfortunate display of adventurism.
Does drinking Rockstar play havoc with my kidneys?
I think it depends how much you drink
Why is it 1993?
The idiots haven't left the internet yet.
What the fuck is wrong with >>439?
I don't know...But Charlie! We're going to Candy Mountain, Charlie. Yeah, Candy Mountain!
What happens when you get to Candy Mountain?
Your teeth defect to Dentiststan.
How come my cock no longer caws?
Because it has no affect.
What is the difference between a state and a commonwealth?
gudrr states is like those thingys that like people live in right and common wealth is when most people is rich then common wealth is for the rich common peoples and stats where they lives at.
can youse please hit me on the head again so my smarts canabee what they was 'for now?
@ i@EΝEj
@@ x@/m @ @ l
@@@ /@j@ @ < @>_ΘΏ
@ Q/΅'@^^. uMDLj/ ©>>443
Who put the "bomp" in the bomp-du-bomp-du-bomp?
Bompe duBompe of Chantilly Lace, as detailed by the Great and Wise Usenet Oracle.
So, did you upgrade to Vista yet?
If by upgrade you mean buy a boxed copy of Vista Ultimate, shit all over it then posted pics on the Internet, then yes, I did upgrade.
Where do you want to go today?
I wanna go home, mommy.
Are we there yet?
If you ask one more time, I'm going to turn this car around and we're all going straight home.
Can I have another cookie?
If you ask one more time, i'm going to turn this cookie around and shove it in your mouth.
What does DQN stands for?
It actually means "dokyun," the Japanese word for "stupid."
Anta baka?
It stands for "Dee Que Enn"
Was this answer helpful?
Yes, your use of phonetics really stimulated my brain activity, allowing me to easily recall information.
That demonstration of "Hook on Phonics" worked for me. Did it work for you?
Not as much as Easy Spanish. "Step on a chair, see a loose light."
Silla = chair, luz = light. Cool, eh?
Why do people mock my shuffle for its lack of display?
because there is not enough fanservice in it
Why would a cake declare its own deliciousness on DQN?
DQN provides the most appropriate forum to stare down the world and say "Eat me!"
Have you sat on it and rotated?
No, but I did carry out and be w
How come it seems like I'm the only guy fighting against sexual fetishism these days?
Because, in a time, where sexual fetishism runs free, ONE MAN...has the courage to fight against it.
How can I tell which copypasta is Elitist quality from the 4chan quality stuff?
Press near the stem firmly, with your thumb. If it gives in, it is Elitist quality, if it is stiff, it is 4chan quality.
How much longer do I have?
Two weeks.
What is that game?
Where did I put my keys?
In the lock, duh.
What did you do for the Elitist Superstructure today?
I drowned a baby.
Shit, is that my kid? I think i'm in trouble...
Correct his grammar.
The question is, is the past participle of drown 'drowned' or 'druwn'?
Drowned. Definitely Drowned.
How do you pronounce 'vlog', as in video blog? Can you upload a wave file of yourself saying it somewhere?
No. But it's pronounced like Vlad the Impaler.
Who the hell has a video blog anyhow? Does Vlad the Impaler have one?
Only the foolish and those who lack QUALITY have video "blogs" Vlad the Impaler does not possess a videoblog, but he is an avid user of LiveJournal and a noted writer of gothic poetry.
How can I become a mojibake warrior?
By singing this song while typing pseudo-shift-JIS gibberish:
"I've fallen in love with Vlad the Impaler
And Hitler and Nixon and Ahab the Whaler."
How do I shot web?
By going back to 4chan.
Who am I?
Who is Squeeks?
Not applicable.
How do I use this... this "head on"?
pucker your lips and blow
Play it again, sam?
hell no!!
What is "American Intelligence"?
A contradiction in terms.
How come it seems like every animu released since 2004 seems to have at least one character with a prominent snaggle tooth?
It makes Tsuruya cuter. nyoro~n.
What can I do with this tiny paper umbrella now that I've removed it from this rum powered concoction?
Swallow it and then make out with your girlfriend while she writhes on you so that the pointed end of the toothpick can puncture through your intestines into other vital organs as it moves through your digestive tract. I love House, M.D. so much.
Will it ever be lupus?
It'll never be lupus
Will House ever realise his show is not as good as Scrubs?
No, his twin (Dr Cox) will kill him in the face before he gets the chance.
Can I do it?
No, but you can fake it.
Can anyone recommend a good RPG?
There are no good RPGs
The president was just kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to save the president?
Yes. He treated me to hamburgers.
How do they make those hamburgers anyway?
By grinding beef, adding egg, some breadcrumbs and seasoning, then cooking on a grill. Serve on a bun with appropriate garnish and condiments.
How the hell do you justify $3.50 for a box of Girl Scout Cookies?!
They're made out of real girl scouts.
Is it can it be hugz tiem pleez?
No, no hugs for those who misquote age-old memetry. Seriously, dude.
What's, like, the most tubular of like all the memes around here and like stuff?
I don't understand your question. Next please!
Doesn't Scrubs suck more than House does?
Scrubs is even stupider than Everybody Loves Raymond, which of course, was completely stupid. So yes, it sucks much more.
Why won't anyone accept Monopoly money when I offer it as payment?
You gotta use it in Canada.
Why is this guy so late in turning around our contract?
He's got no hands, and thus cannot effectively manipulate the paper the contract is printed on.
How do I gained access to private area of VIP quality?
How do I get out of here?
Take a left at the Grandpa thread, then a right at the second Oppai thread.
Or was it the other way around?
No, you got it right, but you forgot to mention how >489 has to avoid the squeeks thread at all costs.
How do gay people make babies?
Gay magic.
What should I have for lunch?
Gay magic.
What should I wash my dinner down with?
Gay magic.
What do you call the type of illusionary discipline wherein unexpected and surprising items can be produced from the anus of a man by another man using his no-no?
Gay magic!
What killed Freddy Mercury?
Gay magic.
Gay magic.
How do I becomes the lesbian, it is?
Magicu no gayu
What school of magic would be most useful for me to learn?
Now what?
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
How do I ruined thread?
You got 500.
Do you notice your blinking rate now that you have read my question?
Not really. I use w3m and the terminal cursor doesn't blink.
Does anybody fusianasan in 4-ch?
