Hello, 4-ch! I want to hear your troubles! Post what you're worried about.
Feel free to ridicule other posts. We're all just bored, spoiled souls.
I'm worried that even though I'm going to be graduating next spring, I don't really know much about my job field. I worry that I won't be able to find any good job that I'm qualified for, and have to take a crap job just to pay back my loans.
At least you have a job field to go into ^^; I have to decide very soon something I'd like to do for the rest of my life, it's intimidating.
It is. This isn't even the original field I started out in - I picked this because I had to pick -something-. I'm not even sure this is really what I want to do.
I console myself with the belief that most employer's don't really care about what your degree specifically is, as long as you seem educatable.
Well, venting all your problems is a pretty good way to feel less whiny about life in general, right? So, here goes.
First and foremost in my mind, the girl I like has no interest in me at all, and is also more than a little creeped out at the fact that I like her. I keep getting this feeling that she's gonna start hating me forever, just for being honest about all that.
Also, my mom's having a bit of trouble making ends meet. This might be because even though we're so poor she won't shut off the fucking high-speed internet (I wouldn't wanna shut it off either, but this is serious business) or the digital cable with HBO-on-demand package deal (which doesn't affect me because I barely watch TV). The city we live in's pretty shitty when it comes to the cost of living, and this is only made worse by the rise in gas prices. I pretty much have to spend all of the pay from my part-time job just to pay for gas to and from school, and never mind the fact that there just aren't enough events going on at work to pay for anything at all.
Also, I just hate homework. Some people say I'm pretty smart, but I'm pretty sure that's just a lie. I have to buckle way the fuck down, even to finish a measly three page essay, so I'm afraid that when this community college shit is over and I have to do some real classes, I'm just going to fucking snap and toss myself heroically out a window some ten-odd stories up.
On top of all this, I hang out at 4-ch.
I am introverted :(
This thread is depressing, I am not reading any of this.
The girl I want more than life itself is going out with a guy 10 years older than her (17 vs 27). Not to mention a pasty white accountant.
Damn, compared to you, >>8, my shit's all just whiny emo-ism. Keep at it, though! Even if there's a one percent chance, it's still a chance, right?
The girl I want is so shy and introverted, I can't even get her to keep up a conversation for more than a few lines. Being shy and introverted myself, I understand that, but I'm useless at working my way around it. So I just end up sitting in silence no matter how hard I try.
Strangely enough, she opens up a whole lot more when we're doing homework, something she does seem to enjoy doing together. Sometimes she'll become lively enough to show off a bit more of her true self, and she is very funny and intelligent. But later on, she'll be as distant as ever.
And now she's graduated, and is hundreds of kilometer away, and I don't have much of a chance to ever see or talk to her except for the occasional email which mostly goes unanswered.
There's two women I love, for all the wrong reasons (different reasons). Both live on other continents than I do. I don't see myself able to change anything.
If a girl touches my hand and says "we love you anyway", is that like 0.1th base?
I'm so lazy. I'm seriously getting mad at myself here.
From tomorrow on, I shall try to stop being lazy, and start doing homework as soon as I can, instead of in the last minute. I will also do more stuff in my spare-time that i've been promising myself to do.
I was a sort-of hikkikomori for the last one and a half years and now I'm forced to go to college (home school lol) and I don't know how to talk to anybody and I'm all alone.
I hate chemistry! I used to love it along with all other sciences, but now as I advance to higher levels in the field, I can't help but wonder:
For example, in grade 12 courses, we're learning about molecular shape. How the hell can anyone know about the structure and shape of molecules? We're given a ton of rules, then later told that, "Oh, that one is an exception to the rule." To me, it seems like bullshit! Why didn't they tell us about the orbitals inside of shells in the lower grades? Why the big 2,8,8 electron configuration "lie"? One cannot be entirely sure of the formation, but I guess one could create a theory using knowledge of interaction of forces.
On top of it all, students of Canada's education system are adept at helping teachers at their jobs. What is this precisely? Acting as if you understand. Not pointing out inconsistencies in the curriculum. Not pointing out inconsistencies in what the teacher has said.
Yeah, lying about complicated things in order to dumb them down is a pet peeve of mine, but it happens. You just have to assume that anything you learned in high school, someone is going to tell you later on that they just made that up to make the concept seem simpler. If you want to know the truth, you'll probably have to take classes designed for people actually training to be chemists.
> Why the big 2,8,8 electron configuration "lie"?
As a kid I loved chemistry... until I did CHEM 11 & 12. Those two subjects completely destroyed my interest in chemistry.
It was only several years later, when I gave chemistry at uni a chance, that I decided I liked it. One major reason was just how unusual and interesting the atomic world really is (or at least our theories of it).
If they hadn't dumbed down the high-school chemistry curriculum to the point of boring me to tears, who knows what I'd be doing today. Titrations and overly simplified models my ass.
i'm still figuring out whether i made this post and just forgot or if it's my twin out there somewhere
I might start a thread called "Post your HAPPY stuff here" or something soon.
>>5 Too true. Exactly the same here -_-;;;
I think I may have a personal problem... regardless, I'm not very good at explaining emotions, so please try to follow along.
I'm a 14-year-old male living in the province of Quebec. I frequent a French school, and have few friends in real life. While taking the bus to school one morning, I noticed a young 12-year-old girl that looked particularly appealing. She looks somewhat like Sakurai Chizu.
I just don't know how to get her to pay attention to me. I really find her pretty, and I've had a crush on her ever since I saw her. Is it wrong for me to feel this way about such a young girl?
How can I get her to notice me? I can't approach her when her friends are there, since they'll think I'm some pedo, and that'll mess everything up. I'm so confused.
Play some videogames or do your homework or whatever.
i guess she's going to school too? Do u know which school she is from? Have any friends in that school?
People tend to use me as their personal psychiatrist. A lot of stuff is going on that I can't really deal with. Two of my friends (a couple) is on the verge of breaking up and lay all their drama on me. Stress, stress. Heartbreak and heartache.
Also a kid I don't know, but that a lot of my friends were close with, died in a motorcycle accident last Friday.. not quite sure how to behave around my friends about that either... :/
So yeah.. that's basically what I'm worried about at the moment sigh
I don't see how the difference between 14 and 12 would make someone think you're pedopedo.
We're probably twins. Twins with everyone else on this thread.
Anyway, I'm gonna rant some positivity here so bear with me.
I was at a show last night, with that girl I like (I guess she doesn't hate me but I'm practically invisible to her anyway) and the gay guy that introduced me to the girl. I said I was gonna mosh so hard I'd forget everything, but really, all that moshing did was make me remember harder. It's weird, but a really wild moshpit is a good place to think.
What I thought was, I don't care if I'm weak, tactless, have no charisma, or anything. I don't care if I'm invisible to every girl on earth, and I certainly don't care if I tend to think in terms of relationships. It doesn't matter all that much that I just sort of fade out when more than three people are talking. It's not that I'm a complete asshole or anything, it's just that if I let these things sit in my mind too long my personality tends to change for the worse.
And well, I guess it's not like everything I do sucks. I got the number of this girl, a friend of my friends, after we gave her a lift back to her car. We talked a bit during the show, and she nearly picked me up and tossed my ass into the pit once or twice, so I figure it'd rock ass to have more friends to go to shows with.
Ow, shit, my foot still hurts from when it twisted funny after someone fell on it. I gotta limp off to class, anyway. Maybe by then I won't have memories of that show so fresh in my mind, and I'll be back to hating everything.
maybe u need to find someone to talk to?? How are other friends??
generally 14 is past puberty, 12 is pre puberty.
I can empathise. When I do something fun, the world is so great for a few days afterwards and then the memories and the it-actually-happened-i-was-there feeling goes away and I am back to 'normal'.
It's still only 2 years. I don't think it would be -that- big of a deal.
She goes to my school. As this is her first year at this school (same for me), she doesn't know anyone and I barely know anyone. This is a big school, and it's a private one, so if anything got out, I could get expelled easily.
I've never been to a concert in my life.
Time to rant and rant! Please skip this post.
