Translation request thread (1000)

359 名前: Now studying English 2006-02-01 19:28 ID:Heaven

I'm not sure because the original Japanese text is ambiguos, but maybe the translation is accurate. (I don't know whether it is natural.)

The following is just nitpicking. (And I don't insist my idea is entirely correct.)

> 道端にそっとうずくまって、
> Sitting on the road quietly,
> ゆらゆらと浮かぶ雲に独り言そっと呟いてる
> I'm mumbling to myself and(with) the floating clouds.

道端 = roadside
"Sitting at a roadside quietly,
looking at floating clouds, I mumble to myself."

> 羽ばたいて ずっと君の側で
> Forever, I stay by your side fluttering.

Very strange Japanese :)
Maybe this "ずっと" means "always" or "all along". I guess "forever" is too strong.
Possibly, "I always fluttering around you."

> 側にある優しさに寄り添ってみたり
> Having been drawing close to tenderness by my side
> 想い出を 抱き締めて膝を抱えてた
> or I've been taking on my knees and have been holding memories in my arms.

Grammatically, this phrase should be
"側にある優しさに寄り添って *みたり*、
想い出を抱き締めて膝を抱えて *いたり* した".
This sentence pattern is often translated into "Sometime I did [this], sometimes I did [that]."

"Sometime I nestled in the kind heart I found near me,
Sometime I cuddled my good old memories and sat alone."

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