No, but I've got some nasal fusion here instead.
Will that be OK?
Dude, if you can make your nostrils dance, more power to you.
fusianasan isn't a good idea, is it?
Whatever are you talking about?
Is my computer broadcasting an IP address?
(=o=) Your computer is broadcasting your IP address. Download this program to protect yourself from hackers. http://www.opera.com
How did the hackers manage to broadcast my IP address?
Gay magic.
What the fuck is wrong with hackers?
Gay magic.
What's straight magic?
Some sort of christian magic, I'd assume.
I created a monster with the "gay magic" thing, didn't I?
Gay magic.
Gay magic?
@iGL_½Mj @@Illegal in USA.
@i@@@@Β@@WHAT IS A NIDA?!
@b b@|@@@
Gay magic.
Is there a bi magic?
Should He-man be called Het-man?
No, but perhaps you can attach that name to Skeletor.
Is it worth buying that snowblower this late in the season?
I wouldn't know, I live in SoCal.
Is Taco Bell trully the paragon of mexican cultural achievement?
I suppose in the way that P.F.Chang's would be the paragon of Chinese cultural achievement.
Why does P.F.Chang's cost so much anyway?
Gay Magic.
Is this a copout?
Gay magic.
I'm too scared to answer questions properly =(. What should I do?
Homosexual Witchcraft.
What's for lunch?
Chinese food, which travels in underground pipelines throughout the world, and that is why it tastes the same everywhere.
I want some Chinese food. (Yes, I know that's not a question. Just answer it already.)
Gay magic.
Did you like my answer?
Gay magic.
Gay magic desu ka?
Iie. Haado geii majiko desu ne.
Is the Internet really a series of tubes?
YES, and it is NOT a truck that you just dump everything in it.
What happens if i put a horadric staff in a horadric Cube?
Gay magic.
Does anyone care that I'm really the person who created "Gay magic", and not >>509?
It transmute to gay magic.
Fallopian tubes or just tubular tubes?
Tubes of the gay variety.
Why are niggers black?
Gay nigger magic.
Why hasn't >>525 realized that I was the one who replied again with "gay magic", even though he might have first used the original phrase?
I don't know, but it clicked with me as well.
How can I become a drag queen?
Dress up like a woman.
How do I not ansewer what you expect?
You didn't resort to using that phrase.
Is it true that the coming of 1994 will be heralded by signs and great omens?
Yes, plenty of gay magic.
You sick of this homosexual warlock agenda yet?
You can't get sick of gay magic. That's impossible.
Would you like some more?
Gay magic? Sure!
Has this thread just become the mystical bumsex thread?
It's moar liek the Arcade Bumstead thread.
No. You are not.
Why do some evil corporate bastards use artificial vanilla instead of the real thing?
Artificial vanilla instead of gay magic? Yes, those bastards!
Why is my laptop no longer working?
It was running on gay magic.
What else could it be?
A poofter warlock might've put a hex on it.
Get it? Laptop? Computer? "hex"?
I don't get it so I'll pull out my trump card: gay magic!
Did you get any chocolate?
No, I'm all out of gay mana to cast a chocolate gay magic spell.
Is it a good idea to post on DQN all day instead of search for love on this Valentine's Day?
Your search for love would be completely fruitless, so no, nothing is wasted.
Do we truly have nothing left to aspire to? Are we really just shells of human beings waiting one day at a time for oblivion to come?
Sometimes, the truth hurts, dear...
Does the truth hurt?
Only when the truth is gay magic.
Should I ask this one girl to be my Valentine? I'm pretty sure she'd say yes, but she lives 1500 miles away.
Only if you have some magical way of having sex with her 1500 miles away.
What's with this "gay magic" shit?
DQN needs a Christian enema.
Do you 'yahoo'?
No, not since Brokeback Mountain.
How sad is this, dicking around on DQN on valentine's day when I could be spending money on officially romantic crap on a corporate-designed faux holiday?
Really sad, almost as sad as the anti-corporate rationalisation you give for being a hikki.
Is 'hikki' an appropriate short form of 'hikkomori'?
I'm not anwsering your stupid question because you need to leave here.
Will you be my valentine?
Not after that.
Will you be my valentine?
Oh you cad, your gay magic has charmed me (^ 3^) Mwa!
Where shall we go for our first date?
Pow! Zip! Right to the moon!
The sitcom form hasn't evolved much over the years, has it?
An argument could be made that content follows the Zeitgeist in such a way that the immutability of some of the conventions works as a metaphor for that of human nature.
Is there a secret I'm just not getting to efficiently picking your nose with your pinky finger?
Not really. The pinky is not flexible enough for precision nasal excavations. Experts recommend that the pinky be relegated to either the swinging of weeaboo-enabled sword replicas or the casting of cup-related gay magic.
So how was your valentine's day?
It had too much gay magic.
How was yours?
It didn't have enough gay magic.
How was your Valentine's Day, >>557?
I had a lot of fun looking at lolicon all day. It truly was a day of love.
Will Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura ever love me as much as I love her?
No fucking way.
Am I cute?
No fucking way.
Yes fucking away?
I mean, I guess.
Has anyone bought lots of cheap chocolate today?
That's not actually a question. So it can't be answered. So this isn't an answer.
How come MODD doesn't strike these flooders down with harsh vengeance?
Because this is DQN, and he would have to use gay magic.
Why is my cat going bald on her belly and ass?
You shave your pussy.
Should I create a wiki article on "Gay Magic" for giggles?
Should loli be legalized?
Yes, but screenshot it before it dies.
How long will the article last?
Until October.
What is the password?
Your Mom
What is the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything?
54 in base 13.
What is the ultimate question?
I'm sorry, but I cannot answer a question with another question, it is against my programming.
What is the air speed velocity of an unladened swallow?
"What is the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything?"
So the answer is 41? Am I stupid or something?
No, your math skills are rusty.
What should we do about !-san?
I'm on your board spamming it up the way yu spammed up mine. Not as much fun when it's YOU on the recieving end, is it?
I don't know, responding to a single thread invasion with a one-man invasion is sort of tasteful.
How should I decorate my immaturity mansion?
With glorious spam.
I think that the immaturity mansion is the place to be. What should I do to convince the other elitists to follow me there?