Family. My mom, my dad, and my sister. My mom is a drunk and abusive whore. That's not "she sells herself on the street" that's "she has a new boyfriend every two weeks." They're all idiotic red necks and big burly black men. She has her life completly backwards. Exactly as was said in >>5, she puts things that don't matter at all in front of things like food, and money for schooling, and Gundam models. My mom and I tend to just ignore each other anymore. We've never had a good relationship. My dad. I don't talk to my dad anymore either. He's an abusive pervert. Voyeurism, actually. He also lies. A ton. And he's a selfish fuck! My sister doesn't like me. She's got anger issues and she's violent!
Friends. I have three of them that are worth anything. I can't talk to them, though. I know this is a really fucking retarded stereo type, and it shouldn't be taken seriously, but here are some of the things they're interested in: Violent Movies, PC Games, Playboy Girls, and the Xbox. What's that say? It says that my friends and I do not have any hobbies in common. I'm not saying "SHIT XBOX SUCKS" i'm just saying I have no one to talk about things I enjoy a lot with - we'll be walking down the street and they'll be conversing for awhile about the latest graphics card, but I'll trail behind, almost as though even my best friends don't care much for me. It's nice to have someone to just talk about trivial things with, you know? Passed that, though, they're assholes even deeper. If I buy a figure, or if I tell them I found a new series I really like and it has anything to do with a love story, they'll punch me and ridicule me for it. I know liking that kind of shit is "weird" or whatever, but they don't need to be such assholes about it! A bit deeper, they don't give a shit about my accomplishments. I can't tell them "hey, i'm learning C++!" because it's something they're interested in, and if i'm not as good as them (or even if i'm better than them, but just not perfect), they'll put me down and find something to make fun of me of. Just because apparently I'm dumb and will never amount to anything, ever. And even deeper... well, here's an example. I can't talk to them about any sort of emotional problem ever. Here, I log AIM conversations, so have a read. Please note, this was from (at the time) the only relationship I had ever enjoyed, the longest relationship with the sweetest girl I was ever involved with, who also enjoyed anime. She broke up with me, and here's what my best friend had to say about it:
[16:57:08] Me: Or if
[16:57:11] Me: I dunno.
[16:57:58] Friend: I don't know when your freaking drama is going to end
[16:58:06] Friend: if I videotaped through your window
[16:58:10] Friend: I could sell it on SOAPnet
Now this was only after one paragraph of complaining because the best thing that ever happened to me and gave me happiness left me.
Summed up: My friends are fun, but when it really comes down to it, they're not that great.
Love. I'm fortunate right now. I'm in the best and longest relationship I've ever been in. Next to the one above, which looking back on it, wasn't very good. At the time though, it was priceless. Anyway, i've got a sweet, funny, caring, attrative, smart girlfriend. What else could I possibly want in life?
The chance to see her face would be nice. We met on IRC. Now I've got proof she's not a 50 year old man (phone conversations, webcams), but she wants to finish college before we meet up. That's about 6 more years of me waiting, which I can handle (especially for her) but I don't need to handle it since we could be together within the next two. Yeah, I'm actually very young. Regardless, this is the best and longest relationship I've ever been in, but lately we're kind of "drifting apart", just because we haven't been talking a lot lately. I'm the kind of person who longs for affection and hugs pillows all night, so waiting like this is hard for me. This part of my life is probably the best right now, though.
School and Social Life. Don't exist. I'm homeschooled now, one of the factors being my peers. I was always kind of shy, but I got along pretty well with everyone. Then I had a bad injury and was out for a whole year. Everything went to shit. people completly fucking forgot I existed. When I returned, a year later, I probably got "welcome back" from one or two people. My best friends have deemed me completly and absolutely anti-social, and it's for me to talk to anyone anymore, even store clerks.
If you read this, you're probably really bored. This is my first time ranting like this a long, long time though, and it actually helped. Thanks for taking the time to read this very long, and mega-boring post. Hey, if I'm lucky there'll be a pretty girl on a bus, and a drunk will step on. . .
That's a huge post! We should probably make the size limit for posts smaller.
Wow, friends like that sound really tough! I know what you mean when you talk about friends like that. However, they sound like nerds, and them insulting you for doing thigns like learning C++ is somewhat contradictory. Am I right to guess that they're probably also the insecure, elitist types? From your description, they seem quite immature. I have a nerdy friend who thinks it is cool to go around calling other people "noobs" (irl, yes it's very lame). He is serious about his 'leetness, and takes it with him. Today, he said "lol" at the teacher. He thinks 4chan's /b/ is funny because the people are like him. In any case, I can tell he's insecure in his life because he's unpopular, his parents put heavy stress on him, etc, so I pity him a bit. My other close friends (a jock, as well as some of the stereotypical "semi-popular" kids) are all more confident with who they are, and that makes them more able to respect others and listen to others.
However, I still haven't found a place to talk about more intimate thoughts (other than online anonymity). I can't talk to them about the finer points of life, but I can talk to them and be respected at least. I can talk about how I thought Haibane Renmei was a good series, or how I liked Chobits.
Are you learning C++ for yourself or for them? So while your family is difficult to change, you can always find new friends who respect you! This might be difficult, however :( But you always have 4-ch!
But don't pay me much heed! I'm just ranting away too :D And I'm not an expert myself. The best piece of advice I can give to anyone in this thread is what I once learned from Anonymous, "Anything you do is inconsequential." If you think about this, it can give you an infinite amount of courage. So what if a girl laughs and turns you down? So what if you don't get that job interview? Apply yourself, or do nothing at all, because in the end it doesn't change much! Live life, and enjoy it :) I know I've been able to more readily enjoy life adhering to this philosophy~~
>>33 is DQN
He'd have to use up 2+ posts to post it then, idiot!
i'm completely, stupidly in love with this guy I met about two weeks ago (having started university recently). we're on the same course and he lives near me, so we see each other all the time. oh, and i'm gay, but i don't think he is. and even if he was, he wouldn't be interested in me, because I'm so very boring.
Yes, you are.
I thought gay people lived exciting, colourful lives?
He is a gay otaku, of course! Welcome to our website. Enjoy BL games.
yes, they are eltist jerks. One has an e-penis the size of xbox itself.
I also have a friend like the one you mentioned. He only wears T-Shirts from ThinkGeek, his idol is Largo of Megatokyo, and his greeting IRL is "j0." however, i have no pity for him, since he's an idiot in general and he's got it pretty good.
I'm learning C++ for myself.
I'm looking forward to meeting a nice friend, but the ones I have now, despite being assholes, I've known for years and years. Really, they are fun to be around, just not to really talk to, if that makes much sense. Can't have any sort of a serious conversation with them, they're kind of 4chan's /b/, but I highly perfer, say, /a/, because I'd rather have a good discussion.
I wish a technique like that worked for me "i've got nothing to lose", "I can do whatever I want", "it's only life, live it and take chances!" but I end up choking or backing out at the last second. Thanks for the advice.
Goodluck! That's about all I can say to you since I don't have much experince with this type of thing. Sorry. You don't have to much to lose by just asking! Hopefully you're not as shy as me. IF you are, write an email or send a letter! I'm sure he'd understand. If he isn't gay, then I'm very sorry :(
I have a solution for you. I have a friend who knows everyone she's met by accident, whether running into them on the street or (in my case) meeting them on a Pokemon forum. So, don't look for new friends at school.
∧ ∧__ Can I be friends with you?
/(*゚ー゚) /\
/| ̄ U U ̄|\/
| しぃ .|/
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
pah, the moment you realize your friends are idiots they aren't really your friends anymore
or you can just get a new set of friends, it's easier than it seems you know
Yeah, but friendships are so valuable because they don't last forever, so making them last is one of the key issues about them. Sometimes you don't need to do anything but other times you have to make compromises.
Ugh, I hate people's drama, too. I've just started to block all the drunk rich kids and stupid whory people out.
I'm bisexual, moreso gay. I'm part of the odder (read: not media stereotype) side of things - I like masculine men, etc etc. I won't go into it in detail because you'd be grossed out. Anyway, I'm an introvert and wish for a caring, dominant, and (maybe) loving partner. All masculine men in the UK are chavs, and all my friends are straight (and some, unfortunately like >>41).
So why must things be so hard? - I don't want to approach anyone (m or f) and even so, it seems there's no one for me to approach (m)!
thanks for your support.
but yeah, I am horribly shy. and the problem with me mentioning anything to him is that it would probably create a massively uncomfortable situation for the next three years.
i might just wait a while and see if i can find out for sure which way he swings without explicitly asking.
