orz if you plz
fushianasn = fushiana + san @"san" is a term of endearment .
There is a part that is overcrowded of the annual ring by the rug product tree
and discolors to tea brown.
It is a place where the tree branch has grown. We call this part Ki no FushiiΨΜίj.
This hard part might be sometimes missed and the hole be open. ί=Knothole
It is "Hole not useful" or "Hole of which should not be. "
As examples often used Fushiana(ίj.
E"Are your eyes knotholes?i¨OΜΪΝί©Ij"Only you have two hollows and can't see the truth anything.
EHushiana Nozoki iί`«jpeepig through the hole
Please imagine "fushianasan" meaning from above mentioned.
If you write "fusianasan" at name box. your IPaddress are displyed
Not in kareha it isn't :(