I dunno. Maybe we should change our name to "The Immaturity Mansion of DQN"
Is that a ridiculous idea or what?
I don't know, it's been done before.
But how would the Elitist Superstructure react?
Unknowable, since the reaction would be indistinguishable from random occurrance.
How come DQN is the slowest board on 4-ch?
Not many are willing to brave the path to the Immaturity Mansion.
How far must I travel until I reach its very doors?
The Immaturity Mansion is as far away as the farthest arcade, yet as close as your Xbox controller.
Am I qualified to enter?
It depends on the order of you social structure.
Is your social structure superstructure quality, or merely substructure quality?
They disbanded over a disagreement about what sort of pizza to order.
Is Phoenix Wright the best game for the DS?
No. Both Castlevania are.
How could anybody disagree with this?
(£ίDί)£ WHEN You've discoverd the unending joy of Phoenix Wright, everything else seems inferior.
(`DL) WHY are you doing it wrong?
Because doing it right isn't rewarding.
How will we cheer Squeeks up, now that he's feeling all emo?
What do you think about the number 2993?
its kinda gay.
how can I refrain from using 4chan memes in questions and answers that is the epicness of dqn?
It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go.
How long is long?
Why did we suddenly switch to asking the question before giving the answer?
Gay magic.
That's pretty homosexual.
Shouldn't we resume?
How old is Grandpa?
( LΦ`) How old am I?
Old enough.
What's the capital of Zaire?
Canb anyone recommend some really hard RPGs?
Fallout 2
Capital of punishment?
Washington D.C.
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
What does "chotto" mean?
It's a verb predicate preparing to point to a person/place/thing/direction that someone/something is "chotting".
Where do you chot to?
http://youtube.com/watch?v=5Q6fpgp6CJo Daddy Cool!
Should this go out on the next DQN soundtrack?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /_QQ_^R@@@@@@@@@@
@@@ (.MR(MA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^''''''@@@'''''':::::@ hello im daddycool the VIPPE Ryes it should get put on the DQN soundtrack and it will give you access to a private area of VIP quality ;)
@@ @ `'MTr'Μ_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@{@ | ij,@@€ij€.:|@{@@ http://dis.4chan.org/vip/
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When will Duke Nukem Forever come out?
Divide infinity by 0.00 for your answer.
Wait, there was a first DQN Soundtrack?
It will go platinum if we unite our wills and hearts as one.
Is this game DQN quality? http://youtube.com/watch?v=4eWGeO_IYHo
Hey! No linking to the extranet, you silly fool!
When will the remix album be released?
Did I post in the right topic?
Should we change the name of the DQN board? Perhaps back to the Forbidden Garden of DQN?
I think it should be the Gay Magic of DQN instead.
What the fuck was that, Elwood?
A very bizarre meme.
What about The Immaturity Mansion of DQN?
The immaturity mansion isnt that popular, sadly.
Why did I do it for the lols?
Because you thought that lols were worth it. (They weren't. Silly harman.)
What do I have to do to get some bra!nz in here?
Theres nothing you can do, there are NO BRAINS HERE, ITS DQN, DURRRRRRRR
How many posters are there here, really?
Eight. Don't tell anyone.
Why do I spend so much time on DQN, that it actually cuts into my sleep and makes me almost late for work?
Gay magic compels you.
Hasn't the Elitist Superstructure gag got a bit old by now?
It isn't a gag, it's a way of life.
How do I get to the Forbidden Garden from the Immaturity Mansion?
You can't, it's forbidden.
Hasn't the grandpa gag got a bit old by now?
Well he is grandpa after all.
Hasn't grandpa's ball gag got a little old by now?
Yes, this is Battletoads.
So, does Rei like GAY MAGIC too?
Does this answer your question?
no, but the powers of nonheterosexual wizardry helped me solve it.
why are there so many granpa threads now? Is it the work of darkpa?
No...if I had to hazard a guess, I'd suspect there was some sort of man-sex conjuring.
Where do people find all of those saitama articles from?
Through the power of queer sorcery.
Ah shit, I've gone and ruined it now, haven't I?
Why, Love. The love of a Waitress for her customers. The love of patrons for their cute server. And of course, the love of TIPS.
How long has the Rei been a spy for the Terrorism Information and Prevention System?
It's better not to ask that kind of questions. You never know who's listening!
Shouldn't this thread be called "ITT we consult the poster below us"?
No, because if it was, it would be lost in all of the other 'structured post' threads. This one still maintains its independence.
I think I have the flu. What's the best cough remedy that you know of?
Have a rest, also skip a week of school/work
What is it that makes DQN so DQN?
DQN is when you get a thread like this to be the fifth Google result for "gay magic".
How else would you describe DQN?
"In this board we get 1000 by..."
Google seems to like 4-ch. What other phrases should we try and googlebomb?
What do we get to by ITT, again?
That would be 1000, my good sir.
Unless >>1000-san is still kidnapped! Is he?
Probably on Tuesday, when he sobers up.
So.. what project do you want to work on next?
I'll be happy to escape with my life, even if it is without honour.
What projects are there available for a guy who doesn't have his left pinky anymore?
Obviously nothing where tea is served, you barbarian.
Are you ready for re-education in the countryside?
of course. I want to learn from the nature.
c does this look like the windows logo to you?
Whats a windows logo?
Why do I keep coming back here?
Because your off-line life is pointless, dull and demeaning. DQN is the only friends you have, all five of us.
What would happen if gay magic were to, say, suddenly run out, cease to exist, that sort of thing?
People would stop thinking it's funny and find a new catchphrase to beat into the ground.
Why are the Global Warming maniacs so damn worried about a worst-case 6 degree C increase in temperature over the next 100 or so years?
Because that's fucking scary
Shouldn't I be panicking now?
You may very well panic and run around in circles, because your grand grand grandchildren are going to live in one shitty world.
How do you do a 360 turn in a car?
Take off your seatbelt. Squat on your chair, and keep turning right until you face the steering wheel again.
Why is >>649 so damn ignorant? Of global warming that is.
You don't.
Could I be any more unhelpful than that?
No clue.
is this thread doomed now?