That's a good idea. Good luck, once again! Hope all goes well.
I am hikikomori. Both my parents are elderly (55+, I am 17) so even when I was younger we never did anything as a family because they were always tired. My dad has a bad job with low pay and is home maybe two nights a month, my mom can't work and can barely afford to pay bills, credit card debt, can't stop smoking and that adds up etc.
I am in my room all day playing games and watching anime, I need to go back to school before early next year because I don't know if I'll be able to so easily after I'm 18. I failed one year because of other problems and when repeating that year I couldn't stand my classmates. I tried to get a transfer but it was denied because of where I live (technically limbo because of my address [one county] doesn't match where the house actually is [another county], thanks government!) I really want to move to another state and sort-of "start over" but because of money problems that isn't an option.
I stay fit because I eat healthy and do get exercise but that is not enough. I need to return to school and get a job but I cannot figure out where to start. Introversion is hard to shed, that and my shyness/indeciciveness is what I think holds me back. When I look at this it seems like I'm just lazy but I don't feel this way at all.
Don't blame the government! If you're a lazy ass, that's your own fault.
That sounds pretty rough, but you're young, if you earnestly work on it, you should be able to work it all out. Good luck!
...oh, I finally get it.
I'm sorry to hear this.
You really should just start getting your life back together. Buckle down and do it, you know? There's not much more you can do. This is life, and you're living it! So while you still have the chance, fix things, get any job at all (its money), then turn 18 and move to your own apartment. Attend a college or community college, and live a semi-poor student life (they're not much fun, but assuming you at least get anime for free, it's really not that bad!) and then emerge with some kind of degree. Go into a job field and live life contently.
You have to start now, though. Get back in school and do what you need to, or you'll be regretting it the rest of your life.
I need to follow my own advice.
Indeed. Omae mona!
Well, it's good to hear you're staying fit. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to fixing it as well. I was in a similar situation in my senior year (only with less anime/games and more lying in bed and starting at the cieling all day) but thankfully I didn't fail and was able to pull through for the end of school.
Best advice I've got really is to find someone to talk to about it. I wasn't able to pull myself out alone, I had someone keep tabs on me to make sure I was doing the things I needed to do. It doesn't have to be professional or anything either, I got lots of good help from a Nurse at my school.
So yeah, try to find someone you can trust, set some goals for every week or so (like job hunting in so-and-so area, looking into what you need to do to finish school, etc) and see that those goals get met. I also found it very nice to have someone to talk to who wasn't a family member or someone that 'knew' me.
Hope you pull through, don't give up!
he's straight. but i still love him. if anything, after tonight i love him even more. shit.
Sorry to hear it. I can't imagine what being in a situation like that must be like.
I can at least relate to how it feels to love and be unloved back. I went through that for four years.
I am deeply sorry. I wish you the best. Here is a problem of mine that you might have too: in relationships, while i'm in them, they're the best ever, i'm hooked, even when they're in reality, not that great. It's that way with people too. When I fall in love, I fall hard. But I need to realize there are other people in the world. Other people that would love me back, too. I just need to wait for them, and find them one day magically. Hey, it happens.
So don't be down. It's kind of like "there are other fish in the sea" but less, I don't know, asshole-ish.
I truly hope the best for you! I wish I could be of more help.
"There's enough love in the world to power Seattle!"
That's what I propose we replace that line with.
This is my problem. Completely. All of my problems would be totally minimizable if I could just get organized, man.
Man. I've been on both sides of this relationship. It sucks, and it's hard to deal with. As long as you can keep yourself together things will work out. It seems like a good excuse to let yourself go crazy for a while, but don't. Stay on your feet and keep going. And yes, you have to just deal, but that doesn't mean that it isn't really fucking hard, and that's okay.
(Don't mind me, the last time I was on the "spurned" end of this relationship, one of the more damaging things that happened, I think, was they said "You know, it's not like you're the only person who's every been rejected." That and the whole "I'm really interested in you and I think you're a really great person to be around and I hope you'll be one of my best friends", followed by essentially ignoring me unless their significant other was too drunk to pay attention to them. But I oversimplify and digress ... )
<- 16 years old, male, lolicon, slightly attracted to hot jrock guys, suicidal, umm... lives with mother. =D
Few days ago I got the nerve to talk to a shy, quiet, small, cute looking freshman girl. I just walk up to her and say hi. Next day I wave to her and she actually waves backs o.0; I don't even know her name lol.
I laughed & cried @ >>65
Lucky. Continue small gestures of kindness and befriend her. Being a freshman is never very fun.
I'm just making this post for myself, really. I'll keep it short instead of my usual 3 paragraphs in this thread.
With my girlfriend so far away,
my friends such assholes,
my family not caring,
all i need is affection, really. From anyone. Like. In real life.
Pay a hooker.
>>65 reminds me of me when i was 16... 6 months later i was dumped by a freshman girl and tried to kill myself twice
Is there some kind of job where you have to punch overly emotive, suicidal teenagers in the face?
Is there some kind of job where you have to punch >>72 in the face?
Not that I know of, sorry.
how should i react to that my friends talk bad about one of my other friend.
Question their motives.
Obviously that person is mean in general. Avoid him and make better friends with the one being made fun of.
What do you do when you've got someone harassing you in a thread?
(not on 4-ch.net).
Ahh. The hazards of being a tripfag... Pretty funny, the only place I'm doing any tripfagging, and a troll decides to target me to make the entire board suffer.
Had it been personal attacks, i would have easily been able to cope. But nope, it's just tons and tons of copy paste spam, shoving my name into the insults.
Ignore him.
I do that easily and already did. Problem being that the others are getting pretty annoyed even though it's not my fault. =/
Then try to divert the other's attention from the troublemaker, or at least from giving attention to the troublemaker directly.
Silly example, but remember how the people at a-ch dealt with Sakurai as he tried to pass himself of as Densha? They ignored him and then, as he was persistent, talked about him as if he wasn't present, then moved on to a new topic.
The best way to avoid trouble (if you are not a moderator or an admin) online is really to ignore the troublemakers or move the attention away from them because all they usually want is attention and outrage.
If that doesn't help you can still contact a moderator/admin about it (personally is sometimes better than publically in this regard).
Of course, sometimes the troublemakers will give themselves attention, even if it's just one single person, thus luring others into participating ("reverse meta-trolling": http://4-ch.net/net/kareha.pl/1112960050/70-73)
Because of this type of problems, some anonymous board software have the ability to reveal a poster's IP (in all of his posts) if he makes too many posts in a certain timeframe (as evidenced here: http://cerealandmilk.net/iichan/img/res/543.html#1022), but I don't think Kareha or Wakaba have this feature (yet).
Thanks, a lot. Most grateful for the help.
I'm worried that if I start playing FFXI again, my social life, as well as my school grades, will go to hell. But I'm starting anyway.
Bump bump bump up and over all those other crappy threads!
My school is having a job fair tomorrow, and considering I'll graduate in the spring, I'll be going to see what there is to see. The thing that worries me is that I don't feel like I've learned a lot of specific technical skills in college, and when companies ask me what I'm good at, what am I supposed to tell them? orz
Lie like you've never been lying before!
I am a roundworm living in 82's body.
I am sorry 82 had made this worthless post.
He is a born loser, but he has a big appetite, seldom wash his hands, always be filthy. That made his body our paradise.
Thanks to him, I have grown up to 2.2 meters long.
But one day 82 had bad diarrhea because he was teased on 4-ch.
He washed away my little brother Kenta from his bowels. Poor Kenta! He was only eight centimeters long then.
Normally 82 has enough nourishment to feed me and all my brothers and sisters.
I don't want to see my little sister Haruna lament the loss of other family member.
Ladies and gentlemen, 82 is a good-for nothing fellow, indeed, but pleas be kind to him.
Me and this girl I which went in the same class as me last year have been talking a lot over the internet lately, and I wish I could see her somehow, but I don't think I would make a good impression IRL. Other problems is that her ex lives pretty near me, and I don't want to get in any trouble with him (not that i'm afraid of him.)
Boohoo :(
You're a pussy and a lazy slob.
Your laziness prevents you from building up the required courage.
I don't understand.