Ignoring >>657's response, your monitor is actually made up of grids of Pixel fairies. These kind, lovable enchanted creatures glow brighter when they're happy, and cooperate to make your display crisp and visible... but sometimes, a pixel fairy dies... and since pixel fairies are stationary, they cannot bury their deceased friends. A dead pixel is a dead fairy.
Do you accept the veracity of this explanation?
Sounds reasonable.
What are your thoughts on cheese?
Sounds reasonable.
What are your thoughts on cheese?
I like cheese.
Why do you keep repeating yourself?
With enough gay magic, everything is fabulously delicious.
How much is too much gay magic?
Nervous tics.
Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong?
I believe this thread is the work of a single, sad person.
Didn't you get the memo? There's at least four of us here!
What's with this latest memo then? Its sender address reads "Immaturity Mansion"! That can't be right!
It's not right.
Didn't you get the memo?
Too many to read.
Who is going to get the job done if everybody is busy reading memos?
Good question. Maybe somebody will know if we send a memo out.
Who wants to get started on memo passing?
Bureaucracy is for loozers.
Deodorant or perfume?
The AXE effect.
Who will win world war three?
The AXE effect.
Who will win world war three?
The AXE effect.
Who will win world war three?
Gay magic.
Who will lose world war three?
The AXE effect.
Who will win world war three?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίΝί)c@Individualism! Individualism!
disregard that, I suck cocks
Who will win world war three?
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίΝί)c@Individualism! Individualism!
The AXIS effect.
Do you, for one, welcome your new snazzily clad fascist overlords?
I love GAY HITLER! He has so much gay magic!
How can I become Japanese for real?
its ok im on my 4rth year and next year ill apply for citizenship.
who is from the hansai region
No one. The hansai region does not support human life.
Why are all these 4chan faggots suddenly here?
Because someone decided to spam VIP?
Is DQN funnier than VIP?
Depends if you mean funny-haha or funny-peculiar.
What have you got that don't got spam in it?
@ ©__©
@i@ί mίj I'm not into the whole spam thing.
Isn't it more likely that the 4chan VIPpers faked their own invasion just to stir up trouble?
Well in theory. I wish they'd fake their own deaths however, only without the faking and with real, actual death.
So how come they don't simply out-bump the VIP spam themselves, rather than coming over to fag up our precious DQN?
I hate to burst your bubble, but there is nothing precious about DQN, unless you are using 'precious' in the derogatory sense.
When squeeks leaves, we'll be down to only four members. Can I count on you three to pick up the slack?
Because they are VIP quality, enough said.
The real question is how do we protect the public image of the Elitist Superstructure of DQN when there are enemy agents on the loose impersonating us, and causing havoc? Damage Control Agents have been unable to stop them!
Seems that Damage Control was a little too enthusiastic. Everyone fears to bump this thread!
Seriously you guys, is the three of you all we have? The best of the best? This doesn't look good for the future of the future, you know.
Actually, there are five of us left. And you know, five is more than enough for a powerful team. Also, we can gather together and summon the Terrakian from within, and she will fly in on her very ugly bird and save DQN.
Did you steal my Lochnar, you bitch?
... You die, she dies, everybody dies.
I'm drinking Rockstar JUICED. It tastes okay, but is it really worth $2.50?
Only if it's $2.50 Canadian.
What exactly is wa shock?
It's the effect of surprising a moë anime character.
Why do you ask?
Well, I have a secret crush on the girl next door, because she wears glasses and hair ribbons...
But that's not important right now. What can I do with my collection of floppies now that the a: drives is obsolete?
Drink coasters.
If I never answer my cell phone, what's the point of having one?
You need something to hang your cute mascot.
Can you really feel masculine while eating Men's Pocky?
Yes. Men's Pocky is made for REAL MEN.
Is it possible to feel masculine while eating Women's Pocky?
There is nothing so un-butch as eating Pocky. You may as well just lop off the boys and join the megabyzi.
Now that I have a house with a fireplace, where can I hire a Vestal Virgin?
over there.
Why can't I think of anything witty or clever right now?
Because you failed to 700GET.
(`DL) WHAT the hell is the matter with you?
It was probably the after-lunch sugar crash, or perhaps the enormity of dealing with a failed 700GET.
Will houndstooth make a comeback this decade?
I suspect that Glenn Plaid has a better chance. Or seersucker.
Have you gone shopping yet for spring clothing?
Time to PARTY!
Dude, you got any ice?
Sure. Right here in my pants.
Where can I purchase a ten-foot tall crimefighting robot?
Why don;t you come on down to "Ten-foot Tall Crime-Fighting Robots R Us!"
What sort of price range are you looking at?
The kind where the prices don't run too fast, so I can take my sweet time aiming.
Should I make my home on the range, or just adjacent or sort of close to it?
Country roads, take you home, to the place you belong, West Virginia, mountain range, take you home, country roads.
What's West Ginny like?
It has lots of curvy, hilly, winding roads with really high speed limits. Ask the locals why the speed limits are so high, and they'll tell you they'd never get anywhere otherwise.
What's Kentucky like?
Lots of pumpkins. If you know what I mean. (And I think you do.)
What's Idaho like?
Bestest battleship evar!
Is my teenspeak convincing?
Does W.T. snacks still come here?
why doesn't anyone like me?
Because your not into the whole ϊ{κ thing.
What is Tanassin?
I have no idea.
Don't people realise it's spelt 'tanasinn'?
Because they think instead of feeling.
Why can't I ever come up with anything clever or funny?
I could come up with a witty response to that, but I'm too busy being clever and funny.
Why can't I get girls to suck on my penor?
because you dont know how to read.
why is water wet?
Wet is what we describe our skin contact with water. Water is wet, because we called it wet, it might as well be called dry.
What happens if don't think.
Then you feel, and become tansζζ
Why do weeaboos post anti-Korean racist material here that doesn't even make sense in terms of American stereotypes? Nida, indeed.
Because it's funny, nigga.
Why do people keep on using the word "weeaboo" long after it stopped to be funny?
Because it has replaced the word that it originated from and entered everyday usage.
Why to VIPPERS think it's funny to use the word "nigga"?
In their minds, racism can be kawaii! (That's japanese for pink)
My office is freezing. Should I go with a ceramic or a quartz heater?
Go with an atomic heater. That'll keep your cockles warm and toasty.
What should I dissolve in some other what to get to the final solution?
Hot Milk and Cocoa Powder.
In what food group would I find the Marshmallow Peep?
Probably in the food group of non-edible substances.
Who's your favorite character from Ichigo Marshimaro?
It definitely has to be the ferret, as seen on http://www.secchan.net/niche/src/1137461346390.jpg
So, do you eat the chocolate bunny's ears first?
Of course, it makes them look funny.
Can one use a chocolate dildo as a masturbatory aid?
if it is a dildo then obviously yes by definition.
should i forfeit?
forfeit what?
My right to forfeit.
What else can I do?
<4chan> become an hero</4chan>
>>734 Thanks for that.
Why can't we lobby the W3C to officially support the <aa> HTML tags?
I don't see why we cant.
What can I/we do to help lobby the W3C for said <aa> tags?
Write up a specification using their godforsaken yet workable spec-ese, submit it for review and otherwise throw away... I mean dedicate three years of your life to a feature programmers will implement in all of twelve minutes and test in three.
Did that sound at all cynical?
yes, it does actually.
where should one go to learn how to do such things?
Have you been personally scorned by the W3C?
And who do I write to complain about that?
The Bureau of Letters of Complaint.
I wonder what happened to them, anyway; do they still exist?
I wonder as well.
What would you do if you won $370 million, I wonder?
Buy anime.
Which anime should I buy first?
Bobobobo Bobobo.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is a comedy that uses puns, non sequiturs, double-talk, breaking of the fourth wall, non-sexualized cross-dressing, visual gags, and satirical and pop-culture references, which make its humor very specific to Japanese audiences (much in the same way The Simpsons is often not as accessible to non-native English-speaking audiences).
What is Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo?
The name of a retarded monkey.
What's your favorite color?
What happens when you die?
Your family disposes of your body in the way you had specified. Friends, relatives and neighbors come over and eat food and talk about you, preferably in a nice way. Perhaps someday, one of your relatives will name a baby after you.
How do you make an elephant float?
Fatten it up real good by sending it to America.
Why are the portions so large at restaurants these days?
They've been cooking up the elephants you've been sending, duh.
How many trashcans can you make out of one fully grown African elephant?
1 million if they are built to the specification of Chinese generics.
1,000 if they are built to withstand the rigors of coal mining in America.
1 if it can hold 10(-100,000,000)% of the political bullishit on Earth.
Has anybody ever succeded in elephant beastiality?
Only if you count elephant paedo-bestiality.
What's the proper age of consent for elephants?
Because you define the word "nerd".
Am I right or am I right?
Neither, and you know it.
Should we all "Embrace the Suck" or fight it?
That's quite a funny question to be asking on this board!
Seeing as we're not quite dead yet, what exactly happened with regard to Squeeks', ehm, episode?
He got better.
Would you travel around the world if given the chance?
The official explanation is that Squeeks is suffering from 'exhaustion', and discretion demands that I simply leave it at that.
Do you have a preferred euphemism?
Depends on how long he spends travelling 'round the world.
What country should I personally visit next as the Ambassador of DQN?
What is the current overall 'feeling' of the internet?
Maybe when they Chinese clean up their smog, give up smoking, use and enforce patents and copyrights, and properly heat-treat metals until they reach optimum durability.
How do the underpants gnomes handle sharts?
That's in the secret portion of their three-step plan, denoted by "2. ??????"
Why Ned Beatty? Why?
Beating Neddy would be worse, I guess.
Could you say cheese, please?
I dunno. Probably from Wisconsin or something.
What's up with Wisconsin?
I dunno. Probably occupied by >>766 or something.
How can I dress for success?
By undressing before failure.
How would I go around, you know, uhmm... sexing up an automobile?
Fuck it in the exhaust pipe.
What's the best way to get a girl?
(Confusion at the lack of a question)
How would MODD punish >>772 for violating the rules of this thread?
With the B&HAMMAR, of course.
Why do my cats keep jumping on the keyboard while I'm trying to surf the Web tonight?
They want you to look at CP.
Is 'cat pictures' the first thing that came to your mind when you saw 'CP?'
No, I thought of "corporate propaganda".
I mean, what else is there?
One that doesn't have any wires, at all. Might not be the best, but it'll certainly be the most wireless.
In what context could I use the mega-contraction "wouldn't've'd"?
"Would not have done?" Obviously, when you would have not done something.
Is >>778's abuse of the English language permissible?
Although the Elitist Superstructure finds it distasteful, they will permit it under the condition that >>778 immediately consults a grammarian.
What should I have for dinner?
Sata andagi.
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more!
why do we allways hurt the ones we love?
Gay magic!
Did I just discover the "because? why?" combo breaker?
Next question?
Is not a question, but an imperative, requesting someone ask a question.
Does the Elitist Superstructure allow one to use imperatives in such a way when posting?
If such a convention were found distasteful, you would know. Or rather, you wouldn't, and the rest of us wouldn't either.
How do I ZOT web?
First you have to charge your lazor. Then you shout "shoop da whoop" and zot web.
When did you people start using "zot" as a verb? Have you been reading the Usenet Oracle again?
It probably was used as a verb when somebody intended to type some other verb, but sneezed, causing zot to be posted as a verb.
(Puzzled appearance)
How could somebody make the same mistake after only a few posts?
Einstein said that only two things in the universe are truly limitless, hydrogen and human stupidity. And the more time I spend in DQN, the more I doubt hydrogen.
Why are people posting old, busted, lame, worn-out 4chan memes here when this thread has the potential for genuine original comedy?
You mean like gay magic? That fail of a shit hasn't caught on anywhere else on 4-ch, let alone the greater intarwebs.
How come grandpa is so popular, yet genuinely funny gags like DAMAGE CONTROL struggle for recognition?
Because they're easy to use and the key term CATCH means the phrase is fucking CATCHY. Which sucks, its like those songs on the radio which blow ass but you cant get out of your head.
Are DQN people better people or are we just the only 6 people on the internet who understand anything?
I like to think of us as the 6 kind of jaunty, intellectual, cheeky social commenters who laugh at everything including ourselves, the chill guys for the internet generation.
How many paperclips do I have in my hand?
It is what you make of it.
How often do obscure pop culture references come up two posts from now?
It depends on what the meaning of "is" is.
How come the Eragon single thread invasion is the top Google hit for "becoming Japanese for real"?