Confidence comes from the belief in one's own powers. You can only truly exercise your powers through activity. It doesn't matter whether these will be futile or not Trying (something, anything) constantly will build up your confidence.
And try to follow this maxim: The hard way is always the better one (except in design).
This is a bad maxim for literal-minded people, who will always be able to find yet another even harder way!
Those are called philosophers. Leave them be, they are sensitive creatures.
http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1129365799 <- kind of relevant, if DQN ^_^
so either they don't know (leaving me back where i started) or they don't care. fucking brilliant.
Matrices, while a great invention, are quite annoying to complete by hand. If you make a slight mistake, it could take you quite a long time of re-checking to find it! I get so angry with myself when I try to find an error in a matrix problem, only to discover I wrote down the wrong question! Arg!
[ 1 2 1 | 12]
[ 2 -1 1 | 5 ]
[ 3 1 -2 | 1 ]
what are the titles of these songs?
Mezase Mosukuwa by Genghis Khan (looks like)
Gasolina Remix by DADDY YANKEE (f/ Pitbull, N.O.R.E., Lil' Jon)
I discovered 4-ch several days ago and have become addicted to it, but there are not enough posts for my liking. What can I possibly do about this?
Post more (or lurk more).
I am just posting to say that I have worked all my problems out and realized how lucky I am. I have good friends. I love my girlfriend.
However, I have new problems. School and education, mainly. My homeschooling program isn't quite going as planned. But I'll figure something out. Thanks, to all who have given words of support to me! See you in more threads.
>>92, continue talking with her, and eventually, you'll become comfortable with yourself.
Otherwise, try to find a way to gain confidence, like Densha did.
Well, for starters, I just turned 18. And turning 18 is supposed to be the point in your life where everything really gets started. You've become an adult, you go to college, or you get a job... You at least do something, but I don't see myself doing something.
Saying that I'm just not a very social person would be a nice way of putting it, but it's more than that... I'm really terrible around people. In pretty much every situation where I encounter a human being who is'nt myself, I'm more than a little inadequate to say the least.
I've practically reached shut-in status right now. It's probably been at least a month, maybe more, since I last left the house to do anything. And even when I actually do leave the house, it's very umcomfortable for me. Even walking a couple blocks can seem overwhelming. It's really difficult for me... I worry about every little mannerism of mine, and I always kinda think that people are noticing them, thinking about what a total loser I am. So I nit-pick whatever is I'm doing, and often I think I draw attention to myself because of this. I try hard not to look at anyone, but eventually, I feel I have to look or else I'll look silly staring only at the ground, so I look quickly then look away.
Saying stuff like this, it makes me feel pretty small... I just really don't feel like an adult, and I obviously don't act like an adult, either... I don't even look like an adult, I look 14-15 tops. I'm like 120 lbs., I have a younger sister who even weighs more than me.
But, I guess my life's not that bad, though. I know that a lot of people have it 100x worse than I do. And maybe if I was 14-15, I'd be pretty content with everything the way it is, but I'm not anymore, I'm 18, and everything's the same as it was when I was that age. I think that's my biggest problem right now.
I have whatever you have. It sucks. To fix it, just analyse your problem and its symptoms, and then.... do the things that scare you. You know what I mean!
I feel similar to you. I feel inferior until I'm initiated into conversation then my mind frees up and I stop thinking about that kind of thing. I have a problem initating myself into a social group (of friends, etc) but once it happens I seem to lighten up and forget about it.
Pretty much what you described also applies to me. Something something something sad conclusion.
I don't see what the big deal is. I'm nearly 18 and I'm not bothered about being alone for the rest of my life.
I think it's a curse or something.
It's such a pain to get motivated to do things. I've missed 2 days of school. I have the homework from the last day I attended, plus presumably 2 days of homework that I wasn't there to receive. And yet, I'm not doing any of it! I must start it, very soon, what the hell is my problem?
You are supposed to post about your problems in this thread, not to go around asking other people what your problems are. Show a bit more sensibility!
Don't feel bad, >>116 . I'm not doing my homework either.
mmm... I know what you mean.
I have a speech to read tomorrrow (that I haven't written yet) Trig homework assignments from the last week (not really that hard, though I haven't started) and C++ 2 assignments, that I also haven't started on... all due tomorrow.
And I'm too lazy to start.
Oddly enough, this semester It's been hard to motivate myself... but I still have A averages, since I usually finish stuff on time (at the last minute.)
The world is full of people who aren't doing their homework.
I googled Avoidant Personality Disorder, and I skimmed a couple articles... And it sounds like me, I guess. Then again a lot of articles sound like me.
And I know you're right about confronting the problem head-on. That's not to say that I have the will to do so right now, but I'm aware I can't just wait around for some magic answer to emerge.
But unfortunately, I can't seem to lighten up, and forgetting about my worries seems like an impossibility at times. I used to be kind of like that, though. I was just shy with new people, and once I got to know them, I was able to open up a little bit. ( still wasn't outgoing, though ) But now it's different, I'm even fearful of familiar faces.
If you start a blog and promote it well you can become famous as the first American hikikomori.
Or you can join the Army, you wuss.
I keep skipping lectures for stupid reasons ... mostly because I just can't wake up in the morning. I know it's hurting me schoolwise, but I'm still living in the delusion that I'll be okay like I always did in previous terms, but it's getting worse ... I've already had to drop a course (the first time I've ever done something that drastic) because I didn't know enough material from lectures to pass a midterm (or so I felt).
It's annoying, I need to start waking up earlier and feel more motivated about school, I feel horrible already because my parents are mostly paying for university (when I could just move to a different one for free tuition, because my mom works there, but I just like this one better)
It's just so ... meh ...
>>123 Try not to sign up for early morning classes. They are your doom.
>>123 and you could also benefit from a psychologist. Lots of universities provide free ones.
I need to start working on my org. behavior paper. It's fall break, after all. But I'm tool lazyyyyyyy...
I've been centemplating ending my life for quite a while.
Diagnoised with major depression several years ago, having gone through the worst of it....Still things aren't getting any better.
A constructive lifestyle -- having a career, being able to socialize and make connections, etc. seems so unreal to me, something of a hikikomori who can't even hold on to old friendships.
For the last 2 months I've shut myself in this tiny apartment, occasionally going out to the nearby convenience store only to buy food and drink. I download anime but let most of the files pile up unwatched because even watching anime makes me tired.
I feel like I'm dying an excruciatingly slow death.
God knows when was the last time I felt healthy or happy.
Suicide is no stranger to me. I've cut my wrist twice. The second time it was a real deep cut. Just a little deeper it could've done permanent damage. Numerous overdoses of sleeping pills out of suicidal urges also. Alas, these methods simply aren't lethal at all.
Now, the most efficient way out of this misery seems to be jumping off the building. 8 floors should be high enough. It takes serious guts, though. Just a month ago I overdosed some tranquilizers and then walked up to the roof to see if I could overcome the fear, but somehow it didn't work.
If only I can get a gun, which unfortunately is almost impossible in this country, everything should be a whole lot easier....
Everybody has problems, but everyone has their own ways to overcome them. Are you trying to say that you're one of the few who can't handle life? Life is precious, and by trying to end yours, you're wasting what so many others want to have, but can't have.
Think not only about yourself, but for others as well. What would happen to your loved ones if you really did take your own life? Wouldn't they be devastated?
Think of other people; the caring father who dies in an industrial accident, the teacher who is killed in a car crash, the loving son who drowns in the river. How much they would have given to get back what you're trying to throw away so callously.
Think about it.
key for >>130 is to find something that makes him or her happy.
If they can't do that, then the best thing to do is to do something WEIRD that no one else does.
Pack up and move to Mongolia, and live out in the fields as a transient.
Go to Nigeria and become a pirate. Or conversly, go to Italy and become a sailor.
Go to Australia and convince an aborigine to take you on as apprentice, to continue the caretaking of the bush.
If you don't care about your life or your safety, there's lots of neat things you can go out and do.
>>130 take some cyanide
If I were like you, I'd do a bunch of illegal things before suicide. Make sure you have a definite and quick method of suicide before you get caught by police and sent to jail for years. But the list of illegal things you could do are innumerable, and once you start to do the more serious ones, there is no turning back. It'll force you into either suicide or jail time, and perhaps suicide will be the friendlier of the choices. You wanna go down in history right? Everyone wants their existance validated. Well, at least I do, so it's always a potential plan one day.
Ah, if only it were possible to do just one thing in your life that you've always wanted, but couldn't because of the consequences ... yet just this once be guaranteed none.
Personally i think committing suicide is the cowards way out. You cant handle your problems so you just end them. It's pathetic your just gonna give up trying because your failing at the moment?
even if you failed your whole life, there's always time to make up for it. Just go do something, get off your ass. It's hard at first, but if you socialize a bit more it'd feel a bit better. I am kind of in the same position as you but not nearly as extreme. Suicide is pretty dumb. I completly agree with >>132. And don't listen to >>135, it's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
I don't mean to throw so many insults around in this post, but I feel that you need to get up and get going. Find something that suits you, okay? If you commit suicide, we'll all be sad.
No we won't. We'll never know it. And more, I personally don't care if he lives or dies.
His life is for him to enjoy, not for us to moan over. If he thinks suicide will make him happier, go for it.
Um. There is no concept of "happy" for someone who's dead.
>>130 I agree with >>133. In a sense, you've been able to fully renounce yourself -- something which not many people manage to do. But once a person renounces himself if he has nothing within him to move him to action then he simply descends into nihilism. We can't find what makes us happy. That's what we're sold in this society: buy this, accomplish these goals, adore these people and you'll be content. If we're looking for something to make us happy, then we're simply reactive creatures that do naught but responding to stimulus: even bacteria do that; hell, even a ball rolls if you kick it. Once the event occurs that triggers our awakening to the injustice and pettiness of the ordinary life that is sold us, it's easy for us to recognize the meaninglessness of such a life. Perhaps your depression and suicidal thoughts are the key to a positive but radical transformation of your mind.
As humans gifted with free will we have the power to take initiative and create our happiness. It doesn't come from any passive involvement in things: the fact that you don't even watch the anime you download shows that you recognize this truth. It's ok that you're not interested in these things, because to you they probably seem vacuous. They may have rewarded you in the past, but now you recognize the futility in seeking happiness through material things.
The problem you are experiencing is that you haven't yet come to understand what to go about doing that will truely create your meaning in life. When we have nothing then we are empowered to do everything. What do you have to lose? If you don't know how to reduce your own suffering now, maybe you can go and help those who suffer from the simple things that we take for granted: those who have no food, no clothing, no shelter, no education or opportunities. Recognizing what we have, it's pointless to sit and feel guilty over the things we have been blessed with. Maybe you aren't starving, but your suffering is still real. I think that going out and simply helping people--and not only meeting their material needs, but giving them the connection that you desire and that they crave--will be a remarkable experience for you.
I understand some of what you've been through. I never reached the point that you have, but I struggled for many years with a huge void of meaninglessness inside of me. It's hard to convey to others why, even though we have so many material comforts, we still feel depressed. Simply create your meaning. Get up, get out, and take action. Isn't that worth a try?
>>141 well written
>Once the event occurs that triggers our awakening to the injustice and pettiness of the ordinary life that is sold us, it's easy for us to recognize the meaninglessness of such a life.
I'm at this stage about now, but still plenty of time to experiment with life.
>>138, why is >>135 just about the stupidest thing you ever heard? If you're going for suicide, you might as well make something of the whole ordeal. I'd rather be considered a nutcase than someone who's too weak and just gives up on life. Or maybe a giant scheme of revenge to ruin the life of your most hated enemy (provided you have one), then once accomplished die in peace. There are various ways to commit suicide, and if you must, maybe be original and not take the classic way out?
One might argue that hurting others is a terrible thing, but as >>141 roughly said, "create meaning in your life".
>>143 While suffering can be transformative, purposely causing suffering to another is never a justifiable thing to do. If we choose to be vengeful or to destroy then we have simply returned to an economic mode of living. By economic I mean that we have returned to that meaninglessness that our society presses upon us: that we're all just objects to be used for one another's pleasure--that all we are is a consumer driven by animal emotions and feelings. Contrary to what Mouse in The Matrix says (that our impulses make us human) our humanity consists of our ability to deny our impulses and to decide what is better. >>130 has finally reached a stage of selflessness (although it's manifesting in an improper way) and you would have him re-establish his ego, to return to what drove him here in the first place? To do good works in service of another is to renounce our ego--to make ourselves into judge and declare the value of another's life is to make us all numbers, including ourselves!
I see now that I need to clarify the phrase "create your meaning" that I used. For me, it has a specific context that I failed to evoke, and I apologize for that. Meaning is rooted in truth; there is no meaning aside from truth. The creation of our meaning is how we choose to respond to truth, how we make that truth manifest. If our meaning is something that is soley our creation, then its essentially just an arbitrary goal that we've set. Without knowing truth, how can we seek to act in this world? Creating our meaning means interacting with and discovering truth. What is suffering? What is purpose? What is justice? What is humanity?
Our society places us in such a powerful mode of relativism that we're essentially nihilists: "I'm ok, you're ok, just seek out your individual happiness like an animal, we have no responsibilities towards one another." "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." Our popular culture has even devolved into making religion into either an agent of the status quo or a tool for our own egocentric happiness. Go to church because you'll develop a strong social network. Go do yoga because it's good for your muscles and body. Go do meditation because it will reduce your level of stress. Never mind that the church is the Body of Christ that calls us to love and forgive one another, never mind that yoga is about seeking union with the divine through physical and mental discipline, never mind that meditation is about transcending our simple self-centeredness to recognize the great sense of being in the world and the interdependence of all its elements. Never mind responsibility! Never mind being challenged! Now we just have fads of Qabalah and Zen*, we have a buffet of interesting ideas where we can arbitrarily declare our own truth as it is convenient for us. Truth has become a playground for our creativity, but we're all miserable because as finite human beings we can't create truth, we can only discover it.
I use the phrase "create your meaning" because too many people expect everything to fall into place without any action. Saints don't fall down from Heaven, the Bhagavad Gita wasn't found lying on a street corner, and the Dalai Lama doesn't just sit around all day. Truth is something that we have to engage. This is why I stayed away from "go find meaning," because that implies that we can just look around and say, "Oh, there it is." It's much more difficult than that. But I will tell you this: even from the beginning of this struggle, you will begin to cultivate a sense of joy. No longer that cycle of happiness and suffering subject to the whims of the day (or as >>143 said, a total inability to experience happiness), but a real, true sense of joy within you. Joy is distinct from happiness. It's not about having something or being somewhere, it's about doing something and being someone. You will be frusterated as you encounter so many conflicting ideas, you will be angry as you fail to live up to the example of those you admire, you will still have to work and eat and sleep. But underlying all this will be a simple sense of joy and a profound sense of responsibility. And someday, if you struggle for truth with openness and honesty and sincerity, you will find home.
*Note: I'm not insulting Qabalah or Zen; just saying that they've been bastardized by popular culture.
I live in southern Ohio.
Have you ever lived in southern Ohio?
When I act like myself everyone (including my MOTHER) is embarassed to introduce me to other people, but when I try to pretend for the sake of getting along I'm miserable and I hate myself and I hate everyone around me.
All I want is for people to quit nagging me. I haven't answered my phone in days.
>>144 He has, but in the wrong way. He's selfless in that he doesn't value his life. Since he doesn't value his life and isn't tied down by passion for the world, he's free to do what he needs to in order to overthrow this world. What he needs to arrive at is to be selfless but with a proper sense of being and an understanding of the value and purpose of his life.
What would be a non-asshat way to tell my aunt to stop downloading so much weird shit on her computer? It breaks randomly and runs like molasses in winter, and I'm the one who has to fix it afterwards. -__-
You should probably act like yourself.
Maybe you could analyse your behavior and figure out what truly is no good to do in public, and what your mother and others are just idiots about.
There's nothing wrong with changing how you act if something you do makes the people you're introduced to uncomfortable.
At the same time, don't let them push you around about it.
it looks like we all are around the same age and have similar type problems. I am also hikkikomori, no education, masturbating all day infront of my comp, suffering from ocd, and in a state of constant fear all the time. And i dont want to step outside because looking at how other people are living and the way of life outside make me sick.
but do you know what i think is going on? I think all teenage human beings are 'cursed' or must go through this phase of terrible suffering due to certain chemicals that have to change for teenagers to become adults. The changing of these chemicals and cells causes an imbalance in the body, and so that is why we are all angry or sad about life.