I blame gay magic.
What's the latest fad?
My new single. It's called "Doobaroo on a boat in the Sea Sea Sea~~Umi Umi~Mar STAR!~!"I wrote it myself.
Would you like to hear it?
Where did I leave my car keys?
They're in the hamper in the pocket of the pants you wore yesterday.
Is my dog finally getting enough cheese in his diet?
Only if he shits bricks.
Has anybody ever beaten Goatse in an asshole contest?
I'm so not going there.
What song should I use for my cell phone?
"I hate myself and want to die, because it's winter" by DQN-kun. Duh.
But which remix?
"All Alone for Ramadan." It's the best of them all.
Why shouldn't we annex Canada?
That's not much of a decent reason why Ontario shouldn't become the 51st state, now, is it?
So... that being said, What should we do with Quebec?
There's only one proper response: "BLOW IT ALL UP!"
Which had better songs: Guitar Hero 1 or 2?
Beatmania IIDX of course.
Why does Pop'n Music suck so much?
But where would you run to in event of a draft?
Don't register to vote is all I can say.
Why did the last two people in this thread not follow the theme?
It's elitist humour. You're not supposed to explain it.
Is the Elitist Superstructure above or below the Zionist Conspiracy in the hierarchy?
It depends which hierarchy your talking about. In terms of the relative existence-onism, we rank way higher, but on the ladder of arrogance, we rank way higher as well.
How many days have September, April, Junior, Grandpanember?
As many as Febluberry *4.
What contributes more to global warming, cow farts or beer belches?
I think DQN posts contribute more than both combined.
How much time does the planet have left before everything explodes?
Two weeks.
How long will it have if the six of us stop posting?
Three weeks.
Does anyone else have an escape plan?
Two weeks.
Does understanding that answer make you a genius?
Hell yes. (I don't understand that answer. Neither did you.)
If the Elitist Superstructure and the Gnomes of Zürich had a fight, who'd win?
Why is my cat digging frantically in the litterbox and yowling?
Invisible mice in the litterbox.
What is the last digit of pi?
Why does my cat keep reaching under the door and grabbing things I put near her? Does she want something in particular?
LSD in the cat food. (that's why she does it, that's not what she wants) What she wants is a hug.
What is it about cats that makes us love them so? Why is a cat fine too?
Because some of us cannot afford to be choosey.
That being said, what is the best way to give a cat a bath?
Well, the first step is to write your will.
What comes after that?
The good old bathtub, dunk, chickenwire method works pretty well.
How come these w's always keep carrying out fnord?
Because all things can be carried out and are wwwwwwwwwww.
Linux or Windows?
U noob, Mac of course.
What was the question again?
Way to pre-empt the thread structure there, dude.
Why do some people insist on posting ITT if they only have a question, or an answer, but not both?
Because it's always September, somewhere on the net.
What's this?
Because you forgot to scratch it.
Should I avoid the itch to stay at my computer and go to bed?
No. You'll sleep better if you stay at the computer until you're sleepy.
Oops, forgot to ask a question.
Why does the porridge bird lay his egg in the air?
To train the babies to fly early on.
Why didn't my mom throw me out of the plane?
because she loves you
Why did my mom throw me out of the plane?
because she loves you
how did you get those pictures on the computer
They came with it, I swear!
Should I take up badminton?
No. If it were worthwhile it would be called "goodminton."
If free will is an illusion, then who's that who says "who's that" when I say "who's that?"
It could be someone else, or it could be you. But ultimately that someone else is controlled by you. Unless it was really someone else.
Was "Free Willy" a flap in the UK?
It did ok, but it did cause a lot of sniggering and queues of gay magicians.
Are there any reverse examples? For instance, does, say "Love Actually" mean "Do me up the shitter" in Amerikkka?
Well, just to drop an example, it is said that "gay magic" actually refers to elaborate rituals performed in connection to homosexuality, not necessarily by homosexuals themselves, and in contrast to the usual meaning of "magic", which refers to sleight of hand performed on-stage.
Why isn't biting the head off a chicken a meme?
Because the concept is not easily communicable through textual means.
Why was WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY a successful meme?
>>847 because it's the most important incantation in the field of gay magic.
If you were a master of gay magic, would you use it to attract men or women?
I'd use it to summon the ghost of Liberace. That's what I'd do. I'd be the baddest homosexual necromancer around.
What's the worst insult of them all? No really, I mean the worst.
Your Mom!
Should I switch to Linux, or stick with an operating system that works?
It never got better than MSDOS 5.0
Can I have a pony?
Not unless you finish your vegetables.
What should we have for dinner tonight, honey?
Six tons of vegetables. >>851 deserves a pony if he finishes that.
Which makes me wonder: If you could hybrid vegetables with ponies, which vegetable would be the most practical and why?
The guava. They are the superior choice simply because the result would be named poguva.
What will we do now that DQN has started on its slow slide into obscurity and suck?
We briefly shake our heads in shame, but do not dwell on the past and instead look towards a brighter future, possibly a future somewhere else.
Will September 5000 be a turning point for DQN?
No, but it'll be on the O RLY? Factor.
Is DQN fair and balanced?
No, it is mostly composed of slanties, niggers, chuweros and inbred trailer trash with a grossly enlarged right cerebral hemisphere.
Is Squeeks feeling better now?
After rallying, he's suffered a setback and the bonitis has spread to his major organ.
After Squeeks is gone, there will only be four posters left. Will that be enough to sustain 4-ch?
One of us will have to make like a cell and multiply asexually to make up for the loss.
How much genetic material does it take to sustain a viable DQN?
About as much as what gets shot out during one masturbation session after 3 weeks of non-fapping.
When will there be a large number of Chinese girls with huge boobs?
Never. They will all be replaced by a chinese number of large girls with large boobs.
No question? Intolerable! I shall provide one.
How many days can one go without DQN before life becomes meaningless?
I think I could last at least until the end of September.
What should I do about this crushing sense of ennui?
Find an engaging, preferably outdoor hobby and replace Internet-lounging with it.
Why didn't that work for me?
You're too self aware.
Over eons, does even death die?
Stop reading Lovecraft, moron.
The only thing worth your attention is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
How does I became Koreans?
Eat many cat.