And i bet one day we will wake up and suddenly feel fine again, and realize how retarded we were. This would mark when all the cells and chemicals in our body have finished changing and doing its business, so we regain balance.
whatever we are scared worried angry about is completely meaningless to a person whos chemicals are balanced. Thats why you see adults or older people having that urge to punch depressed teenagers in the face telling them to wake up.
so just wait for the chemicals to finish doing its thing, for now just do what you think you will have fun doing. if you like staying home then stay home until you get kicked out, if you hate the place you live in then do whatever possible to run away. if you like to worry then keep on worrying. This post is too long
That's an interesting thought. We all think that when we go from elementary>highschool, we're "all grown up", become mature, and so forth, but until we actually reach 25+ we cannot say we've fully developed or even experienced a tiny portion of the world. Well, those of us in this situation reading this thread will come to some kind of understanding in the years to come, hopefully.
I want to ask all the hikikomori in the thread, what degree of hikikomori are you? Do you never leave your room? Or is it "never leave your house?" If I were ever to become hikikomori (that is if they didn't kick me out / to a pyschiatrist / to a job interview) they would certainly not cater to me and bring me food and so forth.
Also, those of you without university degrees / other certifications, do you find happiness doing perhaps mundane jobs? Any job is realistically a chore. I don't want to be tied down by any certain thing; I figure I'll go to university for software degree, but if I didn't get accepted I'd go to Japan as part of a student work program. Traveling to many countries might be nice, and I could potentially spend my life going from place to place. But how difficult is your life without a degree?
Having only recently learned of hikikomori, it's hard to say what degree I am. However, I do think my case is pretty severe. Unlike some hikikomori, I do leave my room, but I only venture out of the house when I absolutely have to, like in a situation where I'm backed into a corner and have no choice.
No one seems to think of me as hikikomori, or a shut-in, it seems more like they just think of me as reserved, despite the length of time I spend in my room. I think if I told them how I felt, they'd think I was being melodramatic, so I don't see myself speaking up about it. And I also don't see my family mentioning anything, either. They haven't really been pressuring me to look for a job or go to college, even though I am 18 years old now, and should be doing those things.
>>151 are you aware of the fact that you id almost says 'Upper' i'd like to think that this is a sign from god
Yeah, it's almost like Upper Quarter 3: Lite
or Lite 3rd Upper Quarter. Amazing!
I think it would be dangerous to put oneself too easily into a stereotypical role, such as otaku or hikikomori. The risk lies with the excuse it can form to avoid certain parts of life that you feel uncomfortable with. It seems to me that most of the people here are in their late teens, going into tweens. Especially for those people, as >>150 not incorrectly points out, there are a lot of hormonal changes, plus that expectations by others usually change without being voiced. These changes may very well cause confusion about the world.
I have experienced this myself as well, and I mean that your view of the world is easier shaken (perhaps for the better!) However, as mentioned earlier, this relativating society makes it very difficult to adjust your views to more logical ones. In my case, I found it very difficult to postulate any goals or aims to guide my life to, because consciously or subconsciously I had refused them for being pointless. I would like to have a point in my life. I think all people do.
The result of having no acceptable goals (I tried to force some upon myself, but to no avail) was pure lethargy, and severe difficulties with conducting my studies as it was very easy to be distracted - after all I would be virtually indifferent between reading a comic book and passing an exam.
From this point on I am only a voice, as I have only very recently started this: I have finally found aims that are noble enough to attempt and challenging enough to last a lifetime. I think it will be easier to live when having strong acceptable goals as people with actual goals are willing and able to change themselves and their environment
Some simple advice, just in case: find a good brand of multi-vitamin pills, and take them regularly.
If you're low in something essential it can make you feel pretty miserable, and that's the last thing you need if you're already feeling depressed.
>>155 Exactly!
Having a goal is the single most important thing one can do to stave off depression.
It's really the only thing you can do. EVERYONE has a goal. If they don't, they become depressed and eventually suicide.
Keep in mind:
Only when you feel you have no control over your situation, does the urge to commit suicide overtake you.
It will seem to be the one thing you can do to take control over your life. It is logical.
Thus! to avoid committing suicide, give yourself control over your life in another way.
> Having a goal is the single most important thing one can do to stave off depression.
Pfft. Trying is the first step towards failure. Everyone knows that.
(._. )
I'm 21. I'm in the kind of family where money comes in automatically every month by the virtue of the good business sense of my long-deceased grandfather.
I've spent about 3 years (non-consecutive) living the shut-in lifestyle, alone in a small apartment. My mother has lived the last 20 years that way.
I really want to do something with my life, getting better habits and all that, and I probably could gather the willpower to do just that, but I have no incentive, nothing to push me forward, and trying was to spark change suddenly don't work. I set objectives, but I procrastinate too much.
I don't have real friends and can't get help from my family (I'm in bad terms with my father and don't know him much, and the rest of my family has no authority at all over me, but I am in good terms with them).
I'm gonna move in to another house for various reason in about 4 months. I want to have better habits by then so that the new environment helps me to sustain more efforts, but I have not done much yet to improve myself :(.
You could always volunteer or help out some random community event around the place that you are going to. You don't have to go crazy thinking of an idea on how to become more active and other people will notice you by what you are doing. And since you have established that you aren't in a huge money crisis, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
The problem is not really thinking any of this stuff out, it's getting my stupid lazy ass out to do stuff. What you said is right, I'm going for ~10 days in the city where I'll live in two weeks, I'll try to see what is organized there.
I was going to post a long and emo rant but after reading some of your stories i don't feel the need anymore. THANKS
Also, i'm a very boring person and have no idea how to make friends or become an intresting and fun person
my university semester has finished. people are starting to go home for christmas, and early next week i'll be going home too. the problem is i have no friends at home. i have no job, since i don't need money, because i don't have any friends and therefore don't go out. also i'm lazy. my life at uni isn't perfect by any means, but it's way better than what i used to have, and i really don't want to go back to it. i'll really miss certain people too (well, one in particular).
so, basically, i'll just spend the next 3 or so weeks feeling shitty like i did in the summer. by the end of that i was too depressed to do anything other than lie on the couch watching crappy stand-up or whichever channel happened to be showing an episode of scrubs.
i think it might have something to do with my parents splitting up as well. they never really got on for the past few years, so everyone's technically better off now they aren't together anymore, but they also kind of cancelled each other out. spending a lot of time with my mum just tends to depress me. but yeah, probably less to do with her in particular and more the lack of human interaction other than her and occasionally the guy in the petrol station if i run out of dr. pepper.
Everyone has something to offer the world... I bet you have interesting knowledge or hobbies, but you just don't consider them to be interesting.
Well, as long as you are a reasonably nice person you have something to offer. Don't strive to be the best of the best or the greastest and most fun guy in the world, because maybe that just isn't your strong suit. Making friends is one of those things that can be difficult and awkward, but the best advice I could give is find a club or group of people that share your interests. Friendships come easily that way.
Yeah, take vitamins and EAT WELL. I don't think people realize how much diet and activity level has to do with happiness. Seriously. Physical hobbies will definitely help. Learn the bo staff or something!
I'm on the same boat dude. Well maybe I don't feel as bad as you, but still I have tried to commit suicide few times. I was few years ago. I failed, though i think a part of me died that time - I feel so empty and void now, like zombie or something.
as cheesy as >>165san sounds, he's actually right. See i live in a country where our winters are all helladark, and due to irregular sleeping habits i go about two months with less than 5 hours of sun a week. This + not really moving a lot really really sucks.
But lately i've started going downtown on foot / skateboard (when it's dry enough) which is just plain awesome, skating 13km a day is so the happypill you wouldn't believe it.
I procrastrinate... a lot. It´s really bothersome.
I just got Animal Crossing. Tom Nook's shop closes at 11. What the FUCK.
Sooner or later we'll have to get a board for psychological problems. Some of you are whack.
You know those times when the entire universe seems to be against you? I'm having one right now.