How do I keep my mittens from shrinking in the wash?
Upgrade them to maximum level using a rainbow diamond.
Who came first, Rei or Grandpa ?
Grandpa fissioned off from the first amoeba. Rei was cloned from Lilith, who came into being on the sixth day. Grandpa farts dust; Rei is more like vanilla. Grandpa wins.
What attacks do mittens give you when they hit max?
They hit Max in the face with little smek smek noises and confuse him.
Why do the fanboys obsess over Rei when the non-jailbait Eva girls (by which I mean Misato and Ritsuko) are so much hotter?
Because Rei doesn't fight and scream when you rape her, she only asks you to move.
Are redheads sexier than bluetops?
It's not tops you need to be looking at, it's the bottoms!
You agree with me that red is better, then?
No, generally when I am given a color choice I will pick orange or blue. Except with pencils. Pencils look snazzy in red.
Is it just me or is your hairline receding?
You're the one receding; my hairline is standing still.
What's the coolest way to confess to a girl in one sentence?
Love notes written in menstrual blood, respectively.
How can I enlarge my penis?
Bare hands do not deliver enough energy. Carry out masturbation using steel gloves (mittens are the forbidden thing, so please refrain from using them) until satisfied. By acknowledging this technique you also certify you will not hold the elitist superstructure responsible if you break your penis and/or the gloves as a result of using too much metal for one hand.
What is >>1000 about ?
>>1000 is the celebration of new life
How do I kill Frigid Onanoko?
With plenty of friggin onani, ok.
What is orange-colored, flies through the air like a thrown orange and is round like an orange?
I'm thinking "an orange" would satisfy all those requirements, and you didn't actually specify that it had to be something else, so that's my final answer.
Who ate all the Cracklin' Oat Bran?
Conan O'Brien
Did Rei get fired from McDonald's for refusing to smile?
How do I shot web?
4chan, probably.
How do we exterminate them?
Lighter, hairspray, good aim.
What is the meaning of life?
What is Love?
Love is over, baby don't love me, no more.
Why aren't you into things?
@@@@@@B |@ .|@ @R /B/
@@@@@@@ |@ .|@@ |Ι/@/@@E@@Go away, GO AWAY!!!
@@@BE@@@@| €@@@@R./
@@@@@@@@@R@@@@@R@@@@@@@@@@Why do you have to ask such difficult things?
@@@@@@@@@@@ _@@@@@_
@@@@@@@@@@@^@@^@@@_@ ._
@@@@@@@@@ ^@@^@@@@@@_@@R
¦άPPPά@@ ^@@mάPPP@@@¦
I'm not into the whole asking easy questions thing.
How do I get these damned bugs out from under my skin?
You've got Morgellons Syndrome. Congratulations.
Why do I feel dizzy right now?
You have played too much Guilty Gear and now think you're feeling up Dizzy.
If I feel up Bridget, what will I discover?
Please refer to this thread :
Is there a future ?
Who are you and why are you stalking me?
George 'Big Ears' Bush and it's none of your fucking business.
Should we bomb the hell out of Iran?
Only with gay bombs.
What is the best hair color to go with my skin tone?
Do a Britney and shave it all off. Goes with everything.
Why don't you turn off your computer and go for a walk for once?
Walks are for people with girlfriends.
Where can I hide the mittens to guarantee that nobody ever talks about them again?
In Kindness-san's backyard.
Is there actually any call for translators from dutch to english?
Only in the pornography business. And they can't import dutch pr0ns to english-speaking areas due to prudery.
Why do wire clotheshangers always become tangled up when more than one are placed in the same out-of-sight spot?
The answer is (and always will be, to every question) 42
Why do all the Grand Theft Auto sequels have at least 5 continuity errors?
Is 42 funny?
No. Way to ruin a 900GET, loser.
Are tripcodes funny?
You saw my tripcode?
No. Selective blindness. Obliviatus flatulens, as the doc calls it.
What's the opposite of a yellow submarine?
Two iguanas in serparate jars filled with cornflakes.
Will I ever be able to play the piano again?
It is a possibility. First you are going to have to overcome the PTSD caused by getting your finger stuck between two keys.
That's not a question.
What's wrong with you!?
Because one bad thing happening to good people just isnt fair.
Whats the best way to masturbate?
Riding the city bus wearing a hoodie and lace panties.
how does a polar bear know what apples is?!
Because the zookeeper fed it to them before.
Why is the bus so late?
Because the world hates you and wants you to suffer.
Why have all my friends gone to Barcelona at the same time? It's not like they know eachother.
That's what they want you to think. Your friends are all members of the bavarian illuminati and seek to put the world, and you, beneath their fiendish feet.
If the universe keeps expanding, how come my chocolate bar isn't getting bigger?
Because you're eating it too quickly.
Would you rather be followed by 40 ducks for the rest of your life?
Yeah, I would! Juicy gamey duck meat for the rest of my life.
Why does everything have to have an end?
Without ends, there'd be no buttsex. That is clearly impossible.
How do I get out of a locked safe from the inside?
Most lockables have a glow in the dark handle that unlocks it.
If a business only deals with nanomachines, doesn't that mean it will always be a small business?
Small business usually refers to income, taxes, whether the company is public or private and so on, basically a measure of the average value of a company, and not the size of their products. So, no.
How do I catch a Golden Pidgey?
PRO TIP: Catch it until its cought
Want fries with that?
Yeah, and supersize it!
How do I lose 5kg? it's almost swimsuit season!
Eat a tapeworm egg.
I'm a guy. How do I make myself look sexy in a bikini?
Get Lorena Bobbit to make your wang fit better.
Ha sKim Jong Il ever seen the movie Team America World Police?
no, skim is a type of milk and therefore unable to patronize the theater.
do you love me?
how about that 1000 get ?
Its not as gay as YMCA
Is 4-ch Vip quality?
Not only VIP, but also DQN and Elitist
Would fapping break a vow of chastity?
No, but it might break a vow of silence.
How come there's 6 eggs in a carton rather than 8 or 4?
Because i created it to be that way <(ºΦ º;)!
How come this is so VIP ?
Because everyone loves unoriginal threads.
Why am I so addicted to 4-ch?
It's that old secret sauce and special herbs that keeps it tasty, fresh, and you wanting more and more and more!