As backstory, my desktop's motherboard crapped out about two weeks ago. I finally got around to buying a new mb on ebay... get it in, hook everything up, things are good, right? Well, I get antsy and decide I want to take the old USB jacks out of the front of my case and throw in the extra USB2.0 jacks that came with the board. Of course, some custom work was involved... okay, power on, ERROR LOADING OS. OH SHI-
I should add that I currently have two HDDs, and I'm dual-booting Windows and LUNIX. So, okay, I'm tired of Fedora anyway, let's just get rid of it. Time to fix the MBR - well, I can't. My copy of XP isn't bootable, so I can't get to the recovery console. But that's okay, I've got the (6) XP boot floppys.... NO WAIT, THEY'RE CORRUPT. Okay, okay... I'll download a fresh copy.
It's wonderful when every single layer of your contingency plan fails miserably, lol.
I'm not surprised you're tired of Fedora. Try Ubuntu instead.
I slept funny and now my back hurts.
I have failed my Japanese class. This is seriously affecting me. Now I have nothing to do but to quit college, pack my bags and go home. And even that is getting hard for me. I have nobody to talk to except my parents and girlfriend. And she lives far away from me. I miss her. ;__;
But then, I also will see her again. I will find a meaning in my life. I am not a teenager anymore. I will accept some responsibility.
Good job >>177, it's never the end of the world
>>179 = Ganbatte ne? = Good luck/go for it/wish you well.
I don't think I did very well on that Network Security exam.
I don't think anyone did.
This sounds like a girl in my class. I want to fuck her.
Dude, you sound like you're bored by yourself. Get up, get out, and do things. Really. If nothing else, it will increase the odds of running into someone else who likes you.
Ok seriously. I hate it when people have to study every single goddamn word you say to find A HIDDEN MESSAGE. NO I DON'T HATE YOU AND I THINK THE THINGS YOU DO ARE PERFECTLY FINE. STOP TRYING TO FIND WAYS TO SAY THAT I'M AGAINST YOU. Some people are way too goddamn pompous and think they know every single thing about all of the humans that move on this planet.
what do you do when your personality changes everyday?
im not calling dr phil.
Do what you've always done~
The gameboy SP was really poorly designed:
-The buttons are too small
-Its too thin to provide a good grip
-The top screen moves the center of gravity so its even more uncomfortable to use
-Top screen really isn't neccesary at all
-The carts are needlessly small (easy to lose)
-The carts have exposed pins
i meant to post in the 'Thread for finding "DQN" or "VIP" in your ID' thread, but accidentally posted here instead.
That's a big problem. Tell us more about it.
That woman was supposed to come look at my car today at lunch, but she never called or showed up. Doesn't she realize I have a test at 2:00?! :mad:
Bleh, her messenger had left a message with my family telling me to call back today. Not knowing that, I had called her about an hour later, and she told me I would receive a call today. Additionally, my teacher said he would call her to day (for me?)
So who's calling who?
dunno, lol.
I wish those people would call me, though. They said they had to make sure they could get the loan... but they also said they would call me around 9:00am! It's almost noon now! I took off of work and everything... geez.
In Soviet Russia, Duke hates you!
I lack attention span.
Some bus driver wanted to beat me up and get my car towed off by the police because I parked at a bus station. I drove away, now I fear that I might get in trouble with the police.
I have to face my ex-gf this spring/summer holiday.
I'm too lazy/have no good motivation to lose weight/exercising.
My next official work starts september, but I can't find a decent paying job to bridge me until then.
I can't get a decent sleep cycle, mostly I spleep at day because I got nothing decent to do (or actually are too lazy to do anything, like for example writing my novel), so I'm awake at night and trolling the internet.
I got some scratches in my 10.000€ car.
I'm a bitter virgin.
The guy whom I worked for until december doesn't want to pay me what he owes me.
Hm, yeah.
I feel a cold coming on.
Valentine's day is coming up...
that wouldn't be much of a problem if people didn't keep reminding me about it
I just found out that I've got to hurry up and take another shitty correspondence course if I want to graduate in May.
Are you sure it's the wrong thread?
wtf is that shit, what thread were you trying to post that in?
is that a problem??
It's epson advertisement.
My problem:
I usually sleep in pajamas, however I decided to find out how it feels to sleep naked so I took everything off. It feels real good.
I decided to come here and post in the "post here if you're naked" thread, but I can't find it. :(
Sleeping naked is the best. That way you don't wake up with your pajamas surrounding you and shit, tangled and wrapped up in your legs when you toss and turn. It's the worst feeling ever!
no, sleeping in a nightie is the worst ever, because it rides up as it gets tangled during sleep, and you wake up with wrinkly pajamas smothering you up top, but totally uncovered from the waist down.
>>214 sounds liek a scene right out of an H game.
It's Valentine's day.
No chocolates so far... :(
pics plz
Fuck you dude, i'm in school and couldn't resist some konkon :(
hopefully administrators are H!P fans
>konkon as in rorikon?
Yes, being why it is a problem.
an American/European guy who sits alone on valentine's day, waiting for girls to shower him with chocolates = wapanese
:goes off to weaboo up L&R:
i need to move to japan, i spent like my entire pay check on my girl today. and what did i get in return? a kiss and a smile.
thats worth more than anything in the world, at least to me, or mabye its not. least you got a girl though =P, i think thats good enough
My problem is I can't figure out where >>205 was trying to post.
yeah you are right, i kinda bitter when i wrote that because i i had to write a paper and couldnt a lot of time with my girl.
I have a problem: there have been no new posts in this thread since I last checked.
Reminds me of my middle school days.
School jobs are piling up over me and I haven´t got the attention span to deal with them.
Also; I´m starting to run out of money.
Also; I´m trying to do techno, but I suck at compression.
Also; my friend keeps beating me at Go.
I went to the school cafeteria, got my food, prepared to pay... and they said 'we can't take credit cards today.' And I didn't have any cash.
I had to throw away perfectly good food.
tell /music/ about your compression woes. we're here to help.
I've got a scab in my right nostril.
I´m grateful.
My computer is electrified. I get small electric shocks from touching it and I constantly hear a buzzing sound in my earphones. I don´t know what to do about it and I currently can´t afford to have it repaired.
Don't worry about it. My computer "shocks" me too. Usually its because the outlets in your place don't have a third prong for grounding. You also might want to check the connection between your PC and headphones. The just might be some dirt in there...at least that's what I think.
....Now where was I. Ahh, yes, my problems. Where do I begin?
Everytime I write something on 2ch, I get this heart warming welcome message as a reply: いい加減にしろ
I guess no one takes me seriously.. orz
My job does not pay anywhere near what I am worth.
Why is it that so much fanfic sucks?
And why is it that when you finally find a good story, the author never gets around to finishing it?
There's nothing more depressing than seeing an epic, multi-part series that was last updated in 2002... :(
::::::::: :.::. . . Λ_Λ . . . .: ::::::::
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::::::: :.: . . / :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、i . .:: :.: :::
 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ
Dude, you read fanfic. You have bigger problems than the one you mentioned.
i'm drinking bad coffee
i'm drinking too much coffee
Or maybe the converse: you're not worth anything near what your job pays?
Thank your god you're not a starving African!
i'm not drinking coffee
i need to drink coffee to keep up in my classes.
i cant focus on my history paper
im drinking pirukuru. it's tera good.
It´s too late.
I can't find the Crappa Mikey topic
I'm fucking sick.
A few nights ago I had diarrhea, after that I just didn't feel good. Today I had to go to the hospital and get an IV because I was dehydrated. I still feel sick but it really helped.
Such fun.
i dont go out anymore cuz everyone i know is a cunthead
I have a big zit on my cheek. Does anybody know any quick remedies for deflating pimples?
I've been told you can grind up an asprin, mix it with a bit of water to make a paste, and put it on zits. Supposed to help clear it up, they say.
slowly going insane
I quit my job, the manager kept bullying me so I called her a miserable woman and quit right there on the spot. Now I am having a horrible time finding work. It was a good feeling at the time, but after checking my bank balance...it does not feel so nice. No more designer purchases for a while it seems...
I understand. I'm about fed up with my current job, but I'm used to the money - it'd be hard to scale back my purchases.
I've embarassed myself by offering poor examples in class about 3 times already, and we've still got 30 minutes to go.
I'm going to shut up now.
>>261 wow, you're reading 4-ch from class?
On the Apprentice some just described himself as "a baller." No. You're white. STFUAD.
my harddrive on my laptop crashed and i lost all the data on it along with all of my notes and midterms start next week.
I kept thinking that I AM SPARTACUS reincarnate
It's damn near impossible to find pants where the zipper doesn't bulge out in an embarrassing manner.
I like when the zipper bulges and people look at it.
Upon reflection, I find the stereotypical female anime fan to be slightly creepy.
Do they feel the same about us? :\
A good portion of the people here are probably female so you really are messing up, assuming your reader is male like that
I though what he meant was pretty clear from the context
well my bracket is completely busted
I know from Skype that there are at least two (2) females in 4-ch!
2 females and one sounds like a high-voiced guy apparently
How interesting, how interesting.
Someone stole my mom's purse and it's partially my fault because I wanted a sandwich from subway :(
I just bought the Queen's greatest video hits vol 1 and 2. I want to rip only the audio in 5.1 surround. I can't seem to find something that will let me do that in linux. =(
See post #58 at the "ITT we use DQN as a blog (58)" for my problem.
∧_∧ (´<` ;) Mine too, >>289 ;;
(; ´_ゝ`) / ⌒i
/ \ | |
/ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/ WARM. / .| .|____
\/____/ (u ⊃
I just spent all day unsuccessfully trying to get a work PC to play nice with a SATA card.
Either the world hates me or >>I is an idiot. :(
I've spent the last 2 weeks dealing with dead and flaky motherboards for a single PC.
Σ( ;゚Д゚) Tornadoes are coming this way!
>>294 Me too and my poor doggie is stuck outside :_(
there are plenty of american hikikomori. you just don't know about them, well, 'cause they're hikikomori.
sorry, that reply above seemed really random, it was in response to a comment that i didn't know was old.
hmm, a rant. this is probably a common one, but i hate my dad. :(
Got confessed to twice in past week or so.
Ignored both of them.
Feeling guilty now, but still extremely pissed at the distraction.
I have way to much money and free time. Plus I'm ridiculously handsome. Basically, my life sucks.
I am pledging for a fraternity and it sucks
I've spent the last 35 hours playing Fate/Stay Night, but only the first route is translated. WHY???
Makes me wish Moon was an obligatory part of my public education, like English is over there. I might be at least able to make out more than a few phrases that way.
I want to go to japan, but I am stuck here in Moscow, I dont see any way out of this. I am just an ordinary student still have 3,5 years till the graduation. I study very bad and my mom pays for exams often. It costs a lot for our family, but I am stupid. My dream is to find a job in japanese firm..
I want to die.... X(
I shot some people and now the cops want to throw me in jail!!
WTF??!! This is America dammit!
I'm free to kill whoever pisses me off. It's my right and that's why we have guns!
I live too far away from my girlfriend. We only see each other a couple times a week.
I hate myself and I want to die
because it's cold like winter.
Turned the heater on himself.
I'm a female fatty.
What a coincidence! Last night I hung out with a fatty for about an hour and I wanted to hug her the whole time.
But I didn't because I was shy.
I want myself a fatty but I don't know where to look for one.
I don't have a social life. I'm not sure exactly how this happened. I just stopped having friends and things in high school.
I don't think I have any social disorders, I suspect any problems with chit-chat are just for want of practice. I'm not panicing or breaking down when talking to people, and I don't think I say anything socially inappropriate.
I don't look particularly bad. Not beautiful by any means, but not at all horribile visu. I'm tall and skinny and I wear collared shirts and slacks or jeans-I could easily be lost in a crowd. Maybe my hair is a bit off putting (it's long and curly, a combination that basically makes it a giant brown haze about my head).
My interests aren't such that can't have a conversation with another person. I don't really folllow sports, but I keep an eye on current events, I enjoy some popular bands, I read a lot of literature. Currently I'm in college majoring in computer science and ancient studies. I don't really have any unsufferably nerdy interests like anime or video games, and whatever interests I do have I try to keep balanced with everything else.
Maybe what happens is no one talks to me and I'm not daring enough to try talking to anyone. The end result is that I live in a world of silence and it's terribly depressing.
what in the world why did I just type all that i'm not sure if I'm going to post this or not, maybe I'll close the window.
Apparently to have a satisfying social life you have to first show interest in others. The more you listen to them and show interest in what they are doing the more they like you. It's... annoying, but to have any kind of social life I'm kind of forced to do it! It's come so far that when they ask of my activities and how I feel, I have no real answer and wish they'd not ask me and that they'd just continue on about themselves.
This in part is also a reply to >>310 But what do I do about my situation?
Not really, they're all taken.
Only skinny chicks left at your place.
Sucks to be you.
Hey me too. Come over to my place and let's bawwwwwww together.
How skinny? Anorexia is gross but no one likes fat chicks...well someone does...nevermind.
I should be drawing comic pages but I'm distracting myself from them... and I have 2 days left to put them together to be ready to show at a convention. ('A`)
No, there's not even skinny chicks left. There are no single women left here or anywhere, as far as I am aware. Every one I've talked to during the twenty years I've lived is either with someone, lesbian or both. I've talked to the pretty, the ugly, the fat and the skinny ones. Yes, I realize at least some of them must be lying to me about it, but it doesn't make any difference, since they don't want me.
It does suck to be me.
I need help/advice!
Ended a relationship shortly after graduating from University. Now finding it extremely hard to meet new people, and worried that I will never find another GF. _| ̄|○
Life is as boring as hell... Same routine every day: wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, watch jdrama, go to sleep, repeat.
Secretly hoping one day will come when there will be a drunk guy who will harrass a hot chick on the train, giving me the chance to come to the rescue.... Too bad that shit only happens on TV.
I'm a fairly smart person. I used to make excellent grades, and passed all of my classes with flying colors. A's and B's, with an occasional C.
About half-way through last year, I started to slip. Just a little, but I was still doing worse than usual. I started making C's in a few courses.
This year, I have to bust my ass to pass anything with a D, save any History or Information Technology classes (which are few). I'm getting bitched about this a lot.
My dad has driven us into debt. Basically, to sum it up, my dad is a dumbass. He loaned his gas card to his brother, who was working for him, which let his wife use it. So he was paying for three people's gas bills. He was also paying him during the winter, when nobody was working.
So, not only was he paying for three people's gas bills, but he was also paying his brother when he wasn't working. Yeah, he's a fucking genius.
Now he's picked up an addiction to internet gambling. He keeps those bills secret, so we don't have a clue how much he owes with that.
We get calls nonstop from bill collectors. I get them so much, I've made up a game. I turn of any sound making device, and I put the phone on speaker, and lay it down. I remain silent, and see how long the spokesperson stays on the line.
My record is one minute and thirty seven seconds.
I cannot function properly without love. It is very important for me to be able to do what is right without love. I consider this to be THE badge of strength and courage. However, this test is incredibly horrible as it quickly puts me into what I would can only describe as a nightmare. What sets me apart from others is that I choose not to except love whenever it arises. I decline all friendships and relationships that come about daily. I'm not angry about it, I refrain with a smile. But after time, such actions cut like a knife. People see the despair in my eyes. People make hateful comments about life around me, hoping that I might nod in agreement. I make those with anger, angrier. I intensify negativity. Yet I still believe that one must be able to carry out his intentions regardless. Essentially I claim that I can:
eat properly
exercise properly
work properly
study properly
without any form of entertainment such as TV, internet(fail), music, or masturbation, or drugs, or alcohol, or as mentioned previously love.
but im failing hard without love, which is why i am here.
Being proper = utter despair... (common sense)
My penis is huge. Woe is me...
My penis is huge. Woe is me...
I have a mild stroke everytime someone double posts three minutes apart.
I have a huge Procrastination problem, and it's worse while taking High school sports (wrestling).
Anyone could help me cure this?
I think that this one girl might have a thing for me, but then I think she doesn't, but then I think she does. I can't make up my mind about that!
Being so ronery
i do not understand what one girl wants from me.
damn, and i want to fuck her so much, but her replies (and acting) is totally random (she varies between seducing me and then the other day she acts totally sterile)
oh why
I'm ronery at Christmas!
Its so small, sorry!
I always get more depressed when I'm in love.
And I hate being openly emo about stuff.
So I keep it in.