Why don't people understand that if they want quality support, they have to pay for it somehow?
They're so used to QUALITY support that they've begun to fend for themselves in that "cute until they bite your head off", mildly superstitious way.
What happens when they gain enough confidence to do work on AC power lines?
They won't think. They'll feel, and be electrocuted.
What would they do without that confidence?
They'd not think, feel, and be tanasinn.
Is one truly the loneliest number? I thought 0 would be.
Zero is a uniter, not a divider.
Anyway, what's so good about today?
Why is there so much gay magic here now?
Because you, and only you, keep posting about it.
Why do people with no sense of humor insist on trying to be funny?
Humans have a natural tendency to reach out for what they can't have.
Why do I keep hearing people say we have three-dimensional vision?
Because they don't understand how the eye works.
Where am I?
DQN on 4-ch.net. The address bar on your Internet browser is your friend.
Who are you?
I Am.
Snoo Snoo?
We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.
What will life like be in the year 3000?
There will be no year 3000. It all ends in 2012. DUHHH.
Because I said so.
Why ask why?
Because we're stuck at the level of a 3-year old, who likes to get a reaction out of their parents by repeatedly asking why.
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me; don't hurt me, no more.
What's your favorite song ever?
Bless yourself bleed.
Have you heard of it?
No. Go lock yourself in a room with no water or food for two weeks, please.
Why is no one smart enough to hold an interesting conversation with me?
Rotten lettuce. That's why.
Why am I so smart?
Rotten lettuce. That's why.
Why am I so smart?
Gay magic.
What will we do when Squeeks' absence causes the levels of DQN QUALITY to sink even further?
We will finally be able to achieve 1000GET.
Will the magic of 1000GET ever grace us?
No. The world will end at the exact same time the >>999 post is made.
Is Pink a good colour for mittens?
Pink cannot colour your mittens as she is not skilled with fabric dyes.
Why do space aliens only abduct hillbillies?
Better-cultured individuals wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the fine nuances involved in a high-class probin'.
Why does it have to always be "number two"?
Because you cannot carry "number one" in a sieve.
What will happen in 31 days?
If these trends continue, 1500get.
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
How come people think sliced bread is so great?
There are three kinds of bread: bread, sliced bread, and chunks of Jesus which aren't easily converted to sandwich form.
Who took the bite out of the apple computer logo?
Squeeks did.
Who put their penis in my peanut butter jar?
Fill the depression with wax, and allow to cool in the refrigerator. Afterwards, you can remove it, and compare it to your roommates to discover the culprit.
Why am I sticking to the roof of your girlfriend's mouth?
Because she is a GTS.
when will Africa be free from dictatorships?
When the people realize that everyone has the government they choose.
How long is it until lunchtime?
It is now lunchtime, go eat some cock.
How long is a piece of string?
As long as Longcat.
Would that mean that an infinitely long Longcat plays with an infinitely long string?
No, and Longcut fucking cuts you up for asking such a stupid question.
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
How the hell am I going to get out of this very deep gorge?
I suppose that if you find several European swallows, and a large amount of vines, you can use them to fly you back to where you belong
Would an expedition to Jupiter be great for fitness freaks that can never lift enough weight?
Considering that Jupiter is a gas giant and has an incredibly poisonous atmosphere... most definitely!
Can you play "Chopsticks" using a pair of chopsticks?
i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol i r smart ololol
Aside from that, sure you can, but you must be prepared to deal with the damage to your ivories.
I've been collecting Peeps, one from each year. Annually, I write the year on a peep with a sharpie, and put it on the shelf. I currently have hardened Peeps going back to 2000. Do YOU have a curious collection?
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Why yes, >>972, your rhythm IS off. Keep working on it.
Will bluetooth cause permanent damage?
Only if you don't brush daily.
Should I go back to bed?
lol whut lol whut lol whut lol whut lol whut lol whut lol whut lol whut lol whut
>>974 Yes, but I don't think you will. "Should" implies that you know it is something you don't want to do.
How can I be an individualist?
Ask everyone you know, make a sort of average of their answers, and follow that to the letter.
Can you do that?
Not really, no, too much work.
Are demons awesome?
No! tht hakkor wunt stopp emailin me, and i thing hes deleten my nu mails b4 I can reed them.
Who was boss? Tony or Angela?
To be perfectly frank, it was Bruce Springsteen.
What other phrases mean "I was lying to you"?
Phrases indicative of lying include "April fools!", "That's the ticket!", and "No means NO!"
If Gojira was real and attacked Tokyo, what would he destroy first?
Saitama! Saitama!
Are we talking about the Japanese Gojira or the U.S. reptile-like Gojira?
We speak of the Turkish Gojira who looks like an average man with green face paint and only power is possessing a switchblade.
How can I stop my breath from smelling like Cool Ranch Doritos?
Switch to Original Nacho Cheese Flavor, though that presents a different level of problem.
What is it with those Pringles anyway?
Cod rot, acquired from an unclean production machine that was previously used to produce a cheap american knockoff resemblance of true Italian worm cheese.
How come every pringle is almost exactly like the next?
Because DQN
How come communists like red ?
Mr. Foreman is has the wisdom of Lenin, the authority of Stalin, and the hairline of Gorbachev.
How can I stop the Elders of Zion from breaching the sanctity of my mind's most private thoughts and broadcasting them encoded in television static?
Bullet to the brain.
Is Web 2.0 the best thing to happen to the internet, ever?
No, the best thing will be your departure from it when you are confronted by Chris Hansen.
What is the most humane way to get rid of household pests?
Sell them to your family.
990, will we finaly achieve 1000 ?
Is Emma Watson a virgin?
Either by live trapping them or getting a household pet. :3
What's up with airplane food?
Vin Diesel actually doesn't own a toilet; he repackages his bodily wastes and sells it to people who re-brand it and sell it on airplanes.
I just came back from a long journey; what's with all this 'gay magick' shit?
It's awesome.
Why do people who play Phoenix Wright games think they have a deep understanding of the Justice System?
It is natural for one of low skill or intelligence to grossly overestimate their own ability or knowledge. These people are all cloned from >>993.
No, she isnt.
Is lag going to get 1000?
I dont think soooo!
IS this a 1000 get ?
no, it isn't.
am i going for the 1000 ?